In 2014 Jay Inslee attended a Seattle Seahawk football game. At halftime someone thought it would be a good idea to put the smiling, happy, fist pumping governor on the big screen. Mistake. Sixty thousand people erupted in Boo. Even the brainwashed woke left liberals hate him.
You provide an excellent display of tweets from the imbecile Dr. Shah . . . Perhaps you have heard, it was news earlier this week about how the CDC was disappointed that only 1-2% of eligible Americans have received their new covid booster. That did my heart good.
The problem with the west coast is the voting is fake as hell. Inslee, Kate and Trudeaus Twin? Cmon, yea some voted for them but no way they won shit.
In 2014 Jay Inslee attended a Seattle Seahawk football game. At halftime someone thought it would be a good idea to put the smiling, happy, fist pumping governor on the big screen. Mistake. Sixty thousand people erupted in Boo. Even the brainwashed woke left liberals hate him.
You provide an excellent display of tweets from the imbecile Dr. Shah . . . Perhaps you have heard, it was news earlier this week about how the CDC was disappointed that only 1-2% of eligible Americans have received their new covid booster. That did my heart good.
I’ve done quite a bit of research on Dr. Shah so we’ll keep a close eye on him and I’ll keep trying to verify his credentials as a medical doctor.