September 30, 2022
Time: 9:11am
Day 944 of Covid 19 insanity
“I never in all my life took any mean advantage of an enemy.”—Wild Bill Hickok
Hola, Lawmakers, assistants, council members and unhealthy expurts.
First, I’d like to welcome newly added city council members, and assistants, and also my new subscribers. The Vaccine Reaper Report is a weekly report for lawmakers and health ickspurts. The health experts as they are referred to by mainstream media are no longer considered experts of health due to their reckless promotion of an experimental substance that is highly toxic for humans and has now murdered over 40,000 Americans. They refuse to recognize a single death, thus they’re not a fucking expert anymore.
The report also has additional writings on the damaging vaccine. It is double fact checked and we / I are ready and willing to face all challengers on anything written on the VRR. Thus far only one council member has stepped forward to challenge the VRR. Here is her challenge.
“SAFE AND EFFECTIVE….cluck…cluck..cluck”
That’s it. You might as well be talking to a brick wall. I don’t have time for that. People are dying.
The ultimate goal of the report is to stop the genocide--to awaken those who are blind participants and show them their actions are killing people. A good kick in the balls, or a bitch slap upside the head is an effective tool, but I must do it via keyboard where I am fully protected by the first amendment of which the participants in the genocide are doing a damn good job of killing that as well.
The report is primarily directed at the genocide participants in Washington State. Those are the ones receiving the kick in the balls and bitch slap. Another goal is to get the report out to the 7.5 million residents in Wa. State, stand naked in front of them completely exposed as a person single handedly challenging the participants of this genocide. But, and you’re not suppose to start a sentence with the word but, but, I’m doing it anyway because I’m a rebel writer and we’re in a war—no rules. I’m not alone. My subscribers are helping me get the message out.
How far is the Vaccine Reaper Report being promoted?
Elected it is going throughout the kingdom, so the kingdom will, or soon will be, reading about you. Isn’t that fucking powerful? You know it is, but you’re not a goddamn rock star. You are a servant. You do what we tell you to do not the other way around, and we don’t like being coerced into a medical experiment. Read the Nuremberg Code especially the penalty.
In addition to the above the VRR is also supported by published author Donald Jeffries. A humbling honor and I thank him for his support. He has directed new subscribers to the VRR. I’d like to buy him a beer someday. Please join me in buying all of his books.
Word salad of the day: “Community banks are in the community.”—Kamala Harris
My apologizes to all for the lateness of this week’s report. I’ve been going hard since Feb, 29, 2020 and needed a little down time—eleven days, five states, Napples--Idaho,
Whitefish, Glacier National Park, Blackfeet Nation, Great Falls, Helena, Bannack Ghost Town, Bozemen, Billings, Little Big Horn, Glendive,--Montana,
Bismarck, North Dakota,
Sturgis, Deadwood, Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse--South Dakota,
Lusk, Jackson, Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park-- Wyoming, back to Montana—Livingston @ world famous Murray Hotel, Butte, back to Idaho--Wallace, and 3,724 miles later I’m back in the war.
Trip Report
Early on in my trip I detected a little hostility. I was driving the speed limit--95mph, barely keeping up with the locals in Idaho / Montana and they were riding my ass something fierce. A little investigating and I determined the cause of the hostility. I’m in a red state driving a rental car from a communist blue state with Oregon plates. Several locals told me they don’t think too highly of blue state woke communists. I pointed to my hair. No green, no pink, no purple. Their hate order goes like this, California, Oregon, Washington. Or Oregon, California, Washington, but some of them told me the hate order is Washington, Oregon then California. It doesn’t matter my hate plate was in there no matter what order. I had to do something or face returning this rental car all beat to shit.
Dully, all it took was a $3.00 bumper sticker. When I returned the rental car to Enterprise I told him how I saved his car—saved my life. I showed him the bumper sticker. He said, “Brilliant.” I told him they should have these “Let’s Go Brandon” stickers placed on the bumpers for all cars with Oregon, California or Washington plates that have plans to drive to a red state. He agreed.
Now many of you pushing this kill shot believing the planet is overpopulated I’m going to debunk you with a picture because pictures don’t fucking lie. On the Blackfeet Nation I went 15 miles at 90+mph and didn’t see a car in any direction. A few cows on the road and a bunch of stray dogs but no humans. Do you think Klaus Shwab or Bill Gates has ever been to the Blackfeet Nation?
My last night found me in a bar in a very haunted building in Wallace Idaho. A three-story building that is being restored back to life by a new owner. I talked to her. She showed me her ghost video--impressive. She told me in addition to the bottom bar there is going to be another bar on the second floor with the attached balcony. The third floor will be for guests. I’ll return.
The bar was hopping with life—shots of whiskey, karaoke, laughter, dancing and not a single mask. A man came up to me and asked me where I was from. I reluctantly said Seattle—here we go again. He said, “I’m sorry.” He told me about Govenor Jay Inslee and what a fucking WEF communist traitor pig he is. I nodded in agreement. He told me the vaccine was bullshit and nobody in this bar has taken the shit shot. I told him the WEF traitor communist governor fired me for not taking the bullshit shot. He told me I was smart and that I’m in good company. I bought him a beer.
Official Business
How is that for another big giant kick in the balls elected?
Do you think it’s going to eventually get to Washington State? Can you hear that $ucking sound coming out of the State budget? Can you feel the terminated police, firefighters, schoolteachers, transit workers rage?
Here’s another hard kick in the balls.
Federal judge strikes down Biden administration’s Head Start vaccine, mask mandate
“U.S. District Judge Terry A. Doughty issued a permanent injunction against federal agencies enforcing Head Start vaccine and masking requirements.
In his ruling, Doughty found that the plaintiffs had satisfied the requirements to warrant a permanent injunction. He ruled that the plaintiffs — a group of Head Start teachers from across the country along with several state governments — faced a “substantial threat of irreparable injury” if the mandate wasn’t taken down.”
Read it and weep. Source
Here is one for our so called health X-purts. Your science collapsed. Ooops. You’re bullshit lies collapsed. Oooops.
The Science is collapsing in New Zealand—source
Question: If we’re all using the same science and it collapses in New Zealand doesn’t that mean it has to have collapsed in Seattle and every other place on planet earth?
In last week’s report Dr. Shah was the back peddling golden heath ofphisal of the week having gone a full five days without mentioning Covid 19 or vaccine. Well, he blew that all to hell this week aggressively pushing an experimental medical procedure that has murdered over 40,000 Americans. Dr. Shah please go to the CDC VAERS site. I’ve already provided you with the link.
Here’s one for you Dr. Shah.
Das ist alles elected. God willing you will receive another report next week and remember this is going out far and wide throughout the Kingdom in an attempt to save us from you. Won’t you join us?
Receipt of delivery—another on time delivery.
The problem with the west coast is the voting is fake as hell. Inslee, Kate and Trudeaus Twin? Cmon, yea some voted for them but no way they won shit.
You provide an excellent display of tweets from the imbecile Dr. Shah . . . Perhaps you have heard, it was news earlier this week about how the CDC was disappointed that only 1-2% of eligible Americans have received their new covid booster. That did my heart good.