"O say can you see?" Made me laugh, Mike.

I didn't know crows have it in them to forgive. But I don't doubt it. I'm sure you know more about crows than I. In any case, I once read an article about crows' intelligence that blew my mind. You may know of it already, but I'll share:

An experiment was done to see if crows had the intelligence to use tools. (I believe it was at one time decided that intelligence in human beings was indicated when we started using rocks to break open shells... or something like that.) Anyway, the experiment went like this:

Meat was placed under a grate, out of reach of crows. A few pieces of wire were placed near the grate. Scientists wanted to know if the crows would be smart enough to use the wires to try and hook out the food. Lo and behold, they did try. But, when the meat repeatedly got knocked off the end of the wire as it was being pulled through the grate, the crows became frustrated, and took a different approach. They actually BENT the end of the wire so the meat would not fall off, and were able to hook the meat from under the grate. In other words, they not only USED tools, they actually MADE one! Astounding!

Anyway, thought I would share. Thanks for the article.

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Yes I've seen those Josh. Most of the tools the crows make are while they are captive. Not many if any of them making tools in the wild, but they will turn a plastic lid into a snow sled and slide down a hill. Thanks.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

"suspiciously fingering Hunter". LOL, LOL, LOL.

Okay, calm down Dave.

The pic of crows is wonderful. How was the garbage can dumped out? Raccoons? I have that problem here. Just last night one got up on my back porch and took apart the hummingbird feeder. Luckily, I was able to clean and reassemble it. The hummers are back eating.

I LOVE crows. Be sure to tell them that, I value my wipers.

By the way, I have never done coke, so was unfamiliar with the terms bandied about, like "bump".

I did however do blotter acid ONE time in 1972.

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Dave, I'm not sure how the can was knocked over.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

True “acid” story: a construction worker on a job my husband was at was complaining about having gout; husband said, “Oh, you must be real acidic”......guy defensively answers back, “NO, I haven’t dropped acid in over 10 years!”


This was a great bonus Substack tonight. Don’t know how I missed it. Thanks for the “news” laughs before bedtime!

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Sweet dreams LeeAnn

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More rage. I just got this Substack from Steven Donzinger. I forgot I had subbed to it. But I can't comment unless I'm PAID. I was SO ready to comment on this BS.

Look at the cities on his "speaking tour", the very cities in the very states that were used to commit the full blown election fraud in 2020, the only cities/counties they needed to corrupt the election.

This guy is an "activist" the same way Obama was. He is a Marxist/Commie. And this Smalls guy? Is he a BLM sympathizer? Or just another marxist? There must actually be stupid Americans who will PAY for tickets to hear these assholes speak.


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Ewee that smell🎸

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deletedJul 7, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins
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Bring the rage G.

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