I'm not happy you are celebrating subscriber losses. It makes me sorry for sharing your stack with others...I feel like a fool.

That is terrible how they are creating news stories with nameless victims to fuel their agendas and give the illusion that gov't is on top of these things! Just give them more control!!

If Trump and his esteemed family are misbehaving aliens, I will gladly give him my vote over the other choices. I'm not going to not vote...the Dems are destroyers.

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I’m not celebrating I’m proving a point. The awakened can’t see. There is no two party system. They are one. Some of them could win an Oscar for their performance.

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Told my son the other day that the biden admin would be powerless without the help of the republicans

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Hmm sounds like this is going in the direction of collecting data on the passengers. And someone will get a bunch of nice, juicy contracts to make that happen.

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Might involve needing an entire transit security to keep people safe.

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Time to invest in walking shoes.

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wow. the PLOT Thickens.. extra good one Mike!

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It's going to get a lot thicker too.

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