I think I’ll buy that book on ESP.
In my 23 year career as a transit operator I believe I observed the local news media staging false flag events using King County Metro buses. They used them at the Greenwood explosion and the amphibious duck crash. I spent around three months down the rabbit hole on each one of those FF’s. Now we have this bullshit alien story.
There might have been an assault but not on a 76-year-old driver instructor. King County Metro doesn’t have a driver instructor position and there is nobody I know of at East Base who is 76 years old. I sent a text to an East Base driver and asked him who is this 76-year-old instructor. He doesn’t know who it is. All drivers go through training and it is a month long. It is in the training you learn how to operator a bus. So what are they doing? Why fabricate these transit stories? It almost always leads to and the thrill of ma$$ deception. Remember who owns the media and they own all of it. Donald Trump has government ran by Reptilians and they also run all forms of media and Hollywood. They are not hiding either.
And in the process if they can get their corpse who they placed as leader of the United States to look good they will.
The attacker stayed awhile with his big stick so passengers could photograph him with their phones and after he was sure everyone got a picture of him from every possible angle he announced where he was fleeing to and casually walked off. Did he pay his fare? Big problem on the 550 route. I know I drove it for a few years. I stopped at that exact zone hundreds of times. My worst experience at that zone is a semi truck trailer took my mirror off. It was loud. I got about an hour break before I got another bus and they plugged me back into service.
Read their lies here.
The VRR Alien Series HERE.
I'm not happy you are celebrating subscriber losses. It makes me sorry for sharing your stack with others...I feel like a fool.
That is terrible how they are creating news stories with nameless victims to fuel their agendas and give the illusion that gov't is on top of these things! Just give them more control!!
If Trump and his esteemed family are misbehaving aliens, I will gladly give him my vote over the other choices. I'm not going to not vote...the Dems are destroyers.
Hmm sounds like this is going in the direction of collecting data on the passengers. And someone will get a bunch of nice, juicy contracts to make that happen.