Oct 29, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

LOL! Great Sunday post, but try not to amputate any body parts during advanced testing!

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I almost wrote insert penis jokes here.

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don't do that your email box will be flooded w/ 'ads" for male hood enhancers.. the world has lost it.

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This is a Sunday Special Substack. Absolutely love it!

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Mike; thanks. It occurs to me, what of course we really could use is a home test for mRNA/Nanotech in meat and additionally Glyphosate(s?) in plants. But maybe we can pirate something else? Anyway, the person that invents that will make big bucks. Could be a win-win.

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Brilliant stack Mike!

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It still amazes me that most people seem to have NO questions about the tests. Has anyone else had this experience?

Friend: I have covid. Again.

Me: How do you know??

Friend: (Indignant voice) Well! I tested POSITIVE!

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I mentioned this fact in a local paper that eventually wouldn't print my writing anymore.


After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.

In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.

So why are these POS kits still being used??

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Wow so they post you anymore.. well there are other places to post..

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I currently do not own a sub stack home so I walk through 'authors' neighborhoods picking up stuff. Lots of data and links to data out there after wading through the emotional stuff. The link below is not new info, just a updated version of what's been tumbling around the digital streets. Might be worth contemplating at the least. Like Jacquelyn, I have never had anything to do with darts or testing but my inner circle has.

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OCT 27, 2023. SUBSTACK

Cyborg Parts coming out of nasal swab test sticks - Part 1

nasal injection of Nanotech into the nose and brain


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And when I saw those swabs being stuffed up into one's "upper nasal" area right then: I said no way.. who knows what those "so called sterile" swabs have on them? and of course by default .. you are giving them your DNA.. I know because that is how the DNA 23 and me is done but the swab is on your inside cheek. which by the way would have worked just as well. (I had training in forensics).. but it one doesn't need to have training to in forensics to know this.. it is all over the news and TV about the genetic testing done by epithelial cells swabs.. so obviously the Covid virus would be one's mouth.. since if one was positive: I know because when I had Covid my whole head was so stuffed "snot or whatever drained out of my every place in my head" copiously.. (trying not to gross but it was huge mess) read your post. very interesting.

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I am so paranoid, I wouldn't even touch or open the thing. I won't even go into a Walgreen's or a pharmacy that gives jabs. I don't share silverware or plates with my jabbed ex who is still my housemate and I am seeking a way out of this situation as well long term.

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aww .! sad for you. You can't get it from him now.. but I hear you I hate Walgreen's.. all those people w/ their masks on.. in line to get their next booster.. who knows what stage they are in.

Have a good Sunday.

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I have a heck of a transfection story. It was simple, a nightmare, short duration, of waking up with a bandaid on my arm. Thing is, at 57 years old then, I had never had a nightmare in my life till that day. It felt more like my body telling me something had happened from sleeping near a (then) recently jabbed person. That was the last night. It felt cellular, my body trying to warn me of something. Done.

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i really did laugh when I saw that; where did you ever find that note about the Jackfruit paw paw African leader who tested positive? My sister went through similar "issues" opening and using her "test kit.".. and of course she tested positive. She knew she had it. Abbott labs should be ashamed of itself. I wonder who actually gets paid to put together "swab" made in..... where Thailand.. yep.. I am sure that is sterile.. sure. The test kits which have rolling around trucks or the store. When I actually had covid last year, I did not need a test kit to know that I was sick. I had a horrible metallic taste in my mouth. I could not smell or taste food. I devised a scheme of burning oranges to see when my smell return. The night I knew I had it. July 21, 2022 I was making coffee (I grind my own beans) at night depending on what I have to do the next day.. so I can just turn the coffee maker on: I could no longer smell the coffee beans. The next day. all kinds of clear snot running out of my nose.. ears. yep. ears.. and my head was so filled w/ congestion. There was no need for a kit. and I said to myself: DO NOT GO the Hospital no matter what. I had my own nebulizer here as an ex smoker of cigarettes.. broke that out and used it. Z pack. Zinc.. lots of tylenol..and now it turns out. and because I am an aspirin user.. and worked in medicine, figured Aspirin (which is a blood thinner as well).. is exactly the right combination, It was one of the worst cases of a bad cold I ever had. Also turns out that massive amounts of anti coagulants (like Aspirin) work extremely well to thin the blood which has now been established that would also eliminate the blood clotting (which some people get from the VAX or getting Corona. I just recently found out that.. one can now PURCHASE.. Z Pack, hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin On line. reviewed by a doctor.. from a service in Boca Ratan Florida. for 130.00. which I haven't done yet.. but I do have Z pack handy. Then a friend of mine who was vaxxed and also developed kidney disease stage 3 after he got the vax (against my advice of course) he saw this show .. he still watches 'the MSM".. check out FULL MEASURE.. which discusses the lack of oxygen to tissues through out the whole body,, I have listened to this many times. Because I worked in medicine I had a educated gut instinct about how to deal w/ this. Regardless of what ANYONE SAYS: don't take the Vaccine... and in fact now I won't be taking the Flu vaccine because it has more clear that vaccines, and the ancillary 'equipment' like swabs.. and and packagine made in other countries.. are tainted. anyway. I need to go.. as always.. ENJOY. :)


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