heard another owl, definitely another great horned, while exiting a bird sanctuary park at dusk on new years eve. was off in the distance and nowhere near as loud and clear as the owl that I heard at night last week. we saw some nice gators too at the park, one really big girl....easy 10-12 feet long.

earlier that morning, I was taking pictures of all the spraying in the sky. looked over these pictures the next day and see that a couple of them also caught a light blue orb

and just generally getting a feeling that something is a little off in the world

i think people are just too busy and caught up to really see and hear what is all around them

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Orbs are all over. I've got some of the most amazing orb videos. I had a green one follow me and I recorded it. Another in a cemetery around midnight in Penkridge England. They are some of my prized Supernatural trophies.

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very interesting,

at first thought maybe a trick of lighting? but it is such a perfect circle, that seems doubtful?

and since i often accidentally take photos on 'live' mode you can see the orb dancing around for a second or so in the three pictures

soon to get these photos on my computer for a better view

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that's weird because I never see any owls.

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You probably will now.

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You hit the nail on the head jwslaw .... people are too busy looking doomly DOWN to look UP and see the wondrous signs like rainbows, birds and orbs in the sky, that God manifests for us earthlings every day in a mighty attempt to encourage, enlighten, and uplift us.

A message from a Great Horned Owl is a GREAT privilege indeed - especially when they are so busy ATM. Most cultures and religions agree that they represent wise messengers from God Almighty, with warnings aimed at preparing us for pot-holes ahead and perhaps personal danger, unless we change our path and plan that is? These magnificent birds are NOT messengers from the fictitious moon or underworld as most cabal stooges foolishly believe! They are night-shift messengers of the sun sent by our GREAT CREATOR about the underworld, forewarning as about what cockatrice plan Satan is hatching next. Having said that I can understand why these heinous cabal stooges would view a visit from a Great Horned Owl in such a negative way - because they know that soon afterwards, its game over for them.

I had a significant visit from a Great Horned Owl on my birthday in January 2013, at a time when I wasn't having a very happy birthday because I was politically active and high on the target list of the usual culprits. Saddened by what was going on in my life and the demise of our world in general, whilst alone on my deck that evening, I cried out to God that I want to come home because my heart couldn't bear anymore and that I will give my life willingly to God TODAY, if it will help save others from the horror that is to come.

To my surprise and delight, an owl fluttered on to a bush near my deck soon afterwards, hooting loudly. She settled on a branch, looked at me and then softly twittered a message which put the thought in my head that if I continue down this perilous high-level political stooge whistle blowing path, the persecution will not only get much worse for my family, but I will get my wish granted and would be martyred later that year. I wasn't afraid, but it struck me then that I wasn't ready to die yet. Not only would it be futile cause I hadn't fulfilled the mission God had sent me here to do, but I didn't want to give the buggers the satisfaction of getting rid of me that easily. No sooner than that realization entered my head, my lips started twittering owl sounds back to my nocturnal visitor. I have a gift of being able to communicate with and heal all creatures great and small, but I didn't know I could speak in owl language! Strangely, I didn't understand the sounds that came out of my own mouth, but got the strong feeling that it was an urgent message back to God, to the effect I have changed my mind and are not ready to die and give up yet without fulfilling my mission of saving many more souls in the future. My twitter included a promise to cease trying to save the world on my own in political ways, with traps set by the enemy therein and that it would be much wiser to re-strategise and to instead use my spiritual gifts in a much more discrete, positive and powerful way. The Owl flew off and I guess God must have got my message back, because despite many further attempts on my life subsequently, I have become invincible and am still alive and kicking today - 11 years later. As I am certain are the multitude of other light workers out there through out the world, God bless 'em, who receive messages from Great Horned Owls and heed their loving caring warnings and advice.

This interesting thread (many thanks Marvelous Mike and his super sub-stack supporters) encouraged me to reflect again on this beautiful creature and what a visit from one may signify. I found the following article particularly informative and figured it may be of interest to other readers like myself, in need of a refresher course on Great Horned Owls and the significance of a visit from one .....


HOOT HOOT HOOT (love and peace)


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Great owl story E. The messenger owls are so amazing they will sacrifice their life to bring you the message. It has happened to me three times and it is very disturbing to experience. On one of them I brought the owl back home and in a box I brought it in my house. I gave it a tour of my home. I said this is where you see me eat, this is where you see me sleep and this is my office where you perch outside in the tree and deliver your messages to me. I told the owl its spirit is welcome here anytime and then I buried it in my garden. Thanks for sharing.

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I can empthaise with your sad but uplifting story Mike. In the midst of Genocide No. 1 in 2021, when I was touring around NZ in my van with my dogs and cats frantically trying to find a safe place to stay, a Hawk sacrificed its life to warn me. It was night time and I was obviously heading in the wrong direction, because suddenly a giant hawk appeared on the road immediately in front of my van with its wings outstretched. Because of the speed I was traveling on the open road, alas there was no time to stop or swerve safely, so I was forced to run it over. That was the first time in my life I had ever run over wildlife and I love hawks, so after I had stopped to bury it, I cried me a river.

If only us earthlings would heed the messages we are sent when heading down the wrong path, God wouldn't need to sacrifice these beautiful birds in an attempt to try and warn and save us.

Love you!!!

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Yes there is definitely is a strong connection Mike! The Owls send God's messages to his children of the sun on how best to rid this planet of hostile aliens. The messages can be passed on in variety of ways .... too numerous to list. eg I recall forgetting the password to log-in to my new email address once and had to send an important message. Shortly after, my wise old owl sent me the six word code in a curious email I received shortly after from my friend in England. God works in secure and mysterious ways, heh?

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One early morning I was recording an owl who was very close to my house. On the playback in between hoots, the owl says, "YOU ARE A FRIEND TO US."

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Did that friendly white owl, manage to pass on the six hoot message during your session, I wonder?

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I think it was a Great Horned owl on that message. They go back and forth, GH to Barred owl. The Barred owl brought me the alien in my family room. Flew right past me and crashed into the side of my house. It's message, MIKE THE ALIEN IS COMING TO YOU IN THIS ROOM.

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Wow, that transformation of Owl messengers is truly incredible Mike and something I have never experienced. Maybe because after a visit from my GH owl in 2013, I quickly decided to transform. . However, just in case I get a visit from The Barred Owl, I thought I had better be prepared so I checked out my current source at -


and noted this:

"Transformation and Change

The barred owl is also closely linked to the concept of transformation and change. Through its ability to silently fly through the night, the owl represents the notion of transitioning from one phase of life to another. Just as the owl molts its feathers to renew itself, it urges us to embrace change and transformation as a necessary part of personal growth and evolution".

Is it possible that your early morning owl friends were trying to warn you that it will hinder your cosmic evolution and personal growth and put you and them at risk, if you don't embrace transformation and change your way of doing things? Just a thought.

The other thing I was wondering about that message, was the alien coming to you in your room one of the good aliens or one of the bad guys? Lets not forget there are good aliens too working hard out there trying to help you with your mission.

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I take all of my owl messages as a positive even if they tell me negative aliens are coming to my home.

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re : item #8 ...there is a movie called MISSING 411 THE HUNTED and there is a segment about a female hunter up in a hunting tree stand and she sees something EXACTLY like you described.

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i hear owls frequently as i live in the forest. someone gave me an owl wing years ago, and it is beautiful. i love it when they fly over me when i am working in the woods. they make not a sound. you have to be aware of them in other ways. when i chance upon one, i always have a chat with it. but, then again, i talk to everything out there.

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