The Vaccine Reaper Report Alien Series HERE.
This morning around 2:45am I ran a garden talk session. The talk is on my alien encounter on November 19, 2016 in my home. The session went a little choppy. A strange sound started as soon as I go outside sabotaging my session. The drone is back.
I ran the session anyway but wasn’t happy with it. This is the second session I’ve ran attempting to discuss that night. The first session was sabotaged by 50 crows who wanted to add a little to my story. Yes, they are a part of it. I’ve never told anyone other than a very close friend of mine and my wife. And now it’s going out to the world. The World Wide Web.
It is very common that those who have been abducted or have an alien experience do not share it. It’s too strange. Too unbelievable. And many are seriously traumatized by the experience. Who wants to add to it by sharing it and getting attacked by humans who want to be the first to debunk your experience. It’s a feel-good thing for them. I guess.
I was in the Ufology community for over 20 years, so I know this. As a moderator on a conspiracy forum, I witnessed it when someone posted their alien encounter. My alien encounter is like none you’ve ever heard before. Does an ET abduction ever go wrong? Do they always go perfectly as planned? If it does go wrong don’t expect to see Christiane Amanpour sharing it on CNN. Aliens completely control the media so they can control what gets out about them.
I haven’t reviewed my session, but I decided some background about me at the time might help. By the date of this post, Feb 29, 2016 which just happens to be four years to the day that they would launch their genocide to exterminate humanity I published this article. It is a synchronicity post on owls. The end date on this is 9/8/2016 which is just three days away from the 9/11 Memorial featuring Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I told you I credit the owls as my source for finding what I did. Eight billion people on planet earth and I’m the only one who sees it. Nobody sees the THINGS in there where their hands float through the rails. Nobody sees Chris Christie grow an alien digit. Nobody sees their soul-less black eyes. Nobody sees Hillary get her arm blown off. And it seems nobody gives a fuck either. The dominant thought where I live is will the Seahawks make it to the Super Bowl. GO HAWKS!!! PLEASE GOD!!!!
Super Bowl is on February 11th. You know I’ve written a lot on the number 11—super occult magik. The SB color chosen is purple. Republican red, mixed with Democrat blue creates purple. I’ve already shared that with you in a previous alien post. Their message is they are one. They believe they are royalty. Wake up.
It doesn’t matter if you vote democrat or republican you are going to get an alien. I GUARAN-FUCKING-TEE IT.
That text exchange was just four days after my real alien encounter. I already have Nikki Haley as an alien. The VRR waaaaaaaaaaaay out in front. Start believing it. I’ll show you what I see on the edge of the wave. I’ll show you how deep this rabbit hole goes. Better jump off now Republicans, jump off now Democrats and everyone else who believes there is a political solution to genocide #1 and the IN YOUR FACE genocide #2. WAKE THE FUCK UP.
heard another owl, definitely another great horned, while exiting a bird sanctuary park at dusk on new years eve. was off in the distance and nowhere near as loud and clear as the owl that I heard at night last week. we saw some nice gators too at the park, one really big girl....easy 10-12 feet long.
earlier that morning, I was taking pictures of all the spraying in the sky. looked over these pictures the next day and see that a couple of them also caught a light blue orb
and just generally getting a feeling that something is a little off in the world
i think people are just too busy and caught up to really see and hear what is all around them
that's weird because I never see any owls.