Wow...I hear ya friend. If you were serious about the boy not knowing his mother, I am seeing similar things...and so many synchronicities these days it isn't funny. If I didn't know better I would think someone was reading my mind. Ha ha.

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The older one gets the more so called synchronicity happens.. if you have a good visual memory.. but you knew that already. Especially if you live in the same community for years. it is normal. It would abnormal not to have synchronicity if you think about it.. Todd.. :)

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There just seems to be more synchronicities than "normal"...and yes, the more you notice them, the more you have.

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Hey, it must have been his *mother* but the boy never called her that.

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What a rich, wonderful, creative and perceptive mind you have. And you do ask the best snarky questions!!!

We are all trying our best to hold onto our humanity in these insane times and you are always there to bring us back to some semblance of sanity...

And yes, humans are becoming nearly unrecognizable, borged and ever more unpredictable. It isn't the Walking Dead version (yet) but we are slipping into the zombie apocalypse. The shifts are too subtle for most to see, but it is there if you can perceive it...

I often feel sad for the kids, being vaxxed into oblivion and heads fused to their devices - just shy of being consumed by the metaverse - but I doubt they will even notice their capture by the time it is complete...

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Thanks P. I’ve been noticing something very strange with the vaxx. Maybe they are being unplugged from source. How strange will it get?

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very strange...and definitely, we are losing our connection to source...minds hacked, souls in jeopardy (perhaps already hacked) and stopping it all in its tracks doesn't look possible. Our empathy and compassion is being neutered -- even our impulse to survive...it's happening to us all at different rates, but I feel sure it is happening...we were hackable after all, I'm sorry to say. Shutting down the control mechanisms will be impossible now that we are all traumatized, MK ultra'ed and in the killbox, without the will to survive...

Now, how to get out of here gracefully before I can't? I just hope I can know the exact time to exit, since I do like to stick around until the movie ends, no matter how frightening the movie is?

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Just imagine if our kids had pure water (no fluoride, no chemicals, no chlorine), unpasteurized milk, no electronics like social media, phones etc., and no social engineering! Of course I'd add

no vaxxines, and be able to play and learn like real human children used to do.

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We fight for our grand kids. I want to experience freedom before I die.

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It's truly heartbreaking...tragic...

and...Imagine if we all hadn't been poisoned and controlled our whole lives...it's truly heartbreaking that none of us - throughout history - have ever been allowed to reach our full potential...we would all be ascended masters by now...I really hope that on some level, this is all just a bad dream...or a simulation, or an illusion...

I was suspicious and paranoid about this place/realm/existence from childhood - I remember telling my mother that there was something really wrong here...with this life experience. She told me I was an empath and that it would be difficult to see some aspects of this world. I said, whoever set this place up was cruel and heartless.

I never bought the notion that you have to see the bad to know the good. That it shouldn't require predation and war and starvation and suffering. Anyway, always felt that way...never wanted to bring a child into this...in fact, I do relish being the last Stonebrooke in my family tree...I like the idea of taking it out...sorry to go on and on...Mike inspires me to bare my soul, I guess...

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Weird synchronicity.

My wife asked me to get a can of diced tomatoes for her.

I got the can, looked at the top and then flipped it upside down and told her to open the

bottom since it's cleaner. This was not 10 seconds before I saw your picture of the upside down can.

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A lot of this going on right now.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

I know it seems trivial, but what the heck are the odds?

We never open cans upside down, and nobody posts a picture of an upside down can,,, like ever! LOL.

At least it wasn't you posting a picture of your wife's car after an accident and my wife calling to say she had a car accident. I'd be like "shit's gettin real." Make sure to tell her to drive REAL careful and I'll tell mine the same.

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Many of my readers have told me about our synching up or I tell them. I synch’d up with another subscriber on Friday along with Wile E. Coyote. My wife’s car is in the shop, again.

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Mike, I see to the right of your chemtrail photo a picture of the Easy Rider crew. I had that poster hanging on my wall when I was a kid. My mother took me to see that movie when I was about 5yo. That movie struck a chord with me then, as it still does today.

Ps, Where can I get me a can of that Orwellian cranberry sauce? Up is down, and down is up. Lol.

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I saw it as a kid too. Same reaction. Photo is signed by the three. Jack is the only one still alive. I’ll see if my wife can get a can for you.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

Reminded myself of the movie, “They Live” - …”got one that can see”https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DPZOi8EgcYM&pp=ygUjVGhleSBsaXZlIC0gd2UgZ290IG9uZSB0aGF0IGNhbiBzZXI%3D

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I love that movie,, but I am not in the mood for it today. that is a really strange oldie but goodie ...

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So far... everything you say makes perfect sense; but so has the incomprehensible become conventional.

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Crazy you say? My close relative called me yesterday morning to check on me, since I had a bad spell Thursday-Saturday. For some reason she felt she had to tell me a man they know died of a heart attack unexpectedly. I wanted to ask if he was vaxxed. I refrained.

Then she went on about "something is going around again, everybody's sick", and she was going to wear a mask when she went out to the eye doctor this week. I wanted to tell her masks don't work. I refrained.

Then she went on and on about how things are bad now all over, and that, in her words, "there are too many people, just too many people". I told her that was "fucking ridiculous bull shit to say that, and that is the lie they are using to justify killing us all to save the Earth".

I guess I shouldn't have used the F word. She was "offended", mainly at me saying her idea was stupid. I had to tell her about Agenda 2030 and the WEF, which she was clueless about, so of course she thinks I'm nuts.

I must have brought up Constitutional Rights and freedom to refuse to wear a mask, etc., because she then said her "Daddy always said freedoms will be the death of us". Okay, and what the fuck does that even mean? I told her we are being run by a criminal regime that wants to remove our freedoms.

She doesn't handle hearing facts well, and the conversation devolved into how she really thought about me.

Crazy you say? Luckily, she cut the conversation short because another call came in.

Side note - her Daddy was a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, a good man, but not perfect.

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Until you said her dad was a veterinarian, I was thinking you and I might be related. 😂 I’ve done this, too, where I just spewed it all out. Then felt guilty, then rationalized my rant by telling myself “I was planting seeds” 🙄

In the great words of a Seinfeld episode: “Lloyd Braun, you are not crazy”

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Thanks for your reply. There is some good news. Yesterday my car battery died. I had to call her to give me a jump, then give me a ride back from the local auto guy we use.

She acted like we had not even argued about anything. She is very loyal to family, even though she knows my beliefs.

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I guess he meant ""abuse of freedom""... As for that relative (looks like she is beyond repair): Same with my friends who say that we are too numerous on this planet. I tell them ""Beware what you wish for, beware what you say, because the globalist want to reduce the world population to only 500 millions people, and those globalists have no intention do die at all. But for that, they need our consent, and when you say that, you give your consent! I tell them about the Georgia Guide stones, agenda 2030 etc... I tell them we can turn arid regions into luscious gardens. They look at me like I am crazy. Then I tell them the Israelis grew oranges out of sand, and we can easily build vertical farms... The only 2 other aware people at the dinner table were highly amused, as you may guess!

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Nope. You’re not crazy.

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A lot of us appreciate what you do but are unable (or unwilling) to move

and everyone has reasons for action or inaction. Sometimes one is spred so thin it is difficult to make an impression but all I've gotten from you is 'Good ones..'

I hope this small, stupid message makes it a little bit easier...

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Tha Logical Song from Supertramp sums it up. “Please tell me who I am...”

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we often get checkerboards in the sky down here

but still, idiots clammer that these are nothing but regular ole contrails -- saw this recently on twitter in response to someone posting something about a new or proposed law to inquire into these chemtrails in Texas

there is an airport nearby, busy airport, but you would think anybody can realize the planes going in and out don't fly back and forth creating checker boards in the sky.

i started ranting and raving about the chemtrails in the mid-90's

nobody would listen

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Lol. Idk...what do ya think happens when connective nano bots replicate in a human body?

I guess the only way to repair the mind at one point is to plug in a quantum nanochip and reset it remotely!

On another note, I love Supertramp. Muppet Ernie could kick out any Supertramp cover. 😎😁

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Or zap it with a magnetic pulser... Been thinking about that. Because those therapeutic devices should not be used close to a computer for obvious reason. Or near your credit card. You can make a cheap one with an old photo flash unit (those that used flash bulbs, if you remember stone age stuff...)

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you dp get up early though.. ! Happy Dec 11.

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