May 16, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

5G. Some are calling this war 5GUW, unregulated warfare. More than an information war, there are psyops also used by both sides.

Look at what just took place in DC -- 150-200 masked men "marching" with American flags, all dressed identically in beige khakis, blue golf shirts. They claim to be called the Patriot Front, and are pretending to be MAGA patriots. Who do they think they are fooling? Masked? So they cannot be identified as the FBI/CIA clowns they are.

Simultaneously, the fake President gives a commencement speech at Brown U., announcing that the biggest threat to "our homeland" is White Supremacy. I guess he thinks the blacks at that U. do not know his history as a genuine racist.

The scary thing is that there are still a lot of people believing this propaganda. They will easily fall for the manufactured "civil war violence" that the deep state has planned to maintain their criminal syndicate.

By the way, and I'm sure you know, there is Q, and there are Anons, but there is no "Qanon". And it is true, as you say, NCSWIC.

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Maybe they're trying to avoid facial recognition... I dunno, but James Corbett just did a podcast about that, and there's PRIVATE companies selling our faces to LAW ENFORCEMENT. I'm not down with that, so maybe that's what those guys are addressing? I dunno.

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Yes. who are they? I never heard of them, and I live here.. they are very strange.. people are saying their are antifa: MAGA patriots do not wear BLUE GOLF SHIRTS OR MASKS; someone should make them take off the masks.. they look like American terrorists. those bizarre sunglasses and tight fitting white masks.. I am really ... of course there is no Qanon,, but who ever made that phrase up was a genius.. Q has been around since the time of James Bond.. remember?. Q.. or HQ.. etc.. anyway have a geat day. going to say hi to my FB friends.

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They are Fed Boys, most likely using some antifa pawns. Part of the anti-American rogue intel ops. Staging an event for the MSM to use as propaganda.

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How do you know? Curious is all.

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A slight correction - 5GUW, Fifth Generation Unrestricted Warfare.

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I agree, I think we need to bring the towers DOWN.

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Those idiots need their pants pulled down, leave the masks on.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Another friggin’ awesome SS & Garden Session! Thank you. Made my day.

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The post just wouldn’t have been the same without you. Thanks LeeAnn.

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Another great post

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May 17, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Oh, thank you thank you thank you thank you for posting Chi Coltrane.

What a remarkable woman and knockin it out of the park song.

She really is my kind of angel!

If I could play that while golfing there would be a vast improvement in my attitude.

If we had her music playing before a track/cross country meet or practice, the team would

have been juiced up and ready to conquer death if need be.

(instead we played We Are Champions by Queen and that wasn't bad)

btw. As a runner (formerly) I asked a Mayo doctor why I had good days and bad days running.

"Could it be related to diet", I asked her. "Nope" she said it's all the same to your body..."

Amazing, right?

Maybe you know what I'm talking about. I could run 12 miles one day and feel better and better

until mile 8 at which point I could actually sprint the last 4 miles at top speed. Then another day

it was hard to do 3 miles without my energy crashing. I had no idea if it was going to be a good day or a bad day, and that made a huge difference because you don't want to crash 6 miles from home and need to walk back. That happened to me once when a thunderstorm suddenly brewed up, my energy was flagging, then a lightning bolt struck in the ditch next to me. It about seared me, but it was like my mass was increasing infinitely and energy tanking. I barely made it home.

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I could swap running stories with you all day long. Distance runners are filled with them right? I really became a food scientist when I started training for my first marathon. You know logging in back to back 65 mile weeks requires extra ENERGY. I've switched to biking an hour or two a day with long 8-12 mile walks, but the weather is here now and I want to see if I still have the legs so I have plans to hit the track--all flat and easy. Ease back in. Thanks Scott for the comment. Super Subscriber LeeAnn is the one to thank for the song selection.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Fun thing about the 5G psyc-out is you can blame shutting down the modern Gutenberg Press on the Luddite minions.

The 5G doesn't seem to be killing the Ospreys that happily nest on the tower.

When Ray announced that you'd never read a better 5G story than his, did he credit his sources?

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Don’t know if he did or not. Like I said in my article I’m not concerned because I think the frequency can easily be altered real easy.

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I think so, too.

And there's cables across the bottom... so chainsaw-ready...

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Yes, I did credit them: my wife and I were the "sources." :)

Other than that, most of the things I write down has a large number of sources, so it's impossible to be fair to them.

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well, as far as the ospreys go...you'd have to know the quality of the eggs/offspring.

Lots of miscarraiges, and birth defects to cows under high tension wires, this was learned years ago.

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Living closer than 150 yards from a high-voltage powerline causes cancer after 10 years on average...

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What about these telecommunications cables, the big black ones?

Damn things humm out for yards and yards. And they're burying 'em all through cities. That along with the Haarp/Nexrad/5-6 G, and everything the fucktards have for weapons....it's no small miracle we're still kicking and raising hell.

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EMF sure harms.

Yes, it is a miracle.

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Life is a miracle which death cannot fathom.

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I have the same concerns!

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Some people are more sensitive than others, tho. It's like health care-- not one size fits all.

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Ah, radio engineer?

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Having fun? Each to their own. :)

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Always having fun; you?

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May 17, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Did you know that Chi was half German?

I'd love to hear her speak and sing in German. That would be awesome.

My ultimate running experience... running with my two labs on country roads under a full moon at midnight. Talk about a wolf pack on the loose! They did 6 miles leading the way, but i gave them a rest not to hurt their paws, and finished the run myself. Midnight runs!

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Mine was on a 20 mile run along a river. It's flat and paved and passes by St. Michelle winery. A bald eagle came down and flew along side me for a couple of hundred yards.

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I didn't know about Chi at all until my SS recommended it. Wow!!! How'd I ever miss her.

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I was 57 the day I sang a song I had just composed for a young friend, in Thailand.

When I was through, her eyes were as big as saucers, and she exclaimed: "You look twenty five years old when you sing that!!"

Music is magic, if you're "willin'".

So lovely that Mercury sent your love a song.

We're not running out of things to write. The drums of war drown all else out. Silence has been brought to speechlessness. ITts okay. Put it on the "inner".

It's time to write about the real issues. People, and who the hell do they think they are anyway?

Plus, we really needed to nip this yuppie crap in the bud by the mid eighties. What a plague.

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Agreed, ditto, and woof.

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I have a long list of topics I evade. Some of them are blatant lies, while others are repetitive, red herrings, or in bad taste.

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Thanks for the plug, but this dog is a BITCH, lol. People often think I'm a boy because I use a lot of obscenities, but I can't and won't be bothered trying to not say "fuck" at least 40 times a day. Plus, I yam a muscular dog. ;)

And the other thing is, there are TWO things we haven't really hammered on: The coming nightmare of a financial/bankster attack, which will likely be connected to and via some kind of Internet Reset...


We (as in, most SS writers and pretty much everybody else) are studiously NOT writing about the upsurge in a sort of pushing of perversion and pedophilia and so forth... As the fake savior David Martin says, they ARE [emphasis mine] coming for the children, and in the most despicable way... trying to legalize pedophilia and give CHILDREN the legal "consent" needed for adults to take advantage of them and rape them. If a grown person wants to change their perceived gender, fine. NOT KIDS. And NOT PEDOPHILIA getting LEGALIZED. For fuck's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think we could do well to start HOWLING about this!! What, we're supposed to treat pedophiles as if they're as acceptable as GAY FOLKS? Gay folks don't rape children, almost never. Gay people are "normal" in the sense that they are attracted to other gay folks, same sex. NOT to CHILDREN. If that's the case, then they're GAY PEDOPHILES, which are statistically rare, and right now, not legally okay.

So, why not save the Littles? They are the FUTURE, after all. And right now, they need grownups (and dogs) to protect them from the Nasties. How bout that? Let's write about THAT.

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Until I un-incognitoed myself everyone here and on Twitter assumed I was a dude too. Lol. I was going to correct Mike, but I see you got around to it first 😻

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I’m not perfect. I’m only alien.

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You're a perfect alien. ;)

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What the hell indeed? Don't like barky? Constipated? Just having a bad day? Got a burr between your toes? A plunger up your nose? A thorn on your rose? Somebody isn't okay with you because whatever, so resort to snark? Can't bark? ARE YOU A CAT? Or, dog forbid, a SQUIRREL?

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We can always call out the fraudsters and grifters that need "exposure." That could keep us busy for a decade, if we HAVE another decade. And I've just begun to connect some dots on the ET angle on this extermination event.

I plan to go after the unseen forces at play...that should get me in even more trouble...

Love the suggestions for 5G

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:) very funny: there is a plethora of "things" to write about: it is whether or not you want to write about tough subjects.. (in Hell) for example: the latest issue about "insects" as food for human beings.. I post on this day one: insects are related to shellfish and cause allergies in human beings, the same ones that when you go to the hospital and get tests certain chemicals in the intravenous for CT scans use and also those who just allergic to shellfish. Insects are the bottom part of the Environmental eco system and are eaten sustain a huge population of BIRDS, other insects, and are NOT.. repeat NOT part of our natural food sources. I could go on: but I am recovering from the eye surgery still. I could write on many many subjects.. and have.. Art. music; history (revisionist) or who about the left wing media still pushing the created narrative on America? How about the fact the FBI and DOJ were just outed.. and just be defunded.. MIKE.. take a break. I am back on Twitter, don't like it very much but there are couple old friends on there. I will look for you. I had to spend the day fighting traffic in NORTHERN VA.. be of Good cheer.

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Good points!

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Unfortunately, humans worldwide have always eaten insects, high source of protein, they are the natural living "snacks", if you will. Asia still favors them. Native Americans ate them. All natural peoples do. But don't worry...they're all gone. Bilogists in NO. California, as well as Germany,at least seven years ago or more, noted a 90% and 85% loss of aquatic and terrestial insects. So...you'll be safe from natural living. Killing a large mammal is way more fun, and loaded with parasites, Way better.

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It's the SHELLS. Some insects don't have 'em.

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Who eats the shells of shell fish?

Roasted/fried crickets are considered awesome. Haven't tried one...brain logjam...but they're evidently very tasty. Grubs were also a regular treat when acquired.

Probably better than alcohol, but that's not an issue. Especially with a Kennedy resurrection in play........you'll get thrown off CHD quick if you have any memory of how the Kennedy fortunes/power were secured.

They didn't have to do any Orientalism training, just the discourse about "eating bugs!!!"...while typing away on the most "bugged" tech ever..."lions and tigers and bears, oh my!!"

Big Brave Techno Armchair Warriors, terrified of "bugs".

What next?

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What a bizarre set of assumptions.

If you want to eat bugs, by all means, EAT BUGS.

I'm not interested in eating bugs, I read somewhere they some bugs are TOXIC to humans and dogs, I don't give a flying flock about CHD. Eat fake meat, too! Eat cat treats, it's not my concern what you do, unless you force your will on others, as some psychotards like Klown Schlob want to do... This is not an arguing point for me-- eat 'em if you want.

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some mushrooms and fish will kill you too, watch out

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Sounds like you're trying to make fun of my comment.

You might be amazed by reading "The Invisible Rainbow," by Arthur Firstenberg.

Knowledge is power.

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deletedMay 17, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins
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Many are creeping on the VRR. Waaaaaaaaay out and front. Occasionally I follow their email addresses to their hidden caves.

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Lots of Don Quixote's on ss.

"Believe me because my wife says it's true!"

Odd that someone who claims that they taught in academia wouldn't require references from their students.

Do as I say, not as I do!

The Osprey fledglings appear to be doing well.

The biggest hoax about high tension wires causing disease because electrical workers have the highest amount of (inserted disease) is the fact that they don't work on live wires. OOPS!

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deletedMay 16, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins
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Did you get your high powered sling shot?

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I have a catapult!

Well, that's what we call it. :)

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