Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Oregon talking here. It's fun to watch them get desperate for workers. By now the bar for 'fun' is pretty low, I watch joggers go by my window to see if they will drop. I watch kids going to school, wearing the tainted masks, wondering about their reproductive future if they are jabbed, and even if they are not. Macabre is my life.

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That's a harvest moon. As is my avatar.

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Yes, we landed on the moon over 50 years ago, but can't do it today. Technology isn't supposed to go backwards. My favorite was their explanation for the dune buggy, which the astronauts enjoyed at the end of the Apollo moon program. How did such a contraption fit into that little, laughable craft? Evidently, in 1970, they had the technology to fold the thing up, like one of the cars in The Jetsons. So that's believable. It's a shame they stopped work on such technology. Imagine how cool it would be to fold your car up like a briefcase, instead of fighting for a parking space. Those ex-Nazis really knew how to build things. Thanks!

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Funny. Was that moon buggy gas powered or electric?

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

I’m a few years older and remember the crazy 60s, especially the assasination of JFK, DC riots, Vietnam war where brothers of my friends never came home, hippies, the sexual revolution, birth of feminism and the music. Music being the best part. I was so in tune at a very young age that I realized how toxic all that shit was then and have watched our society die a slow death as a result of the ever evolving progressivism. I do not think we can turn the ship around. It’ll have to be sunk and then resurrected again in order to save the planet. Where we go the rest of the world will follow. We have been the last best hope for mankind for a long time despite our many fuck ups. Sad but true! Maybe if we can wake more people up we can limit the damage those in charge want to inflict on us. I sure hope so! Cheers to you Mike!!!!!

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Hi Patti and I sure do miss AZ. I'm confident we can win this crazy war and if not go down fighting. Cheers to you too.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

I did not come along till the late 60's -- so don't recall anything from back then other than what we were told and then i was fortunate enough to find out over the years from good people like you Mike, Don Jeffries and others I deeply respect.

But unfortunately have little doubt that the 2020's are f'ing up our young ones more than ever. While there is much more to it, at least when i was a young-in, nobody was telling me I would possibly die if I did not suffocate myself with mask and risk heart attack with an injection -- The mental health industry for minors is booming

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

and been seeing a pretty cool TV show on Pluto TV a few times over the last year or so called 'Alien Moon' --- it is somewhat like one of those weirdly computer voice narrated videos you see on the internet, but contains some interesting info about just how freaking strange this Moon is

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

The moon landings were just another series of 'lying wonders' perpetrated on humanity, much like the SARS CoV2 virus that supposedly ravaged the planet for 2 yrs until the life-saving 'vaccines' came along.




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Yeah, than God for those life saving vaccines. We should use Operation Warp Speed for every crisis.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Human flight, how many died until Orville and Wilbur got it Wright?

The pressurized cabin, how many died until they got it right? Who was the clever guy who found the imprint of a coin on the leading edge of the crashed Gloucester wing?

Breaking the speed of sound, how many died before Chuck Yeager succeeded?

Landing on the Moon and returning, hey, it worked the FIRST time!

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

As a fellow Washington resident I think you will enjoy the below video from civil rights researcher Karl Kanthak who spoke at a recent March for Freedom Rally at the state capital. He exposes the emergency fraud in Washington state and there are also links for longer videos.


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Thanks Teri. I was just sent this today. I will watch it tonight.

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It is a long violent history definitely. Cheers!


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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

April full moon coming up, Pink Moon. Reading the VRR here---a lot to think about. More on the moon, The Carpis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4xNF9uh8SA

Great Skull sticker, thank you!

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US mail still operating in a genocide. Thanks for letting me know Rhiannon.

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

The best years of my youth were from 1959 -1963. Things changed in Nov 63. Then came Junior High and High School - 64-70. April 1968 I was a Sophomore. Martin Luther King murdered, by James Earl Ray we were told. Then June, Robert Kennedy murdered, by Sirhan Sirhan we were told. Lies. both were patsies, but how was a 16 year old to know that? I still didn't know that Lee Harvey Oswald was also a patsy.

I lived in Alton Illinois, hometown of James Early Ray. After MLK was killed I watched from afar as recently built stores and strip malls were burned to the ground.

Then the summer of 1969 - I watched the moon landing "live" on TV at a friends house. Later watched the splashdown of their return capsule. Historical. Ask Stanley Kubrick, he knew. I didn't.


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A decade of murder and moon walks.

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