Sep 8Liked by Mike Huggins

I commented (another site) a few weeks ago asking a question..."is it possible that the crowd behind Drumph was filmed at a different time and place"? Someone answered "not only possible but probable".

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I keep being struck by how few People were at this "venue." It surely was a small place to hold an event that, theoretically, could have filled a stadium. Very easy to control, and not too much in the way of crisis actors needed.

And yeah... Where DID that fence go!?!

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Now that is an interesting question. I wonder how many people in that crowd.. were filming it? I wouldn't have been; for sure I would have firmly been under a bench or chair because I know what the sound of real bullets sound like having had my own firing range back in the Old days.. and also at indoor ranges which is very different than outdoor "firing" of bullet "sounds" .. and then there is the issue of a recorded "sound" versus the REAL THING sound. So I am actually reading about the Shroud of Turin.. which has "new" evidence according to UTUBE and "Vatican" (which is sort of like the Pope's CIA) but what do I know? have a good Sunday. :) get outside. I was out all morning and my allergies in full ACHOO mode. :)

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One little thing I got out of this so far is that biggish guy in the yellow shirt. I don’t remember ever seeing him in the crowd to the left of Trump, at least when I saw the initial “shooting” on “Live TV”, on that day. I suppose I could be wrong and should go back and watch the replay, although who knows how much they might’ve changed everything since then.

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Love your work!

"David Icke swears up and down they are real but he won’t look at my material. Is David one of them? Wouldn’t that be the biggest reptilian scam ever".

You are on to Icke :-) Figured him out a few years ago .

Thanks and have a wonderful Sunday

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I think the terrible quality photos presented by the media is because they tend to crop out everything that they *think* might make them look suspect. They clearly don't know who they're dealing with, Mike!

You are so right: This staged series of performances that have been mishmashed into a single fake event is filled with dimensional transiting, shape-shifting demonically possessed humans or demon reptilian hybrids shifting in and out of their "human" suits because they are all fucked, both literally by the butt-buddies and figuratively by those of us who trust our senses. We see what's going on.

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