December 15, 2022
Day 1,020 WEF War Against Humanity
Est. Dead America’s 50,000+
Est. Injured 200,000+
Est. Hospitalized 300,000+
Time: 9:11am
“My mind is my weapon.”—Tyrion Lannister
Guten Tag Lawmakers, assistants, city council, and health impersonators,
In just a few months we will be at three years into the war against humanity that was launched by WEF governor Jay Inslee on February 29, 2020. He announced that a nameless, faceless person in their 50’s had died from Covid-19. He produced no doctors name confirming his story, nor did he mention anything about an autopsy being performed. There is no death record for this unknown person, and it doesn’t appear there was any type of funeral. All of the above points to a scam. A hoax. A plan. A plan to kill 13 out of 14 people on planet earth to depopulate the planet to a number to THEIR liking. Perhaps 500 million. Will you make the cut? What about your children and grandchildren?
The plan was to fabricate a story of a virus that starts in China and then rapidly invades every country on planet earth. The United States plan kicked off on the above-mentioned date in my backyard in Kirkland Washington. It was on that day I entered the war against humanity. Two days later on March 2, I was strolling through the hallways of Evergreen Medical Center in search of this mystery virus. I would have numerous more hospital hallway strolls after. The results were all the same.
I tagged along with the media to Life Care Medical Center and sat in on the news briefings given out in the parking lot by a hired spokesperson for the nursing facility. He mentioned that a person could contract Covid and be dead in two hours. That’s very deadly. It’s also a deadly lie, but he’s hired to say what they tell him to say. He’s like all of you, “just doing his job,” just following orders.
The media ran with that fear and added a side dish of fear to feed the residents of Washington State without any challenge from public health officials or Wa. State government. Vice President Mike Pence flew out with a bag full of money to hand off to Governor Jay Inslee who was all smiles as he and Mike enjoyed a maskless elbow bump greeting.
Running a scam isn’t cheap elected. I’ve researched several in Washington State. It requires a lot of money. People have to be paid to participate. People also have to be paid to be silent. Sadly, people can be bought and the scams are a success, or so they seem.
I viewed most of the war from the driver seat of a government owned bus. I listened to the public’s stories. I saw their fear. Pushing a useless mask onto the public did block some of the facial fear. I can recall immediately at the launch the US Attorney General saying that everyone should stop wearing a mask that it does no good against a virus. He was immediately silenced. Someone gave the order to put humans in a mask and public health officials and governments obeyed that order. Science was ignored or re-written to suit the order. For the most part it went un-challenged by humanity’s front line of defense, our trusted doctors. They complied and put up signs that masks are required to enter. If you don’t have one, walk on in and one will be provided for you. Isn’t that a little too late? Yes, just obey.
Each night the owned media either were given case numbers from public health officials, or they just fabricated it up to meet the provided script. Hard to get it wrong—just sell it as ugly, spreading, and killing. Oh, the fear of death. I’m too young to die. Government save us. Problem, reaction solution. You fabricated the problem, monitor the reaction, and then provide the solution.
Elected you have proven to be unworthy to govern. You’ve proven you can’t handle any type of medical crisis. We have lost all confidence in your ability to lead and make decisions that benefit us. We ask that all of you resign immediately. You’re fired. If you refuse to leave we will no longer comply with any of your required demands that relate to your Covid 19 plan. We will ignore Governor Inslee’s orders just like the town of Winlock Washington does.
You are all declared mentally incompetent to hold office as well as being mentally insane for attempting to coerce us into a medical experiment. You are all aware of the Nuremberg Code and the penalty associated with coercing a person into a medical experiment. You must all feel that coercing an individual into this experiment is worth the penalty. That alone is insane. The penalty is the same as it was on October 16, 1946. If you have evidence that it has changed could you please provide that to me.
Perhaps there are a few of you who aren’t in on the plan. Forgive us. The R’s and D’s appear to be one, all in the filthy bathtub together. Maybe there’s a way to tell. Why don’t one of you, not in on their plan, not in agreement with the WEF, create a bill. A new capital punishment bill. Bring back the gallows. Watch who squirms. Listen to who objects. Argue that it’s not anymore cruel than a bullet to the heart or being fried in an electric chair. If it wasn’t cruel in 1946 it shouldn’t be cruel in 2022. Have we evolved as a species, is that it? Kinder to one another? There’s 50,000 recently vaccinated dead American’s who would disagree with you.
Good news, military is considering dropping the vaccine requirement. B-2 bomber pilots are experiencing a medical crisis in flight emergency and crash landing the billion-dollar plane. Do those have bombs on them elected? We know this pilot has been vaccinated because there are no military pilots flying who aren’t.
Personal true vaccine story. I have a family member who could be a poster child for the CDC’s vaccine is safe and effective lies. He is double jabbed and thrice boosted. He has plans to take the all variant Covid 19 new vaccine too—additional boosters if required. He’s also had every flu shot since they’ve started. What year did Dr. Fauci start his reign of medical terror?
Since the vaccine rollout booster plan started, he has gotten sick with Covid 19 five or six times. He has no problem with that. His doctors told him it doesn’t do jack shit against catching it or spreading it. It’s only to reduce his fever or runny nose. He believes his doctor, believes his government and voted for Joe Biden because he’s a nice guy.
He sends out a family text that he’s going to the ER. Enroute, he stops off at a family members house who has a Covid 19 test kit. He tests negative. Relief. Skip the ER visit. He has a cold. Not just any cold. This is a vaccinated Covid 19 cold. It doesn’t go away. It’s the worst cold a person has ever known. His doctors even diagnosed it as a cold. What possess a person to walk into an emergency room hospital and ask to be treated for a cold? A person who is miserably suffering. The ER doctors are concerned he’s coming down with phenomena. I believe this is the same thing that Bam was told when he went to a hospital in San Diego. He was placed on a ventilator. A miracle happened in Bam’s case and he’s out now. Most die. Some conspiracy nutters are questioning the entire Bam story. I wonder why their bullshit meter went off?
The CDC asserts that COVID-19 vaccines work to prevent severe illness, hospitalization, and death. In Bam’s case the vaccine failed in two out of the three.
The ER doctors do what they do when they don’t know what to do, over prescribe antibiotics. That’s a problem but it’s a bigger problem when the person already has a weakened immune system due to being double vaccinated, thrice boosted, and unknown amounts of toxic flu goo injections.
The tag is debatable but there are doctors who will line up all day long to debate Dr. Fauci and RocHELLe on this. What would it take to get one of them into a debate? The public wants it. We’re tired of the snowball questions lofted by Senator Johnson and Senator Paul. Let us ask a few questions on why our family member has died after being injected.
The conclusion to my family member medical crisis is he was sent home. If and when he does turn blue and purple he’s to return to the hospital for treatment. This sounds a lot like the same advice given out before the Operation- untested- Warp Speed vaccine rollout. A full circle.
Pinching it off here elected, racing the clock again. I have a project to re-build a birdhouse. What makes a squirrel gnaw off the face of a birdhouse? See lower birdhouse pictured below.
Gnawed off face plate.
This is a complete re-model. It needed it though. This house gets rented every year without fail. This year it was rented twice. A first in my birdhouse building leasing career. On this new roof I hinged the roof for easy access clean out. You have to do this elected after they fledge. They could get parasites and die if you don’t. There’s no bird vaccine—yet.
I’ll Mike it out. It’ll look cool when I’m done. I’m not sure I’m going back to the wine cork siding. Any thoughts on that?
Since being terminated by you birdhouse building has kind of turned into a career. I build rustic mantle clocks too. They’re great for your rental vacation properties. Maybe a late stocking stuffer. Email me your order.
Das ist alles elected. Watch out for criminals, and Senator Roberts still wants to know, “How in the hell do you expect to get away with it?”
Birdhouse builder Mike
PS Can you tell me what your definition for the word, “safe” is?
Wow. You are a miracle. Thanks for sharing that Michelle.
Excellent post.
And praise God Bam survived the ventilator. I prayed for him, even though I'm not really familiar with him besides what you wrote previously.