Sep 18, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Starting off the week with a great one, Mike!

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I usually save those for Friday's. Now what?

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

I’m sure you can get another kickass one out there again!

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I hope. I'm working on an article on falling down.

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Nice. Looking forward to it, as ALWAYS.

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I second that! 😄

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After all this saga, I still have friends who still think the vaxx still did more good than bad. Helplessly watching whether or not they are going to fall for it again. I have seen some going from questioning to believing back and forth. It is hard for them like they are sitting between two chairs... At this stage, I do not even try to intervene because, hey, you choose to think or you choose to gobble up. JUst told them I didn't see a pandemic but I saw many myos and neurological disorders etc in handsome super formerly healthy athletes... As we say in France, may be as useless as pissing in a Stradivarius, but I do it and F, they listen or they ignore it. I have done my part. Funny part of this particular cult, they are killing their support base! AU CULTE LA BALAYETTE!

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https://youtu.be/KVGf-XZ3Y_s?si=Jh_MmsvCM5beGhmj&t=60 so.. now that you have calmed down.. a good friend who doubted me.. even though I worked in Virology at NIH..he WAS a brainwashed life long democrat.. and friend who was triple vaxxed who now has stage 3 kidney disease along w/ all many long covid symptoms watched a show called "FULL MEASURE" (on the local channels).. which confirmed everything is I said and thought about the VAXX.. and even those who contracted it.. like me. After I watched it.. I didn't sleep well.. at all.. because it does not give make me feel better to say "I told you so" to good friends; Go and have that beer.. you may need it after watching that on UTUBE. you can find it. Full Measure w/ Sherryl Attkinson (check spelling) she interviews four doctors one of whom wrote the book about Ivermectin.. and three more doctors who also discuss the treatments.. NOW available to which were ripped off the market during the "pandemic" available Over the Counter treatments including the anticoagulants.. which reduce the blood clots. I felt sick after watching it. because it confirmed everything.. and more. :) KEEP UP the Good work.. even if it is fixing toasters.. and good friend of mine's son just got laid off and he has two young children.. and he took his vaxxes... but that didn't stop the company from going under in VA and moving to Texas because of the lock downs (commercial real estate) when one door closes another opens... keep away from the tattooed woman,, Mike. LOL. :) keep up the good work. Isabell.

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Sharyl Attkisson's MSM slow roll reveal to the sheeple that they have been deceived. When/If 60 Minutes truthfully covers this story, then you will know the jig is up.

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Tattooed woman or man! I see so many people -handsome to start with- uglying themselves with tattoos, small colourful fish like vulgar tattoos all over the place, and to top it all, obese while still young. Looks like they want to repel people so that those who still approach them are doing it for their inner core values, not their looks. Twisted psy analysis...

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Swearing at things is the best way to fix them. I proved it yesterday for an old timer struggling to open this door at the senior center.

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No, you don't wish I was there, believe me. The temptation to mess with two old farts' heads at one time would be one I would definitely not want to pass up.

Time flies, life is short, and there's great fun to be had.

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Just an fyi- the pharmacy in TN where I got my ivermectin a while back without prescription, said they are no longer filling them. Not much of an explanation.

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probably no parasites left in Tennessee...outside the "state house"?

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