Yes I won’t fly on private planes with one pilot if he was jabbed either.

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Someone asked me, "If the jabbed person isn't sick yet, does that mean they are going to live?". Great question, I do not know but bottom line, we know the shot is poison.

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Before my daughter admitted to me she'd gone and got the Moderna jab, she got Strep throat and needed emergency treatment over the Christmas period. As a child, she suffered many bouts of tonsillitis and aged 9, they were removed and she never had throat problems until after the jab. A few weeks later, she had a week off work, bedridden, with the worst "cold" of her life, saying she thought she was dying. Her partner who was also jabbed came down with very bad ear infection requiring treatment. Both are normally fit and not prone to illness and having any time off work. Latest thing was a gastro prob on holiday which, again, is not normal for her. Whilst nothing as serious as heart or clot has happened so far, for me it is a constant worry. I think psychologically, to know or admit to yourself that you've probably caused damage could in fact bring on illness due to worrying about it and I think this is why so many deny any correlation, let alone causation.

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Great comment Markker. To your point on worrying. That has to have a negative effect on the unvaccinateds health. I found out yesterday a friend is sick again. She’s V’d. It seems she’s sick every other month.

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Well I'm eased a bit by writers, such as yourself, who can make me laugh. I think it's coming up to 2 years since their jabs but no idea if anymore, subject verboten! My initial reaction was similar to that when they get a driving licence and they drive off solo; worrying about over confidence, driving too fast etc., and the accident which usually follows. When I was in my early 40s, I had my palm read by a chinese man. Told I had a short life line. I pressed him to say what age I'd die. He reckoned about 61/62. I parked it away until I got to 60 when I constantly thought about dying, how, where and this lasted through to 62 and then I stopped worrying. I'll be 69 next and doing fine. The mind is a very powerful thing and can get the better of you. My kids were adults and it was their choice to have them and as we all know, worrying can't help anything, quite the opposite! Sorry about your friend too. I've one who has worse RA, something on her lung, not a tumor, but now constant hospital visits, testing, loads of blood tests and of course, doctors are baffled. Good word, baffled!

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Agree about the mind/body connection and how awful for her and her partner. My sister takes the shots and "can't get rid of Covid", the constant nagging hacking indicating lower lung inflammation. Thank you for sharing.

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I’m so sorry.

My son-in-law got the jab and didn’t tell my daughter for months......to say she was irate is putting it mildly.

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That's the problem with experiments, we don't know the long term data because (drumroll) we're still in the experiment. I sincerely hope, and indeed expect that many of those who took 1, 2 or 3 jabs will be fine, and go on to live what appears to a normal life with a normal lifespan. But I've seen too much death and injury already to reasonably expect that to be so for all of them. From the testimonies I've come across it seems that many people with jab injuries do heal, or at least substantially improve, in some months, and also heal with the help of certain protocols (such as the FLCCC), while on the other hand, some stay the same and even get worse, and develop new symptoms. I think we'll start to have a clearer picture for the injured in another couple of years. Right now the censorship, like the gaslighting, remains very heavy.

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You are right. I can't see recovery for the medical system from this deceit in my lifetime. I do know the shot uptake at the hospital this year was LOW for flu and almost non-existent for Covid.

I've been around the shedding for years, doing OK but also know this isn't what they say it is because our immune system doesn't allow the same "germ" to reinfect (even with slight deviations) over and over again. This is more similar to a toxin. Different theories out there, who really knows...

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I don't see recovery for the medical system from this deceit in my lifetime, either. And I plan to live for quite a good long while.

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Very sad. I guess we're in the Irony Age.

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The ticking time bomb.

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Im sorry & You will be vindicated. Im lucky im disabled lol didnt have a job to refuse to. But these mfers cant give any of us time bk or the suffering caused & to come . same as these murders & the piles of unnessessary dead over the last years of insanity a jury of just regular folks who lived thru the mess ACCOUNTABILITY & a few really sturdy, well made, guillotines works for me 🙏❤️‍🔥✌️

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Sucmbag Gov Jay Inslee should have had to ride that bus

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Move along folks.....nothing to see here.


Myomodernocarditis.....don’t be silly.

Astrocdeath-hildrenzenicadeaths....how ridiculous can you get???

Get outta here with your turbodementia......

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Pfuck Pfizer & all these murders

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