Sep 9Liked by Mike Huggins

Good article! I've never seen a photo or video of Dr Sweetland with blood on his face, or rubbing blood on his face, but I knew something was off when I heard that a doctor performed mouth to mouth on a man whom he said had brain matter blown out onto the bleachers. If the victim's face was bloody, I don't know of any doctor who would risk performing mouth to mouth.

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You can follow the doctor here in this video. You'll see him clap his hands together and smile after the body is removed. No doctor would ever do that. I was in the fire department for two years. No way. I don't believe he's a doctor.


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He wasn't very articulate in the interview, that's for sure. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve because he "did mouth to mouth" on a bloody face. (An emergency room doctor would have referred to it as "artificial respiration", or just CPR.) I'm not sure a real doctor, especially a hardened emergency room doctor, would have volunteered, on camera, that there was brain matter splattered on the bleachers. But, I also don't think he washed his face or smeared his face with blood in the video. He wet his hands with bottled water and then tried to wash the blood off his face. This entire situation is fishy enough without over exaggerating. Thanks for the link.

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This "rally" is the biggest layered shit-cake since the last mass shooting. There is a lot of FM/Luciferian coded language in Sweetland's testimony.

His quote that I copied from your transcript above:

"...I got down on the bench watered the bench for her got her water on water on her and the folks around her gave her them umbrellas and fanned her, so and there was a lot of water that was provided by the trump staff at the rally as much water as you possibly want."

A "bench" is a place where people sit. Where do we sit? On our butts. So "benches" are butts. "Water" is code for semen and "umbrella" is code for the penis. "Giving her lots of water" means ejaculating on or in her.

"Muscle Memory" is MM = 33 = ritual sodomy

He also says there was lots of blood on the bleachers; bleachers are the same as benches. So, there was lots of blood on butts, which happens during anal rape and ritual sodomy.

Sweetland and his wife are either terrible paid crisis actors or dark occultists, probably both. I mean, seriously: Who would take money to participate in a fake rally that is also a black magic ritual, and then openly lie in the media about it?

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Yes it is and we've discussed this a few times now, but I think we're a long way off from exposing this as a hoax. Sadly. I'll keep going. I have at least 10 articles ready to go. It sure would be nice if alt would wake the fuck up and start calling this a hoax.

Good analysis too. For their Muscle Memory "M" is the 13th letter of the alphabet so the satanic fake doctor is going X2 with it. Also, the black SUV that carried Trump away, the first numbers are 13. You can't make this shit up--they do. I'll post that.

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Thanks for reminding me that M is the 13th letter of the alphabet. The number 13 is their code for Mastering of Time, so yeah, they're doubling up. Any time/date/place stamps from the rally or related to it that include 13 or 26 or 39 means they are doing a time-binding ritual in addition to the ritual sodomy.

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You're good Sharine! You and Mike make a dangerous team! 🙏🏻💖

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Haha, yes, we are a dangerous team. The THINGS and their other demonically possessed psychopathic hybrids, tranny hookers, and cushy-job-keeping career clowns better just fuck off and return to entropy, because Mike and I have LOTS of friends and our power is REAL compared to their fakery and fuckery. I know you're on our team, too!🤗

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So Dr. Meyn saw vapor trails; one tearing flesh off Trump's ear. Funny that no one else has mentioned seeing vapor trails. Max Igan commented in one of his videos about the one-in-a-million photo of the bullet wizzing by Trumps ear. He said something like, "who knows folks, it could be a chemtrail for all we know."

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