Excellent! Most Excellent! All of it. Every Word. And a Big Fat YES!!! Here we are. At last.

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My mother-in-laws name is Ellen. Thanks for your long time support my kangaroo friend.

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Most interesting.

I don't know what to make of it but I can follow along just fine.

What does your wife think of all this as no one knows us like our spouse does.

So much water under the bridge and all that.

Best wishes to you Mike.

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She thinks I’m on the greatest adventure ever and doesn’t fear any THING.

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I L♥️VE this response!!

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Well, Mike, what're the odds I 'd end up pretty much equidistant (as the crow flies) from you and Uncle Clif? Big Oh Yeah! J.

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I worked in aerospace for 11 years. They had CNN on in the cafeteria. You weren't allowed to eat at your desk. OK, turn off the idiot box and I'll eat in the caf. I ate at my desk.

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I remember when they started broadcasting CNN at airports.

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