John Carpenter already told us. John Carpenter couldn’t have made the movie unless he was given permission by them unless he’s a Cosmic Gunslinger and then he can do whatever he wants and there’s not a goddamn thing they can do about it. I doubt he’s a CG, but he also gave us the movie The Thing. More good info on these parasitical aliens.
Their problem in the news is their ego, their arrogance. They think they are good, royalty even. Their headlines are ridiculous to say the least. The writing is typical grade school level, and they have zero creativity, so they use the same narrative repeatedly. School shooting false flags are a good example.
Our Miami stick fight is another example. To me it proves they have 100% control over all media including your favorites Epoch Times and George magazine. If I am right then this is good, we know where to find them. I told you they are stupid. Prove me wrong alien.
On Jan 2, 2024 I wrote FAKE ALIEN NEWS. A 76-year-old Metro bus driver is assaulted with a STICK. A few of you read it.
It is all alien bullshit news. And you know how many subscribers I got after posting it, along with my other 40 or more articles on aliens. Take a look.
Doesn’t look like too many humans are interested in aliens controlling them, does it? Maybe humans like being a slave race. I bet I could get 25 new subscribers with a title like, Democrats are evil. It’s all their fault. Make America Great Again—attach a picture of a red MAGA hat. That might get an additional 11.
I really should add my favorite George Carlin quote to every alien post, “I GIVE UP ON HUMANITY.” Why can’t humans see it? That was my vagabonding question the other day. The answer: They are alien indoctrinated on multiple levels. It’s cult like. Religion, sports, politics, television and the song, GOD BLESS AMERICA. Humans are easily duped making them easy prey. I’m slightly frustrated this morning. Cann you tell? I’ll have a breakfast beer in my hot tub. That always works.
Let me beat you with some more sticks to prove they use the same narrative repeatedly.
Get it? Do you know who else is beating people with sticks? It’s in the news.
Zero creativity. With no creativity I bet they fight the same way as well, never make any adjustments even when they are getting their ass kicked. Advantage human. Humans are highly creative and will make adjustments as needed.
I have enough alien material from just browsing around yesterday to do six or more articles. Not doing it. Jam it all in one post and move on. I need to show you more creep. Prep you for the visual that is coming. Work on my alien nuke bomb post.
We are 1,407 days into the war against humanity but only 36 days away from the Super Bowl. What will it Usher in? More aliens? It’s being played in Nevada. Has aliens ever been associated with Nevada? It’s been in their news just this year. Another Roswell. It crashed in someone’s backyard and then some aliens step out of the craft. The description kind of fits the aliens shopping in Miami.
I wonder if CNN used their underground bullet train to zip Christiane Amanpour out there. They even released the 911 call. It’s on youtube.
The Super Bowl is being played at Allegiant Stadium. Also known as Aliengiant Stadium. Allegiant flies too. The stadium is named after an airline company that started up in the late 90’s. I wonder how they can afford the $14 million dollars a year to have their name on the stadium. The airline industry took a beating during the entire Covid hoax. GOV money is the only thing keeping all of them from crash landing. And they weren’t doing too good before the Covid scam.
The stadium is designed to look like a giant UFO.
Do aliens like the Freemason sport of football? Probably not, but the Freemasons do like parasitical non-human satanic beings. I do know that. I’ve showed you that too. Picture proof, video proof with time stamps. Still up on youtube debunkers.
I’m not sure why the NFL didn’t rig the season so the Oakland Raiders could be in the Super Bowl. When I was a kid I lived near Oakland and the Raiders were my favorite team back in the 60’s. They had a snake for a quarterback—Kenny Stabler.
And now I’m exposing snakes mimicking humans and exposing the NFL as a fraudulent Freemason organization.
I’d like to know Baron’s thoughts right here as he is standing next to his alien daddy who just got elected President of the United States.
I think he held this pose for 72 frames.
I think I heard Trump supporter Juan O Savin say the White Hats, (the good guys), rigged it so Trump would win because they knew the democrats were rigging it so Hillary would win. Well, why didn’t they rig it again on Nov. 2019 so Trump would win? Their answer is because they wanted to prove to the world the elections are rigged by only evil democrats and not by reptilian republicans. Were they successful?
The VRR stickers weren’t on there back in 2016. Marketing stuck them on there. Anyone need a VRR sticker for their car? How did billions of humans not see Kat-0’s hand float through the rail. And his other hand isn’t looking too human either.
Final thought on the Miami alien story. If it is true and the police were dispatched to deal with aliens in a shopping mall this will possibly awaken law enforcement. We need law enforcement primarily the Sheriff’s. Don’t shoot the sheriff’s or their deputies as the song goes. To win this isn’t going to be a top-down war. It is going to be a bottom-up war. Us. The Sheriff has the power to deputize us, tens of thousands of us. Then start arresting in mass all the way up. Anyone who gets in the way will also be arrested and that’s us being nice. We don’t have to be nice.
I think we also have to be open to a false flag. There should be a lot of video. Cameras in the mall, street cameras, on buildings, and with the shoppers. Someone would have taken video from their phone. Did the police confiscate their phones and delete all videos? Why would they run a false flag on aliens in a shopping mall? Ease into the fact that they are here and are going to be exposed perhaps. Pretty ballsy then to shut down the airport and cut off power to a section of the town just for a false flag. Why wasn’t there any firefighters or medics dispatched. I don’t see any in the videos or photos. They would have certainly been dispatched just in case. You can hear on one video a man said he heard gun shots. Were the police shooting at the four youth with sticks and firecrackers? And what is this black THING flying? Doesn’t look like a helicopter to me.
I have video of these things in flight. You can only see them if you slow the video down to 5% speed. They fly fast. I’m going to post that too. I will put the pictures side by side 100% / 5%.
With my alien nuke I’m going to prove they live in the news. Is there an underground tunnel under the building of CNN news? That is a good question for a Cosmic Gunslinger to ponder, take it out on a vagabonding journey. Maybe I’ll vagabond a mall today.
The Vaccine Reaper Report Alien Series HERE.
This may sound selfish but I want the light to shine down on me. Midnight is fine.
Fuck the sheriffs and their deputy dogs (gods) as they take orders from magicians who wear black dresses. These monsters get on their knees for these monsters! They're in on the "great taking." Vigilante style for self preservation for this one like Charles Bronson!! NO MORE FUCKING GOVERNMENT! Until the Christ masses figure it out they have their own government on their shoulders this drama play will continue forever!
Funny, I click-bated upon an article about a special aluminum alloy self defense walking stick, right before reading your post this morning. More synchronicity, me thinks.