Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Mike - "This could post porn the arrest". HAHAHA, and no one else got that?

I have to admit, I did not know who Steve Kirsch was. But at least he knows masks don't do anything except virtue signal. And that dumb woman did not need 100K, she works for Big Pharma.

Chemtrails. They are for real. I've seen them since 1999, even before they were widely exposed by Dane Wigginton. But don't tell Duane Cates, (Brian's brother); he went on a rant after I mentioned them to him. His take is - "no pilots would willingly do that kind of toxic spraying on America - they would be spraying their own families". Well, that not only denies the actual evidence, but is invalid when one looks at what thousands of "good Americans" did to their fellow countrymen by supporting unscientific mask mandates, lockdowns, harmful treatments, suppressing cures and their right to free speech, then attempting to force everyone to take a death jab. Yeah, pilots WOULD do that, and they DO.

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The chemtrails might also indicate we lost our military. I have a friend who lives in Cusco Peru. He said no spraying there. As for piloting they might be using foreign pilots such as Chinese and I’m open to this being an alien agenda. If it was deep state you’d think it wouldn’t be a priority in our current war / genocide.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

"no pilots would willingly do that kind of toxic spraying on America - they would be spraying their own families".

Gotta love sweeping bullshit statements such as that! Pilots bang stewadi out of town even while being married and all kinds of bad stuff.

I'd never marry someone who works for the airlines.

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I spent an evening in a pilot bar at a hotel in New Jersey. You are right. At 9pm prostitutes are allowed into the bar.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

I don't know if it's true, but I read a report, supposedly from a worker/whistleblower who said a pilot who regularly did spraying had "Chemtrail King" painted on the side of his plane. This "whistleblower" worked at some facility doing maintenance on planes----said everyone was under a gag order. He was quitting.

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I'm mixed on the whole thing and don't do much research on it, however I do remember an elementary school teacher telling us that the Soviets could control the weather.

What was that about?

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Thanks, I'll check it out. Not at a buy-in point, but it never hurts to check it out.

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I was pulled aside by a gendarm at the Nice airport once. "Monsieur, la Boomba!" He was pointing at a large awesome leather duffel sitting alone in the middle of a vast space.

They didn't blow it up thank God, an embarrassed woman showed up to claim it.

I would have offered to defuse it for the duffel bag.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

"I wonder why a robot can’t pick up the scuba gear and carry it outside far away from travelers, planes, trains, and then detonate it outside."

Because cops like to play cops and they want people to watch them play cops.

One of the phenomenon we experience whilst living on Planet Cocksucker.

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I'm picturing potatoes, pumpkin and broad beans in that nice looking lawn.

Fun mid century modern Xmas photo.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Thanks for sharing the family photo.......is that your sister by you?

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Yes. She’s the only one saying cheese.

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Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Sad story about the scuba gear at SEATAC. Blowing it up probably damaged the nice terrazzo flooring in the airport terminal. Wells Fargo on the other hand, is a bank for the vaccinated, they probably underwrite Moderna. Hopefully Wells Fargo will fail soon.

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Someone should leave some scuba gear inside Wells Fargo.

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deletedMar 26, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins
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Steph imagine all these calls you could be going out on.

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