I shared your VCC.. thinking about it.. who knows.. I may send you a real silver bullion.. I am a collector. yesterday when I posted your VR it stirred a lot of "views" and likes... very.. :) GOD IS RICH remember?. good night... stay cool or not. :)

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You are so cool and so interesting. I love your comments.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Woohoo 🎉 ready for the garden talk. Growing potatoes in old tires kind of redneck gardening?

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Tires are great. I did that once.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

So did we! And half wine barrels too. Hey there's an idea.

Cheap wine half barrel raised bed gardens for Ghost Gardens 🙂

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Good one. Had some brain bursts (insights) while reading it as I usually do w/all your brilliant stacks.

Humor is def the way to go when skewering (spell-checked) the vile, malevolent reptilian globe-turds.

In no particular order (I'm part Hillbilly too- Okie/Hillbilly - by way of Tennessee great-grand farmers) so my train of thought also veers (another spell-check) too depending upon the topic or inclination.

1. The point related to "paid" subscriptions is the essential point. I'd love to subscribe to lots of the good stacks I follow (not the famous billionaire/doctors ones tho) but economics just won't allow it. So I appreciate your humor around this & your cracks against all the shit-turd docs/scientists who milk the C19/globalist issue/info system for bucks & clicks. Buy my vitamins, supplements, special salve...

It was clear that as the vaxx-mortality-shit-hit-the-fan over the past year, all the famous folks began to shut down their comments to the great unwashed, non-paying rebel-plebes to avoid any "backlash".

Bribing folks to pay up or shut up is substack's "no vaxx, no service" corollary to the Big Brother signs.

(Biggest surprise to me was Jon Rappoport closing off his comments/podcasts to unpaid subscribers.)

2. Looking forward to more garden photos. Family & I have traveled all over the US but I'm the only one to have visited Seattle for an annual SAA prof archives conference. Loved the city's waterfront & remember a great exhibit at the Seattle art museum on political protest posters in early 20th c Russia. (Soviet Union) One of my NYU archivist colleagues was orig from Seattle & drove us to the northern neighborhood she grew up in & we sight-seed the area gawking at the ocean views from all the hills.

SAA Conference

August 30-September 3, 1990

Westin Hotel, Seattle, Washington

(Number of attendees: 1,100)

I also remember that it rained alot & that seemed weird to me for late August/Labor Day time period, so that impressed me that your state requires hardy folks that don't mind tons of rain year-round. As a former Okie used to daily sunshine, the NE & NY weather is bummer enough without all the rainy days.

But still hope to take one of the Alaskan Cruise Ships (hate cruises tho) up to see the glaciers someday.

3. Believe that the Substack Lioness of Judah Ministry is written by several writers as the articles seem to vary by style (not including all the guest posts). Intrigued you think it's Dr Vernon Coleman's stack as I truly love that gruff ole timey take no prisoners UK son of a gun doctor. He's the real dam deal & helped to boost my spirits in the early days of this covid BS scamdemic enormously. What a guy.

Dr Vernon Coleman website for all the folks who may not know of him yet. https://vernoncoleman.org - Warnings, Forecasts and Predictions - He discusses apocalyptic predictions w/sarcastic wit & insight.

4. Re: your dancing doctors stacks (I've read most of your stacks just didn't respond to them) and the Lioness of Judah Ministry saw this today > Premeditated GENOCIDE: [UK] Registered Nurse Zandra Lewis States She Was Instructed to Euthanise Patients With Midazolam + Morphine and Withdraw Water - NHS guideline NG163 https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/premeditated-genocide-registered

Drag out the guillotines, boys, & line 'em up. No need for any more public hearings or grand juries.

5. Re: "frontline" doctor Peter McCullough, his name was praised by Naomi Wolf in a recent stack as being one of her trusted medical advisors during her recent medical crisis related to a burst appendix.

That reference by her surprised me as I now consider McCullough as one of the partial shills to distract from no-virus folks & maintain a vaxx gravy train (Like RFKJr he's not against vaxx, just "unsafe" ones.)

Anyway, Naomi's wrote 2 very moving stacks that actually made me cry as I've also gone thru a burst appendix many years ago in a big city urban hospital with only my own wits to get me through it.

"Not Dead Yet" https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/not-dead-yet

5. Love Bill Hicks & wonder if you ever heard the rumor that Alex Jones is REALLY Bill Hicks decades later (the conspiracy goes that Hicks was a govt culture collaborator - sort of like the rock stars - & had one of those "staged deaths" to move him more into the role of paid predictor or prognosticator). I'll skip the links here but that same story has been rolled out related to Janis Joplin too who is now said to be DemocracyNow broadcaster AMY GOODMAN. Geez, Louise. Too many conspiracies to follow.

6. Esp love your mocking of all the self-important blow-hards like Mr MrNA Baloney's 10,000 subs. :-)

That dude irritated me from the very beginning as my shit-detector siren was going off loud & clear.

It he knew the clot-shots were so dam dangerous - Mr Inventor Man - why didn't he save lotsa lives by blasting out a warning 24/7 (like Yeadon has attempted to do for 3+ years on now). Malone=Big mfer

Sorry for all the train of consciousness rambling here Mike but reading your stacks often does that.

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As always Lucinda I love your comments on my posts. I hate it when you take SS breaks.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Would prob be on SS day & night but life is important (see Mike's garden!) so I pace myself. And my hubby man yells at me to get off that dam thing & go fix me a meal. HAH

Truly appreciate your efforts as I do so many of our vaxx warriors for truth & justice. xo

Btw, how do folks contact you by email or snail mail as I don't see info on your page?

Bonus video if you don't know of this guy >

UK Comedian Alistair Williams > Bogus NWO plan > Podcast: " FOLLOW THE SCIENCE"

First published at 16:38 UTC on November 8th, 2021.


His stand-up routines re: idiot politicians & globalists & C19 are all hilariously "sick".

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What did you fix hubby for dinner? I’m ordering my wife right now to fix dinner. She’s ignoring me. You can always reply to me privately on any article. Two did on todays post. From your inbox scroll to the bottom and reply. The VRR HQ address is changing due to trolls on the other side. I will post it on a future article. Also I might add a phone number.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Dinner (or supper as Okies/Southerners call it) was fish, potatoes, corn & salad.

Tho J is a great left-over heater-upper, both of us prefer my scratch cooking.

I don't understand the scroll to the bottom of inbox as my scroll just keeps unrolling my subscription articles in an endless newsfeed. And the icons on the left are specific to their purposes. I don't use my smaht phone for checking the substacks but use my PC or a laptop so maybe that's the difference. I think someone else said to scroll to the bottom when I asked but it doesn't work.

Anyway, I wanted to order VRR stickers etc but since there's no website ...?

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Just email me.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Awesome line! 🙌😎 Might use that as a response someday; “I identify as a great unwashed, non-paying rebel-plebe” 🤣

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

"Tens of Thousands of Paid Subscribers".

But not yours though, right?

Hey, the VRR was voted #1, don't blame running out of ink. The entire staff of the VRR voted, I know.

Now you whetted my appetite for the planned garden talk, pics of your garden and the chemtrails.

Thanks for mentioning Yeadon's SS, I have been confused about the name of it, Lion of Judah Ministries, still not sure who writes it, but they sure do send out a lot of articles.

Dave's Bread? That expensive multi-grain bread? I've tried it, it's very good, but I can't afford it, even though it is about 5.99 at Walmart. I can't drive to Walmart just anytime I feel like it, so I go to my local Dollar General. Their cheap white bread is only 1.50. I can usually find that much change in the parking lot.

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I’m using Dr. Robert Maloney ending tag, Tens of thousands of paid subscribers. Plagiarizing him. He might sue me.

I use to find dimes everywhere. I’m mentioning this in an attempt Universe to kick start it again. Garden talk done. It was ready, pics too. Later tonight or tomorrow.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

I’d subscribe to you before I’d subscribe to Malone. Problem is the Biden economy and retirement don’t mix well. If you run any “sales” I’ll consider it, because I do appreciate your blog.

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The town closest to me (I live in the boonies) has a pop of 20,000 I believe and free bus rides as of this spring. It means a lot of undesirables will be moving here. I don't mean regular, good honest poor folks either.

I think it's a precurser to 15 min city also.

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Agree Sue. Check your mail this week.

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Shhhhhh! Most people think I'm a dude out here!!!

I don't know why but I dig it.


Well, I guess I could still be....


Will be watching my mail for your delivery 📬💌

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deletedJul 20, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins
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Yep. I figure they must be creating an email backup on everyone cross checking occasionally then re-subscribing those who unsubscribed. Steve data mines his subscribers.

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