Sep 14Liked by Mike Huggins

Hey Mike. It’s been a few days …just checking in, making sure all is well. Happy weekend!

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Indeed it has. Don't give up on me. I've got some really good J13 stuff coming up. I'm slow playing it a little. I want to get everything right so there is no way they can squirm out of it. I want to box them up and chain them in the box. I might have already accomplished that. Maybe add extra chains for these THINGS. I've also taken a journey into the supernatural world and am analyzing the audio. Amazing. Probably post tomorrow.

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Thanks for responding. I’m glad to hear you’re well. I look forward to your coming posts!

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Also feel free to email me any time at michaelhuggins50@gmail.com with any questions.

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Sep 15Liked by Mike Huggins

Will do.

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Sep 11Liked by Mike Huggins

Not been keeping up enough lately, but glad to see you are still on these Thing's trail and this evening, will keep an ear out for our local owl who usually surfaces shortly after reading this subject.

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I got more owls coming up. I passed the message onto the barred owl that our insane GOV wants to slaughter 470,000 of them. LOOK OUT GOV.

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That last picture with the black SUV is full of images to analyze!

There are 2 bald-headed THINGS, the other one is wearing a ball cap and a TRUMP t-shirt. They both look like the creepy dude in the video where he walks into an office an completely mind-controls the receptionist with a hand gesture and obvious NLP. The guy whose cap is occluding the lower right corner of the license plate looks bald as well. Also, the "hand" by the license plate looks more like a CLAW, wouldn't you say?

And why is the background Photoshopped and either wholly replaced with some kind of white drape or whitened and blurred? And look at the dude in the red ball cap. What is that random chunk of black behind his right cheek, behind the red part of the fence covering? Someone or someTHING was there that didn't get completely erased.

As for numbers, the 131 could mean "the butt protected inside the twin Freemason towers," which would make the vehicle a consciously chosen part of the ritual sodomy. And the 36 is three sixes, or 666. The zero could be a placeholder. Also, in Luciferian symbology, Zero or O means Time, as in Time Manipulation and Time Travel.

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This is the most bizarrest event I've ever researched and most if not all of alt doesn't want to touch it. There are so many bald THINGS too. I speculate that the entire bleacher behind Trump are not human--PROVE IT MIKE. Coming up.

Thanks Sharine. Love your analysis my friend.

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I believe that you are witnessing & analyzing (and I am right with you) the next level of FULL DISCLOSURE OF THE THINGS.

My focus has been on the shocking amount of demonically possessed "trans-gender" "people" in Hollywood, politics, and pretty much all high-level limelight arenas such as "women's sports" and even corporations and NGOs.

These are two aspects of the same agenda, and disclosure of that agenda.

At what point do "normies" with their heads in their black-screen-boxes go *outwardly* insane when disclosure happens?

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I know I am in communications with multiple alien races but for some reason I'm not allowed to have memory recall at this time. Frustration level X10.

Off my recordings some seem to be like us it seems while other alien races seem to be as dumb as a fucking rock, but some how they're able to manipulate the matrix and manipulate humans. They are definitely teamed up with dark energies, demons, devils and all sorts of creepy ass lower fourth dimensional THINGS. Humans will definitely go insane with just the visual.

I spent the last four days in complete human frustration mode. It's worse than I thought. I might share it in my next post.

I'm right with you.

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