It is so difficult to discern who is and who isn't controlled opposition. I'm not as quick as you to dismiss the 'outspoken doctors' as such, because I could be wrong. After all, some of them likely have fallen for the big lie, too. But, I definitely share your cynicism. Having said that, I think this article is spot on. Long Covid is bullshit. Coincidentally, I know two people who recently suddenly developed a bad shoulder, and several others who have developed painful joints elsewhere in the body.

Always enjoy your thoughtful analysis, and your sarcasm.

Thank you, and please keep it coming!

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Mike Huggins

We have a well known journalist here in Australia who is convinced she has Long Covid and tweets day and night about her horrible symptoms. She got two jabs and then got Covid and she attributes her gruesome situation to not having got her booster on time. I am willing to bet my beagle that she is jab injured and has fallen for the Long Covid story. I am concerned that so many jab injuries will be attributed to Long Covid and not to the culprit itself.

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Good morning.. :) I am reading about your long Covid... theory and I didn't bother to check what the medical experts said.. as there is no such thing as a medical expert on Sars 2 Covid or the vaccination.. since the actual clinical data is not made available. remember? as a retired Virologist I still follow.. from a distance the same old information being put out there, however there is such a thing as "lingering symptoms" if one has had covid (I had it three times, and I am still have lingering symptoms which have to do with what you said: prior bad life decisions; former long term smoker (me that is. yep.. I did love those Virginia Slims.. cigarettes.. and as a former runner and half way decent athelete have lots of scar tissue built up in my joints.. which have Zero to do with my "lingering symptoms".. I don't like the term LONG COVID or when I first heard about it.. here it was called Long Hauler Covid, but in fact I do know.. and now wer are back to what I call anecdotal or incidental findings which makes up volumes of case history in the annals of medicine. I love your approach.. but however.. I did a quick search on one line in your story (that is my area of expertise as medical writer and indexer as well as used to write what is called the ABSTRACT for medical articles which sums up very complex articles so when medical researchers are looking for highly specific info in a haystack they read the abstract). Back to the point: the key word search string in your article is:. pamphlets to remove spike protein amongst other things.. that key word string brings me to the crux of the issue: it brought up dozens of "both medical websites from many doctors, quacks and other sites with long lists of both teas and meds which the World Council of Health "recommends" along with many other lists of teas,, etc ivermextin to rid one's body of these so called Spike Proteins which are produced as residue (according to whom?, again where is that "CLINICAL data coming from? https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.07.451411v1.full.pdf This was the only one which interested me because of the ACE inhibitor angle and mentions former smokers. This website.. loaded with ads also addresses REAL issues with which are true.. I know this as scientist... but you have to go to the middle of the page which addresses the S Proteins Can Affect Multiple Organs.. start there.. and read. https://rightsidetoday.com/8-ways-spike-protein-harms-the-body-and-how-to-remove-it/. I even hesitate to post that like you implied there are a lot of hypochondriacs out there who have prior existing conditions, which in part explains the issue about the co morbidity of the Covid deaths post vaccination or actually contracting corona., like I did from a vaccinated person who is still suffering from "lingering symptoms" as diabetic and former smoker. One thing I noticed is that the "cures" for the long term or lingering symptoms are the exact same or more used to treat other colds and viruses; for sure the increase in mucus production, and exacerbation of prior existing conditions is linked to having the Vaxx or contracting Corona. The reason for this.. and I have my own theory is because it was not a NATURAL VIRUS in nature and what was a natural virus in nature was in fact CSPRED at the fuserin link just like David Baltimore (nobel prize virologist whom I met many years ago when I worked for NIH for George Todaro. So I have known about this for a long time. As far as "ridding one self" of the Spike Protein, well, I know some younger people who got Covid and all the symptoms were gone in a week. One doctor and friend told me: everyone will get it wone way or another.. then it is up to one's own immune system to deal with it.. and any extra help like with the teas, or antihistamines you can give it fine. All the things on the list say of Dr Mercola can b found in stores and people use zinc or Vit C all the time. anyway I did want to let you know.. still here and took the time to read your latest post. :) Thanks.. :) and yes don't mention to your doctor you had corona; just my opinion. IMHO.. Isabella.. (ps still on my laptop excuse typos )

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deletedDec 3, 2022Liked by Mike Huggins
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