Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Aaaaaaand HAARP. As I try to go on living, I have to say I have divvied the world into 2 groups, the folks that KNEW something TRULY EVIL was afoot, and the ones who did not. I cannot seem to trust any jab believer again, they are ripe for the all the measures, and therefore dangerous to me.

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Not sure they're that creative with it and it messes up my story.

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No more dog jabs either!😾

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Do you feel the lightening was "natural"?

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Amazing photos! I'm in UK and we don't get too many electrical storms at all and they happen in summer when it's been hot. A day time electrical storm darkened the sky above my house then a bolt of lightening hit the TV anntenna on the roof and it seemed all hell was let loose. The house alarm was set off and the surge of electricity blew all the plugged in appliances. It was really scary for me and two small kids. I never scared before being hit and am hoping it never happens again. It was a pain getting insurance sorted out after too. I wonder if your storm was an omen too.

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The timing lines up with omen.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

It's Laurie again.

I forgot to mention that l agree with you about Trump. I really would like to hear him explain his actions regarding many things (but especially pushing the poison jabs) in a military tribunal. Trump & soooo many other creeps who purposefully deceived the population. And they all need to suffer consequences be it incarceration or execution. People DIED & were terribly injured. This is unforgivable.

Also, l was wondering....does that phrase "props.children" have some significance in tech/computer lingo? I am quite puzzled why it is showing up in lieu of each commentor's screen name....very weird!

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"props. children" appears to be a programming glitch. It might be the ghost of Milton. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/what-is-this-props-children-and-when-you-should-use-it/

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Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Regarding Trump, I am thinking that the depop agenda has infiltrated a lot of minds and to such people they have stopped seeing it as evil.

They justify being *in on it*.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Hi Mike

Truly AMAZING photos! Thank-you for sharing.....wasn't it one of the old Ghostbuster movies that had some impressive lightening/storm scenes like these at the end of the movie when the guys were fighting that creepy sort-of dog lady goddess at the end to destroy her when they were on top of a skyscraper? Or maybe it was when the giant Pillsbury Dough monster guy was walking the streets of downtown NYC? At any rate, the heavens apparently were foretelling ominious events the night you took those photos! It's actually rather frightening....it's very obvious that some very evil gods are making their presence known to us mortals with signs in the heavens! And yes, they seemed to be quite pissed off!

And here's a "woo-woo" weird thing that just happened on Substack....at first l thought it was just your Substack but l checked a few others & it's happening all over....when l go to the comments section you know how the person commenting has their screen name off to the left of their comment....well, the screen names have ALL changed to the phrase "props.children" for every single comment! I guess it's a glitch in Substack but it sure is weird (like your amazing storm photos!). Or maybe Tuesdays are now officially weird-out day! Lol.

Annnnd....YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!! My VRR bumper stickers safely arrived yesterday afternoon. THEY ARE SO COOL!!! l will treasure them forever. Thank-you so much!

I will sign off so you know who l am in case l show up as "props.children" like everyone else....

Be well dear man, Laurie in Vero Beach :).

P.S. Will send pics of my VRR bumper stickers asap once l get them in place. Be patient.

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I think you're right on the Ghostbuster lightening. I forgot about the giant Pillsbury dough monster. That's a good laugh.

I intentionally used the word glitch in a previous report because I'm noticing a lot of glitches going on, many at SS.

Glad you got your VRR bumpersticker. I have two in Florida now. Maybe you'll park next to each other at a grocery store. Thanks Laurie.


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yep. sure are. WHY? you know why. I know why. HALF OF THE PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET OR MORE WORSHIP themselves, secular humanists and the rest worship false Gods.

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I'd like to see humanity pause on worship until these gods can be sorted out.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Yep, "medicine is magical and magical is art" . . . think of the boy in the bubble, and the baby with COVID clot shot!

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'......these are the days of laser beam ablation, laser beam ablation everywhere, ICU's are brimming with the patients, gasping and struggling to breathe air.......'

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Stunning shots! 😱

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Spectacular images, Mike! It surely does seem that the Gods were angry!

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Like us right now

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Those of us that see the skulduggery that is upon us. It truly amazes me when I look around and see just how many people (family, friends, acquaintances) are oblivious... going on about their days and waiting for things to go back to "normal."

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Great pix, Mike. I am certain that the gods must be a little pissed at the way Humankind has mismanaged itself.

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I forgot you posted this.. read some of the posts.. always amusing to see responses in Hind sight. I am sure you have seen the posts where the Lightening strikes the Vatican right? I mean the REAL VATICAN.. maybe that was after the POPE said Aliens could be baptized.. I am just along for the "RIDE" being a Doors fan. You know Jim Morrison actually went to High School in Alexandria, VA. There is photo I took of his photo when I was at the Torpedo Factory (ART CENTER, now gone woke and looks like a Shoe store).. of him when he want to G.W High School.. (also now destroyed by City of Alexandria, my hometown,, which is a complete disaster now. but join the crowd.

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I remember when the pope released the doves and a crow and seagull attacked them. I have connections with both of those attacking birds.

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Yeh my blog repost from 2019https://open.substack.com/pub/saxxon/p/12-monkeys-nato-global-cassandra-ebf?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android

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Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Great choice of music.

Riders on the Storm.

A nice ear-worm.

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deletedMar 21, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins
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Do tell!

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