Mike... The more I ponder life and my time within it, the more apparent it becomes that there is indeed some sinister force at work within Humankind to dominate and control it. A "spirit" entity simply does not account for the universality of the evil being impressed on Humankind. This is, IMO, some "other worldly" entity with plan and purpose - an earth-bound or moon-bound THING, or inter-dimensional THING, or off-world THING? I know not, but it seems highly likely that the evidence has been before us for thousands of years and "They" have successfully infiltrated and manipulated certain Human groups to do their bidding - from digging gold to burning babies and endless war, war, war... And, of course creating numerous competing "religions" that support "Their" control over the herd. We are indeed on a slave planet.

BTW, I went through all of the "Christian" denoms - was a Presbyterian Elder for 30 years before being excommunicated for being contumacious (both of my kids are/were gay and that became an issue - what would Jesus do? - walk away!).

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Great comment doc. I’m with you all the way. We are on a collision course right now with alien disclosure. It is happening right now. They won’t be able to hide for long.

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That sign near Eureka enrages me. I hope the North coast elk herd (and every other animal, bird) got a chance to defecate on that sign and all around it, before it was edited.

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Mr. E it wasn’t edited. The sign saying vaccinated will die from Covid was placed about 500 yards after the sign you want shit all over. It was brilliant

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