Mike, I am so sad to read that.

Seems like the same story of my family. Sickness, cancer, heart problems...and 99% of mine took the poison dart too.

I guess most of us out here can say the same.

Stay tough. We're gonna be the last ones standing ❤️

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As the caretaker of the most haunted garden on planet earth I must remain alive. My aunt told me it is going to be one of her many stops as soon as she leaves this 3D system. I look forward to visiting with her again.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

"...Washington DC 91.3% took the shot..." - Praying this is correct, as things on the planet will improve dramatically once all of these psychopaths reap what they have sown.

With re: to your relatives. Very sad. I have the same within my family and it is very depressing. Some even persist in following the narrative to this day. Horrible, but there is nothing that can be done...

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Wa. State sure seems like it's above 90% too. Mask wearing is ramping up big time here.

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Absolutely, however the shot that the people in DC received was most likely saline

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Mike, I'm so very sorry to hear about your relatives. The good thing is they are no longer in denial about the harm the shots caused.

But I am upset that they are willing to give up, it seems. Please tell them about Ivermectin. Please TELL them to take it. They cannot rely on the corrupt medical establishment to treat them properly.

It does seem like, overall, 2/3 of the population eventually took the death jab. I can agree that at the beginning at least 1/3 lined up for it, fully believing the lies they were told. Another 1/3 may have had qualms about it, but made decisions based on things like losing their job, or not being able to visit a relative in a nursing home. Poor decisions, but they probably, at the time, really didn't think the shot was deadly.

I have empathy for the second 1/3. Not for the first 1/3.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

I, too, offer my sympathies to you and your family. I do not trust Martin. I trust very few. Being older, I encounter many doctors and medical industry workers. I judge the doctors I know to be brainwashed and willing to kill patients if told to. I am astounded by what they have said to me. My view: TRUST NOBODY.

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I agree. My pulmonologist, back in 2021, straight up lied to my face.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Six months ago my cardiologist told me that even if masks don't stop Covid, mask-wearing resulted in there being no cases of flu in 2021. I just looked at him bemused.

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Maybe he could be sold some shares in that railroad they're building across the Indian Ocean. I hear shares can be purchased from a certain prince in Nigeria.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

OMG, the flu "disappeared" in 2020 because they used those deaths as deaths from Covid.

Cardiologists, or so-called medical professionals, are highly trained idiots, totally bought and paid for by Big Pharma and the corrupt FDA.

And his comment about masks is asinine.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Maybe the cardiologist said "2020". I could have erred on that but he absolutely told me the masks had eliminated flu. I just can't process that. How do you become a cardiologist and also be that braindead?

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Exactly, if he knew masks don't work to prevent the spread of viruses, then they didn't work on "flu" either. The average annual number of deaths attributed to flu disappeared in 2020 because they used those deaths as Covid deaths.

The entire narrative about everything was geared to support their "plandemic".

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Yes, Mike's relatives should def be asking their Docs for Ivermectin. I don't blame the 79-year old for not wanting surgery and chemo though. Look at the lives and minds these evil ones messed with. 😈☠️👹

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I don't blame her either. I didn't mention but the vaxx also damaged her blood that doctors are baffled and she has to have blood transfusions. She was completely healthy prior to the shot.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

SOB, prayers for the family.

One of our daughters is soon going in for removal of some mass near the reproductive organs. Says she did not take the shots, and I think they were looking into this prior to covid nightmare, but still a tough time at the household.

And also got a few calls in the last couple years from clients i came to know well who did take the vaxxxes and now have cancer, mostly breast cancer.

Then yesterday, a fellow Warrior like you Mike (also named Mike), sent me this twitter video where these dudes were saying something about Marburg in the vaxxxes --- seemed kinda far fetched, but again SOB, who really knows what they are capable of theses days!

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Best regards to your daughter and her surgery. I would not believe for a second about Marburgs in the vaccine. Instead is it fairly well understood now that the covid vaccine's spike protein targets CD4 white blood cells (like HIV does). And with mRNA becoming integrated into the human genome through vaccination (not yet demonstrated, but suspected), the body will always be producing spike proteins and always targeting the CD4 cells just like HIV in theory to the point of having AIDS. Time will tell.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Thank you very much. Hopefully, they can save some of the reproductive function

And I agree, this whole Marburg allegation seems like quite a stretch

But the deleted immune system, while I certainly do not even come close to understanding it, seems quite real.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

My brother had a throat cancer, before Covid. He was only 62 and went for treatment offered which was surgery then radiation. They first extracted teeth with amalgam fillings, to do with radiation treatment. This resulted in all chewing rear ones. In UK at one time, dentists only got paid by government for kids if they did any work so most Boomers got fillings whether needed or not! The surgery done, then came radiation. They burned through esophagus and trachea resulting in anything eaten or drank went straight into lungs causing choking, infection so a feeding tube put in stomach. Then cancer spread to lymph nodes in neck so further surgery performed leaving his head pulled over and down on surgery side. I have never seen such a pityful sight. He suffered in pain from day 1 until his death 18 months later. I am sorry to learn about your family members.

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Awful. Was all of his treatment done in the UK?

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Sorry for delay in replying, been away for long weekend away from internet, which was lovely! Yes, in UK. I have read about how chemo can result in severe osteoarthritis too, if you survive the ordeal, resulting in joint replacements being needed and know of such a person.

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That is horrible, and what a crap MD to over radiate and burn up your Bro's esophagus.

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Yes, terrible situation. Still, he didn't suffer chemo as well.

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Never met you brother, but have stated previously here how much I appreciate what you bring to my day to day in this unstable dark maze. Today you are my family. Stay strong.

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Thank you my friend. I'm ready for whatever comes my way and I'll be open and transparent.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Mike, I believe you previously posted a piece on Fenbendazole for cancer treatment. Here's another that touts Ivermectin and Fenbendazole for cancer treatment.


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Thanks David.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

My pie looks (to me) like 50% vakked, 25% coerced, and 25% freebies. I live in the Heartland near a big blue city.

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A blue city in the Heartland. Sorry about that. Is there a homeless population there?

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Of course. We have tent camps in wooded areas near convenience stores. It's scary cause this could happen to any of the homed population, especially if the gov't keeps raising real estate taxes like they are doing.

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Yeah, no kidding. Property taxes went up over 20% this last year in my neighborhood. Lots of retired people on fixed incomes cant afford that shit.

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The elites have determined there are too many humans on Earth. To save the planet, it has been decided that everyone must enter the vaxxxxxxxxine lottery. By getting your shots and boosters, your life is being shortened but you won't notice. Sure, some will be disabled, some will have horrific side effects, some will even die soon after being injected, but it's all necessary.

If too many refuse to be vaxxxxxxxxinated, think how unpleasant it will be to round up the vaxxxxxxine hesitant and put them into camps. Besides the expense think how messy it will be when the vaxxxxxxine hesitant start a rebellion. Loosing your life randomly to vaxxxxxines is so much easier to watch than people being killed by gunfire and explosions in a civil war.

Please get vaxxxxinated soon so Bill Gates, WHO, US Gov't can get back on the required death schedule. It's important that some die so the Earth will be saved.

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I really hope this is sarcasm 😳

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It is. The other side would never spell vaccine with x's in it. A dead give away.

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So sorry to hear about your family members. Including yours in the prayers for all of mine and some good friends who fell for the B.S.

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Thanks David.

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Brain lapse. First it was a book. Then made into a video series. Ty Bollinger and his wife. "The Truth About Cancer". They had several relatives come down with cancer and did extensive research into alternative treatments. Look it up. Quick note. ABSOLUTELY need to eliminate sugar from the diet as much as possible since cancers feed on it.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

If one is going to die, I think it is at least significant to know what hath killed you, and to be angry at them. So many put the blame for their bad health on themselves or chance, when they were injected with a killing cocktail. Truth is at least solid footing. Without it we cannot move forward.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

I only know of two persons who did not take any shots at all. (And my kids of course.) That is not a third of the people I know. But we only had vaccine passports for a couple of months, and only had to show them if we wanted to go to the movies or to a restaurant. Maybe a lot of people kept it a secret that they did not take it. I know I stopped talking with people, because people shunned me.

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I was recently in with a group of people and I mentioned I didn't take the shot the subject was immediately changed. Translation, they all took it.

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Yes, I think so too.

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My pie is not in thirds, but heavily skewed towards vaxxed belivers who now "just don't want to talk about it" because "covid's over." They don't want to talk about all the coincidences, either, gee, it's so sad, but it was just "their time" etc., etc.-- whoosh, they change the subject faster than the speed of sound.

But taking the US as a whole, including small towns and so on, I think Dr. David's Martin's characterization is probably quite accurate.

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Martin and Malone and the other deceivers are talking out of both sides of their mouths. They promoted, and much more, the lies, kill shots, and all and now they are trying to present themselves as the goody truth-tellers but they are not to be trusted. Similar to Fauci, who flip-flops repeatedly, they slither. Their forked tongues are in view.

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Dr. David Martin? Surely you must be thinking of someone else. Dr. Martin has stood up and spoken out against the crimes since the beginning, and before.

[edited to correct typo]

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It's a who is who war and many unvaccinated are suspicious of anyone with a Dr. in front of their name. I'm holding my hand up. I see Sherri Tenpenny referring to herself as activist now. Might be smart. Thanks Transcriber B for finding the Martin post. You're doing great work and since you've turned off your comment expect an occasional email from me.

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Thanks for reading, and for your kind words.

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Here is Dr. Martin's speech before the European Parliament:

Dr. David Martin at the European Parliament (with slides)


International COVID Summit III, European Parliament, Brussels, May 3, 2023


Backup clips of Dr. David Martin's presentation:

without slides:


with slides:


[screenshot and screenshots of slides]

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/97438.html

Pull-quote: "This was premeditated domestic terrorism stated at the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2015, published in front of them. This is, this is an act of biological and chemical warfare perpetrated on the human race. And it was admitted to in writing that this was a financial heist and a financial fraud."

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Not really.

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Dr David Martin??? He's the only one NAMING THE MURDERERS...don't throw the good out w the bad( malone)!

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Here you go:

COVID-19 Will We Ever Get Justice with David Martin

Weaponized News, posted August 31, 2023


Hat tip: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/the-3-points-to-make



SAM CHANEY: So in in this fall coming up, are, do you think the public's going to go along with this whole thing, mask, masks up, social distance, Plexiglas, lockdown, booster. Do you think they're going to be able to pull it off one more time?

DR. DAVID MARTIN: Well I certainly think they're going to try. And the tragedy is I think there are an enormous number of people, and by enormous number I mean about a third of the population that is gullible to fall for anything. As I said in a previous interview very recently, if you look at the uptake of what really happened the last time around, you have about a third of the population that fell for it, and they'd fall for anything. If they, if you, if the government said jump off a bridge, they'd jump off the bridge.

Another third are coerced into it, where they do it because they want to travel, they want to do it because their employer says they have to do it, they want to do it because they want to get access to certain venues, concerts, entertainment, whatever else. So a third get coerced.

And about a third say no.

The question for us right now is whether the middle third is going to recognize that this thing was all a sham in the first place and not comply. Because if 66% of the population doesn't go along with it, then they're in trouble. But if that same coercion third goes the way it went last time then unfortunately they'll win.

SAM CHANEY: So that's the hearts and minds we're fighting for is that 33% in the middle.

DR. DAVID MARTIN: That's exactly right. It's the swing vote that was coerced. If if if people recognize that it took coercion for them to get the shot in the first place, if we can get those people to go, you fooled me once, OK, fool me twice, shame on me. If we can get them to see that, we have a shot at turning this thing around.



* * *


DR. DAVID MARTIN: Anthony Fauci stated in Congress in December of 2019 before any of this got started that within his career he would get the United States to accept a universal vaccine program. Universal. You know what? That's what he's doing. This has never been been about public health. It's never been about a pathogen, it's never been about a disease, it's never been about anything. This is about a program where industrial pharmaceutical companies have decided to use the cover of a medical countermeasure in an emergency to get product liability immunity and that's all it is. This is a profit-generating terror campaign. That's it. There's nothing else to it.

SAM CHANEY: It, yeah it should be self-evident to everyone, but [laughs] man, the propaganda is so—

DR. DAVID MARTIN: Yeah but here, let me just point something out, and I said this before. The problem with people who say they are about free speech, the problem with people who say they're about the freedom movement, the problem is, they're not having this conversation. They are adding to the confusion. This is a racketeering crime. This is a financial crime. And it's murder.

And if they start talking about, well, we still don't know where the thing came from, so let's have 10 conversations about that, and let's have 5 conversations about ivermectin and 10 conversations about, you know, hydroxychloroquine. I'm not suggesting that there's not a valid conversation to be had about medical interventions for the poisoning of people. I think that there's probably a role for that. But here's the problem. The problem is, in the liberty side of this equation, what I'm going to call the alt-mainstream, is still not talking about the crime. They are talking about the symptoms of the crime. And what that does is it feeds the confusion in the mainstream. If we had, within this side of the movement, if we had people staying focused on topic, it is criminal racketeering, it's deceptive medical practices, it is domestic terrorism through coercion, and it's murder. If we had a simple message, and everybody started saying that message, we wouldn't have the problem we have.

We have 3 and a half years of nonsense where people sit there going, well, was it China, is it the US, is it this, is it that. We need the same focus that the other side has because if the other side had this level of distraction they wouldn't accomplish anything. So what do they do? And you've seen it, Sam. What do they do? We're going to pretend like there's covid counts going up. We're going to pretend like we need to have masks. We're going to pretend like we need to get injections. Three simple messages. And they repeat them so often that everybody believes them.

You know what we don't have on our side of the conversation? Three simple messages. And here they are. This was a bioweapons program started in 2005 officially as a bioweapons program. Number two,

this was coercion and domestic terrorism. Number three, this is deceptive medical practices racketeering leading to murder. Those simple statements, that's it, are all we need to keep reciting so that we actually have a simple message that the public can understand.



#   #   #


David Martin's sites:





Biographical note from the show notes for a different interview, with James Howard Kunstler, earlier this year: "Dr. David E. Martin is "the Founder and Chairman of M·CAM Inc., the international leader in innovation finance, trade, and intangible asset finance. He’s been among a select band of international thought-leaders investigating the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic, in particular the relationships between US public health officials, the pharmaceutical companies, and a number of shadowy organizations behind the development of hugely profitable vaccines with a poor record of safety and viability. He was the founding CEO of Mosaic Technologies Inc., a company that developed and commercialized advanced computational linguistics technologies, dynamic data compression and encryption technologies, electrical field transmission technology, medical diagnostics, and stealth/anechoic technology, and launched many other ventures here and overseas."

Note that a blog post by Brucha Weisberger dated November 1, 2022, contains numerous links to videos and documents by and about Dr. David Martin.


See also:

Dr. David Martin at the European Parliament (with slides)


International COVID Summit III, European Parliament, Brussels, May 3, 2023


Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/97438.html

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Is this true, what I just read? I wouldn't doubt it:





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