Mike, I cannot tell you on Substack, an in theory, on the World Wide Net what I REALLY THINK and yes, Mike Waltz has a lot of questions too.. probably different than mine: I am sure there are many "anomalies" in the photographs and no, Donald Trump is not a Reptilian but some of the "stuff which leans" in the "HIGH STRANGE" areas... are indeed could be related to the Aliens but not like you think. I am no expert but I have wasted many an hour reading about the Aliens, and I don't think they come from another planet: I lean more to the Thomas Horn theories which are sort lean toward the "Ancient Nephelim (s) offspring (evil) of the Antedeluvians who escaped the Flood by in the underground tunnels which they built or existed. And also I think that some of them are shape shifting but this is because of their "interdemensional/multidemensional".. do we have a word for it? nature.. I just recently ran across a Scripture verse from the mouth of Jesus which we do not have an English word for... the other day when I got the Dead Sea Scrolls book.. anyway. WHO KNOWS? I will tell you this.. that kid who did try to assassinate TRUMP could have even been one of the manchurian candidate types.. or even a subject of the IRANIAN state Dept.. who could be controlled by.. you guess is as good as mine. we don't know .01 Per Cent of what REALLY IS GOING ON... out there in black box billions world....NUFF SAID.. you ain'' the only one whose mind can wander out there. :) gotta go.. play the LOTTERY.. :) MEGA is up.. LOL. Have a great weekend.

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I have video proof and I've posted it all on my SS. I've included pictures with time points and the videos are still up on YouTube. Anyone can look it up. I don't make anything up about Trump I just show the video of him shape-shifting with the time points. If you refuse to go look at it there's nothing I can do.

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Sep 7Liked by Mike Huggins

I just looked up your name on YT and didn't see you. Do you have a YT channel?

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Yes but I haven't made videos on this. I'm using the media's own videos to show. I've provided the links of the videos on my articles but I don't think anyone is taking my advice to look at them and download them. I can lead a person right to the exact spot where they are shape-shifting, but not if the person doesn't want to go. I'm not asking for anyone to believe me, go look, it's still on YouTube. They leave them up even after they are exposed because they're still deceiving the masses and they can still feed off that deception.

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Well, I surely do hope that They accept Your challenge. That would be awesome to watch!

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Sep 7Liked by Mike Huggins

It’s interesting to me that the two pictures joined together, split in half from top to bottom, have completely different people in them. This just keeps getting more and more interesting. Also, not only Trump’s chin but also his bottom lip is faded out a little bit on one side. I don’t remember hearing the “doctor” say that Corey was alive when he left. Did you share that and I missed it?

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I also recorded it just in case they pull this interview. Doubt they ever will. They don't think humans are smart enough to connect dots.

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I haven't completed my Dr Streetland yet. He said it in an interview.https://www.foxnews.com/us/doctor-his-wife-recall-chaos-trump-rally-pennsylvania-everybody-so-upset

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Wow, just wow. There are crisis actors moving all over those bleachers behind Trump. There were clearly at least two stagings of this performance, if not many more. That's why the event took several hours. And was it actually held in Butt-ler Pennsylvania, or was it filmed at another location altogether? Regardless, the fakery and fuckery are so obvious.

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When I first started revealing this as a hoax those THINGS laughed at me. They aren't laughing anymore. I'm getting closer to figuring out how they did this but yes multiple takes on this. They might have rehearsed it in a studio with some of the main players on the stage minus the chubby one who couldn't holster her gun. I find it interesting how they zoom in the far away crowd to up close and personal. I also believe they planned this at least 6-12 months ago. Desperation.

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No doubt. The chubby one who couldn't holster her gun was very likely (and I mean like 99.8% likely) to have been MK-ULTRA'd to play this role so that the mockingbird media would have something "logical" to latch onto. You know, their BS "lame security" theory.

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Thanks. I made several comments in an attempt to help some of the blind.

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Sep 7Liked by Mike Huggins

What's with all that simulated sex stuff? Is there video? If there is no video, was absolutely everyone there in on it? There HAS to be video.

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I've posted the link in several articles with the photos including time points. There is a lot of video showing the simulated sex.

Time point 1:55. This is Kaylee Comperatore doing the simulated sex act. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3N6CV2owsY

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I'm brand new to your sub stack. Blue shirt and pink hat? Which one is Kaylee? I heard that the FBI went around confiscating everyone's phones after the event, but surely someone kept a video. Of course they may be too frightened to say anything after the FBI visited them. I also heard that even "live" videos have a delay and can be altered. I imagine if they know ahead of time, that 5 second delay can be extended long enough to edit out and put in whatever they need.

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