
Right doc. We have to save ourselves. What’s our plan? We need to transition to that.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Mike, you really ripped into the fukn phhFIZZZZZER snakes here once again. Amputations all around.

And, geez, dadgummit but you're a regular polyglot linguist. No wonder the owls talk to you. Whooo.

(I'm an OKIE & not a dang Scots altho I def have lots of dif British Isles genes swirling around inside. Have never been able to say which I like better - Okie hillbilly talk, Irish slang, Scots slang or Yiddish.)

Dropping this for the folks.

> gardyloo interjection gar· dy· loo ˌgär-dē-ˈlü - used in Edinburgh as a warning cry when it was customary to throw slops from the windows into the streets Word History Etymology perhaps from French garde à l'eau! look out for the water! First Known Use 1622, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of gardyloo was in 1622 [wondering who used the word first??]

Love the Byrds video (it was my Sr year in high school way back) & also the big stache & man-bag.

They only look like Jesus if Jesus was drawn by US colonials to resemble a young Thomas Jefferson. In actuality, if Jesus was a real person (& not an angel as ancient biblical texts first describe him) he'd probably have looked more like that sad sack Jewish comedian Richard Lewis (or ‘The Prince of Pain’).

Laughing darkly as the so-called "civilization" swirls around the dam drain. "GardyLOO" Mike. HAH

Keep up the fine work.

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Thanks Lucinda. Great feedback on my post.

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Jesus is based on the Greek god Apollo. In fact that's why he is said to be resurrected because the Greeks left Apollo out of the good guys in the 5 books (In Greek - pente teuch) and made him a demon of the pit instead. The Romans resurrected him.

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

Love Prof Richard Carrier's (former Columbia U prof who lost his job due to opinions) work re: ancient texts, rising/dying gods, Jesus history & all kinds of speculative Bible theories etc.

Which Historical Jesus Makes The Most Sense? Dr. Richard Carrier - Streamed live on Nov 17, 2022 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tE3kE1GmYU

Dr. Richard Carrier is well known for his Mythicist position taking after the Doherty hypothesis. This is the idea that Jesus was never a historical man, but a celestial figure who was made into a historical person over time. In this livestream we will assume the historical Jesus existed a priori and deduce which model makes the most sense.

Dr. Richard Carrier's website - https://www.richardcarrier.info/

#MythVision #Jesus #Historical

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Seems to be doing his best to avoid the obvious. That the Jewish pantheon was invented by Greeks running on Plato's suggestions. And that the Romans updated it later.

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

Huh? In this video he's responding to questions & answering based on his books, research & background knowledge of ancient texts & Biblical teachings.

Carrier does cover the Greeks & Romans & all of the other ancient texts & writings - just not extensively in this particular interview, which is very specific to Jesus' historicity, or actual existence as a human being. Many of his classes/lectures cover the broad-ranging influences that led to the development of the Jesus cult & early "Christianity" - & his debates on this w/other scholars are simply must-watches.

If you didn't, pls listen to the stream/podcast I linked (in addition to many of his other lectures) & you'll see your statement is wrong. He discusses both early Greece & the Roman empires in many of his presentations as you can't talk about one without the other. He discusses even earlier influences/myths like Egypt too.

Carrier is one of the most open-minded Jesus investigators - intelligent, funny & willing to modify his position based on new, valid research - regarding ancient times/Jesus/biblical history etc. The video I linked above SAYS it assumes that the historical Jesus actually existed & then marshalls whatever facts/evidence can be brought forward to argue the best case scenario for his (Jesus') existence.

Carrier has said he thinks that the odds that Jesus was a real person who walked the earth as a biblical prophet are 1 out of 3 - which is actually pretty high odds. And that's in view of incomplete historical evidence so far, which can change if new sources are discovered, translated or dug up. Dead Sea scrolls anyone?

Did you watch it & miss that he's focused here on the historicity of Jesus primarily? If you watched the video, though, & responded w/that comment then, I believe you missed his main points/arguments on the proof or nonexistence of Jesus he shared w/Derek Lambert & the live stream participants through their questions.

Believe the video I shared here is one of the most engaging interviews he's done on the history of Jesus so urge you & others to watch it. :-) Lots of food for thought. My only complaint w/it is that they both talk really fast here (but if you slow it down then it's even longer) & the video cuts out for a few minutes early on.

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I think 1 out of 3 is far too high for Jesus. Literally I would put it at close to zero. Was there a human antecedent for his earlier Greek version, Apollo? Possibly. Is it 1 out of 3? Still seems far too high to me. Hell I reckon that the possibility that Alexander the Great existed is far lower than 1/3. The Greeks were excellent fiction writers. They called it history though. And for ideological reasons they invented a new people. They did this by separating them from Greeks, not allowing them to go to the gymnasium, inventing a new language and isolating the seed for this new religion at Qumran. This new ideology attempted to enforce class divisions (source dead sea scrolls). If we fail to understand this then we are doomed to repeat it in the now.

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Yes, good points. Nice talking with you, Richard.

Personally I agree with Carrier that Jesus was a symbol & not a "real boy" but became a "historical figure" over the ages w/all the edits/ biblical revisions. In his research, Carrier explains what he uses in the way of historical info to come up with 1 out of 3 possibility too.

And yeah - lots of cultural mythology & fictional people in ancient texts. The Moses existence is another fascinating topic that's been explored. Love the MythVision channel on youtube (altho I hate youtube & all its censorship now - it still has good stuff/music there) because MythVision channel open-mindedly explores ancient times topics w/all opinions.


Another good (short) MythVision podcast/interview on Jesus' existence:

What Can We Know About The Historical Jesus? | Paula Fredriksen PhD


None of what I say here re: Jesus excludes my own belief that we live in a very spiritual world w/various unseen components & "multi-verses" or dimensions. We are all made out of many magical electromagnetic resonances, vibrations, frequencies & that magnetic substance WATER.

Magnetic Water Documentary - Water Has Memory HD (Mar 1, 2015)


Life is truly astonishing in all its parts (like the fibonacci principle & "golden spiral" as seen throughout nature) & just an amazing miracle.

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Hadn't heard that one since early grade school, but I thought it was Italian.

Thanks for the disambiguation.

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Gardyloo you mean?

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Native Okie here, Lucinda 😁 👋🆗

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

Howdy. Hot enough for ya?

(on edit: I'm an OKIE in NY now as I've lived here in state for many decades... but once an OKIE always an OKIE. YEE-haw.)

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🤠 I left 13 years ago (military), and wound up not far away (Texas) where we raised our family near family, but my Okla F&F say they're freezing---- even Central Texas, where our oldest lives, says that Ice Storm was absolutely no bueno. We've been FT on the road for a few years, currently Wintering on the TX Gulf. 🌴 ☀️

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

Grew up in northwest OK, hubby & I grad from OU & then moved to Boston area for grad studies. Been on the east coast ever since but miss OK alot - esp the land - sunsets, stars & wide-open vistas. Growing up on the prairies gets in your soul for sure. Our families are mostly around KC/OKC areas, except for a few far-flung members on the east/west coasts.

We've traveled alot all over & trying to talk the big man into retiring & hitting the road now. Dream is a renovated Airstream or a Sprinter but prices keep escalating. Dang shame.

About the Texas weather you mention - that freeze-out/energy/heating crisis a couple years ago (?) (can't remember when that happened now) made it even more clear to me then that Texas is often punished for their intransigence - political & otherwise. Other southern states too w/selective big cell tornadoes & hurricanes (which then lead to corp "development"). Began researching this (& so many other things) in detail about 6 years ago. Eyeopening.

Geoengineering (chemtrails etc) is very real & I've noticed it alot when I visit OK as the skies there are so primary to the experience of living there. Lots of criss-crossing chemsky streams. Anyway, if anyone still thinks our weather is "natural" anymore, they're in for a rude surprise. Apologies if this is old hat to you but sharing 2 documentaries that knocked my socks off.


-Frankenskies (2017) - EWOD -Frankenskies (2017)


-What in the World are They Spraying? - EWOD - (2012)


ICYMI Much more info w/related links including govt docs, reports, studies, hearings etc. It's a dam crime/regular shitstorm, no lie. And the chemicals in those sprays are not herbal treatments by any means. Just another fukn thing along w/the big cull jab. Duck & cover.

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Thanks for sharing, Lucinda. I did watch "WITWATS-EWOD" in '12. I've had my eye on the sky for about 10-11 years now. That 🐇 🕳️ will absolutely knock one's socks off. I find myself chuckling a bit when the unjabbed refer to themselves as "pure bloods", 'cause realistically- not a one of us are at this point; between what's being sprayed on us, in our water supply, food, pHARMA, other jabs-not just the latest mRNA one, etc.- there's disappointingly just no way that "pure blood" is possible.

I recently visited NE Oklahoma (Sequoyah) in October, for the first time and was blown away by the Autumn colors and majestic beauty. We sure do have some of the prettiest sunsets in OK. We spent some time living in KS before our Texas move. I dug it. Texas has to be my least favorite living experience, to date. Even whenever we come back to visit, our souls take a slight beating.

You're absolutely right, growing up on the prairies does get in your soul. I require wide-open spaces and plenty of natural beauty and outdoor spaces to recreate.

Oh my, traveling FT in a renovated Airstream has always been a dream of mine! I will admit that a 5th wheel with young kids, dogs, & spouse already feels pretty cramped. Hubs and I will probably forego the FT traveling when all the chickadees are grown and flown, if we hope to stay married. 🤭🤣 He keeps reminding me that Airstreams do not have slide outs.

I do hope someday you and your Big Man get to hit the road and travel, and in your reno'd Airstream! We've only been doing the FT thing about two years. As with everything, +/- but considering the child loss during the 2020 BS and mandates, we graduated our oldest in 2020, also. Homeschool the youngest kiddos, refused job mandates by walking away before firing, and sold house & our junk, and hit the road. Lost virtually all family during the mandate bs for making the choices we made to not comply and for being brave and following our heads, hearts, and guts.

On a journey of healing, & searching for our tribe of like-minded folk. Ready to grow food and relationships. The people we've met on the road have been some of the kindest, genuine, and also willing to share their heartbreak stories-kinda people we've met in a really long time. Instaconnections, I call them. An experience for sure. Did meet an older gentleman tonight, camp neighbor from Wyoming, that asked if I'd read that book about Fauci! Told him he was speaking my language! Our families have a campfire night planned to follow up on the 'Demic convo and his realizations that he's starting to have since reading the book.

Such a joy "meeting" & conversing with you, Lucinda.

(Mike, thank you for lending us your comments section). 🤗

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Sun, you're free to book all of your travel plans and share your life experiences in my comment section. It's all part of the FULL VRR experience.

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

Glad you weren't upset with me sharing the geo-chemtrails docs. :-) We're on the same page there, as you say. Love that you call your great escape/tripping out as a "journey of healing" & search for like-minded.

Yes, the C19 scam/lockdown/travesty uprooted lots of folks but we hung tight here in our small community & have been riding out the shitstorm.

Sorry to hear that you lost a child, as I understand from your post? <3

TY so much for sharing your story here. It's great hearing about your life/travels as I hate what C19 did to so many & personally really miss hitting the road & our trips driving through the western states before.

As a kid growing up in both Kansas & OK (and later high plains/ panhandle area) my family took camping trips all over but mostly western OK, Ozarks, northern NM & southern Colorado. Amazing long-ago family trips w/a gardening, farmgirl mom & a fly-fisherman dad. :-)

Love & miss all the daily OKisms too, "Howdy there", "Hot enough for ya", "Take care, ya hear" (or darlin, as the case may be) & "You betcha" (which the Minnesotans & hardy batchelor farmers say too per the ole Prairie Home Companion radio days).

Re: sharing life/stories, it's the only way to get to know each other - thru our travails (& spiritual/life travels) - and that's why Mike's stack here is valuable because he shares his travels, thoughts, & daily experiences... along with his incisive & hilarious political commentary/analysis. Hoot.

Seems the stacks have turned out to be one of the few places not to censor comments & links on our stories & we can rant, be outspoken, provocative & even profane too. (Well... most stacks) And I only found "stacks" in the summer as I'd read individual stacks in the past but never knew you could subscribe to the entire platform before then.

Hardly know the eastern part of OK (had to look-up Sequoya, hah) but love hearing about it as the land there is beautiful in a different way than the western parts I love so much.

As a child, we visited Grand Lake once but I've never been to Lake Oolagah yet. A nephew recently moved to Owasso area though, so hopefully will be visiting the family there in the summer/someday soon.

And adding my thanks to yours for Mike indulging commenters' posts.

My post here would be really extra-long if I responded to everything you mentioned, Sunny, but truly appreciate your sharing it w/us. <3

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MIke... This explains why there is no accountability and blanket immunity for all of the little participating perps who are walking free. The bastards at the helm of this asylum ship have spent decades manipulating things to there evil ends:


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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

If I may be so rude as to disagree, we don't have our own government, and instead we are under a world government.

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And some of us don't like it.

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

Possibly, but it seems more like West centric gummint centered around the "5 eyes" members - basically a criminal organization directed by DC and London and captured Brussels.... Not sure it matters as the problem is massive, entrenched, anti-Human, and psychopathic at its core.

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Well, the plandemic was certainly global.

I think that it matters if one is to properly identify the enemy.

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Agree w/you Frank (& TnDoc's point too re: who's wagging the dam C19 "tale").

Did I link this on Mike's stack before? Sorry if it's repetitive but good analysis here:

CJ Hopkins: We Need to Talk About Mr. Global (Part 3) - Here it is …


Part Three of We Need to Talk About Mr. Global, the four-part series of dialogues I had with Catherine Austin Fitts about what I call… Nov 20, 2022

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Agree with both Frank and you. It's a global prob but carried out BY our own western 5-eyes sphere mostly. Look at Africa & altho C19 globalists tried to harm/infiltrate them all (killed 3 African leaders during the C19 roll-out due to the leaders' C19 intransigence) the overall continent generally escaped the scamdemic ruse due to their own cultures, suspicion of western med influences, their own remedies & use of HCQ. Of course, Africans were already wise to the killer-vaxx-mafia sponsored by the Gates Foundation et al over decades too. Fool me once, ya know... (unless you're Merikan...)

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TnDoc, blockbuster link here----thanks.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Yes, indeed! We are literally being exterminated by our own government.

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And some of us don’t like it.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Well... I certainly am pissed about it. Paying taxes to these criminals is particularly galling... I want a refund!

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What would you do

if someone came to your door

with a cup in hand

asking for a contribution

to help buy guns

to kill a group of people

they didn't like?

— Wally Nelson

(Tax Resisters League)

Tax revolt everyone? If we get millions on board then they can't jail all of us.

Long US tradition of tax resistance (Boston Tea Party!) & tax refusal/civil disobedience. What would all the super-evil-doers do if they couldn't use our tax dollars for evil purposes??? Dry up the source & their plans disintegrate.

Agree. Tax Resisters Unite! Stop funding the evil govt pricks & their crimes.

(Mebbe should exempt public libraries & local garbage pick-ups though. Oh, & water, sanitation & heating systems too. See what a difficulty this is??)

War Tax Resistance | War Resisters League


War tax resistance is a powerful way to say NO to nuclear weapons and weapons testing, military aid and arms sales, the ludicrous Star Wars missile defense system, covert CIA violence — to say NO to the militarization of the U.S. federal budget. Through war tax resistance you control how your money is spent.

War Tax Resistance - National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee


Refusing to pay federal income taxes is an act of civil disobedience with a long history in the U.S. America's most well-known war tax resister was Henry David Thoreau, whose refusal to pay his poll tax because of the Mexican-American War earned him an night in jail and the experience that led him to write his influential essay, Civil Disobedience.

“The two decisive powers of the government with respect to war are the power to conscript and the power to tax.” - A.J. Muste

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Love the concept. A general strike - lock it all down - for however long it takes...

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The brutal truth.


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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Lots of truth bombs admittedly... however... well... somehow Mel K always leaves the Cons & Repubthugs out of the equation & yet they participate in the demon-centered & satanic web of debt economy, financial & false flag cover-ups, military mobilization/ war-mongering funding & pedophilia/sex trafficking TOO.

There is no clean or independent American political party riding in to save our sorry asses - just alot of compromised/complicit political/globalist toadies sharing the shameful spoils ... like Mr Warp Speed hisself. God save us from the Cancel Culture-ers & righteous Cons alike.

If you think that it's ONLY the godless, socialist Dims doing this, look at the economic & social & military Congressional Pub votes for all the sick BS that Mel K points out here.


Tip: Look up Reagan White House/George HW Bush boy/pedophilia scandal/cover-up, Nebraska Franklin child prostitution ring, Dennis Hastert, Republican Speaker of the House pedophilia conviction & so many more, etc. Notice the connection there? Pedo/ sex blackmail leads to Congressional blackmail - of BOTH political party leaders.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Agreed. We side-stepped Socialism. We are looking at Communism (Bloated Gov't) vs Capitalism now.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Did you really read my response? The Cons/Repubs are ALSO to blame for all this. Seems like all those bad ole lefty/"Communists" Mel K & you blame must also include pious Repubs & fiery Cons too since they've done nothing to stop the shill. The descriptive words to use are authoritarian/totalitarian/dictatorial rule - NOT communism. Okay? You can have authoritarian rule under lefties or righties. But it's so easy for Righties to blame it all on lefty/libral/commies & not see the Repub complicty/traitors also. And, Congressional Dims point the finger in the opposite direction. Over the past 3 years tell me which Repubs stepped up & tried to stop any of the economic/C19 bullshit going down? Only 2 - Sen Paul & Sen Johnson.

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Great link TnDoc.

Even farther back too... See Frances Leader's important analysis re: the "Black Nobility" origins..

> IDENTIFYING THE MODERN BLACK NOBILITY - With a plan for their future and ultimate disempowerment - Frances Leader - Sep 30, 2022


Frances Leader is a must-follow stack if you are trying to understand the whole globalist shebang.

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

Skimmed the chapter list & lots of dark stuff there so might have to skip this. Trying more & more to guard my spirit against all the heavy darkness & death-dealing info.

In the introductory pages, the book says: Does the Illuminati have natural enemies?

“The only true enemy that they see is the Christian Church, which opposes all they do.” -Svali

But the Catholic Church is one of the principle actors in the whole satanic, illuminati network so how can that statement above be true? Is the CC not considered Christian?

The symbols & iconography in the CC specifically (and admittedly in other Christian ceremonies) is very demon-oriented. Drinking & eating the blood & body of Christ??

As a former Christian, this always creeped me out as it is a very ghoulish ceremony.

Plus, the CC has direct connections to the pedo networks & cover-ups and uses devilish reptilian symbology everywhere in the vatican's physical architecture & church rituals. But thanks for the link for reference (& later on if I have more spiritual stamina then).

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

Agree. I don't think that the RC church is the arbiter of Christianity. It is clearly corrupt as all man-made institutions are. Most Christian denoms are similar, IMO. Humans have so corrupted the message of Christ - love, forgiveness, tolerance, humility - that I feel certain that He has disavowed most of them. That having been said, there are millions of decent Humans on the planet who manifest Christ-like behaviors and mores. Many are not even Christian, but dwell within other faiths... Organized religion is by and large a control grid brought to you by the same evil that oppresses us today...

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Agree completely with this & thanks for your response here. Control grid for sure. And of course we all must spread love & reach for the light as decent humans. <3

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

Indeed! I was actually excommunicated more than a decade ago for being contumacious. I wear it as a badge of honor today...

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That Lindsey Laneux is quite the prognosticator!

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