It's all becoming so exhausting...

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I do wish more People grasped the depth of the lies We are told. So glad there are Others that do!

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Oct 25Liked by Mike Huggins

Thank you for this article Mike, I appreciate your perspective and align with it. More people need to be aware that this world is not what we think in so many ways. I'm not familiar with this particular hoax but I spent years on Sandy Hook. So many anomalies so much laziness and it really seems that they don't care that we know how ridiculous they're ever-changing story lines are. It's even less carefully done these days because I believe they don't think there's a darn thing that anybody's going to do about it because they're all bought and paid for. Still pretty acquiescent to the concept that the satanic ritual of J13 was the final capitulation of DJT to being fully controlled and manipulated. Everyberg. Singlestein. Timeowitz.

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Well said Michelle.

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More great research, Mike. That photo of Michelle is textbook "duper's delight."

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The media did an identical interview with Helene Comperatore and daughters. It’s part of the script.

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My protonmail email account is fixed.

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