Mar 1, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Mike... Reminding me of Charles Fort and his "Book of the Damned" this AM:

“A procession of the damned: By the damned I mean the excluded. We shall have a procession of data that science has excluded. Battalions of the accursed, captained by pallid data that I have exhumed will march. You'll read them, or they'll march. Some of them livid and some of them fiery and some of them rotten. Some of them are corpses, skeletons, mummies, twitching, tottering, animated by companions that have been damned alive. There are giants that will walk by, though sound asleep. There are things that are theorems and things that are rags. They'll go by, like you could, arm-in-arm with the spirit of anarchy. Here and there will foot little harlots. Many are clowns, but many are of the highest respectability. Some are assassins. There are pale stenches and gaunt superstitions and mere shadows and lively malices, whims and amiabilities, the naive and the pedantic and the bizarre and the grotesque and the sincere and the insincere, the profound, and the puerile. A stab and a laugh and the patiently folded hands of hopeless propriety. The ultra-respectable! But the condemned, anyway.”

― Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned

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That's good Doc. I think I've met a few of them, or seen them pass through the night. Many of them don't want to talk. They won't wave either.

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Indeed! LOL!

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Who has time to sleep? Hoodoo Man Blues > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdKRWaIaZ14

The blues are my favorite now & Big Guy & I think we were definitely AA in a former life cuz of blues. "I feel good. I don't care what nobody says. Dr Feelgood. I got it. Don't worry bout a dam thing. Don't be a fool. Dam. Junior Wells. Ah-rite. Hay, Mama, don't be so mean." We all got the dam blues forever.

Mike Highlights w/play-by-play:

> “If you are not their slaves, you are rebels.”—C.L.R. James

(Cyril Lionel Robert James (4Jan1901–19May1989) was a Trinidadian-born anti-colonial Marxist activist & writer. Great quote & lotsa other great quotes by him too. Didn't know about him, wonder why?)

> Even aliens got into the action. About fucking time. At this time, we don’t know what color they are so don’t go with the standard green.

(No standard green - Army Green, Kelly Green, Sage Green, Forest Green, Lime Green - but we know what you intended. Some govt graphic designer decided green was scarier than any other color. HAH)

Flashback > Star Trek - The Trouble With Tribbles or Tribbles Infestation - Captain Kirk: "I want these things off the ship! Now!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2T1QX7BEyg >

I always imagine aliens as soft & plushy (wishful thinking) - kinda like my daughter's old BeanieBears. But they're prob more like light rays or warbly birdy sounds or screeches on a tin roof. Ghost trains.)

> Paxlovid is another joke pushed out by the farma boys to rake in more moola. Does Inslee even know?

> Lotsa "C19 vaxx" amputee (& neuro shakes) videos over the past 3 years on altie vid sites. Horrifying.

(A HS friend's OK daughter-in-law lost part of her leg after "vaxx" & then lost her life. RIP sweet lady.)

> Why the hell would anyone nuke a volcano in a national treasure park for absolutely no reason? Something smells rotten in liar-land & the script-writers are getting fukn carried away w/bad fantasy.

(Don't even get me started on the whole nukes-r-fake-hoax. I got yer facts, links & evidence galore.)

> Don't Princesses have happy endings? Well, maybe not in real Thai life when farma thugs show up.

> Guvmint made up it was Chinese (Why not? North Korean??) cuz doof-asses don't need no ackchul confirmation. (Loved your Ted Nugent reaper-arrow joke in an earlier stack.- Ted'd get 'er done.)

> Yep, artificial tears alert was weird. Kinda like all the fake food recalls over the years. Crying wolf.

> Trains, toxins, earthquakes & unhappy Project Veritas right-wing Koch funders. UFOs & more UFOs. They used to deny 'em but now they actually promote 'em. WTH is going on with the "plan", Icke??

> Palestine & Palestine is exactly the correct illuminati/freemason or *your choice group* connection.

Real estate is always a fukn bummer. Remember fracking & house prices? Guvmint said: Who cares?

> The Pfizer riot that should have happened but won't cuz Merikans, unlike Europe, are so dam lame.

> US elections are selections & aren't real. Haven't had fair, above-board believable elections since...??

> My very favorite comment in this stack: Feb 22—NPR laying off 100 liars. Probably a lie.

Fact check: Nope, not a lie. It's true. "NPR to cut jobs by 10% as ad revenue drops : NPR"


7 days ago - NPR will cut 10% of its workforce, CEO John Lansing said Wednesday. Lansing blamed a slowdown in advertising dollars. (And listener donations have dried up too. No one is listening to all the sucky NPR lying liars anymore.)

(Notice how all kinds of media are self-destructing? It's according to plan & it's on purpose per the Agenda 21/Reset folks. Cuz if you don't have anyone really observing what's happening then nothing is happening. What toxic spill in Palestine? Vaxx deaths? Big Brother subverts reality & makes us crazy.)

> There was no 1st (or 2nd) C19-related WA death early on & I put my money on your investigative skills. There was, most likely, however, many regular respiratory, flu-related & pneumonia deaths that spring, though, per normal. In April of 2020 the CDC changed their death categories from separate ones to combined (all dumped into one big COVID category) to inflate the deaths, as we all know.

"We march into March." Oh-ee-OH...

"I have a plan!! (To rescue Dorothy) Guards or no guards - I'll tear 'em apart." - Cowardly Lion in Oz -

March of the Winkies - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nx8-J66yawM

(What were the Winkies (guards) chanting as they marched around the castle in the Wizard of Oz??

They were chanting, "Oh-We-Love...The-Old-One --Oh-We-Love...The-Old-One!" referring to the Wicked Witch Of The West aka Margaret Hamilton.)

Ominous Merikan Winkies still chanting Oh-We-Love... for Fauci is insanity writ large. Oh-ee-OH...

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Goooooooooood Morning Vietnam and Lucinda too. It's 4:13am in VRR land, and we are clocked in and loaded. Full operations day today. Maybe even another post. The thought is there. The spirits are boogeying in the garden. I might have to go out and see if I can settle them down. If not, join them for a song or two. I might record it. Great observations.

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Ghosts haven't been getting much of a LOOK IN.

Have you noticed that that transparent furniture is called ghost furniture.

LOOK AT fat legs through the tabletop or squashed on chairs.

4:24am here. Spooky.

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Home Depot sells fake Ghost Wood.

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Whatever next.

Zombie furniture will be required for the graphened zombies - hope that's not me.

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Edit perhaps? Sleep in a democracy - wake up with [as] a corpse?? RIP y'all.

Good point. Whatever next? (Supposedly PTB gonna be C19 mRNA-vaxxing animals & vegetables next!?! WTF)

2nd smartest guy has the latest brief from David Martin on the toxic hoax (it's all documented right there in the US archives/govt docs/ trail of C19 deceit) & what's up on the menu next. The special today is MARBURG? (Stay alert.)

> David Martin Uncovers The Continuing Coverups & Politicized Misdirects: "Transparently Hiding...Again" [altho David & 2nd guy still believe in viruses]


2nd guy: "Active participation in the mass ritual biosuicide is thankfully waning, and few are now subjecting themselves to booster injections, but the carefully engineered damage has been done. And many more mass induced fear operations are on deck.

> "They want you dead."

"Do NOT comply."

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I've been telling people about your comments Lucinda.

Expect fame.

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Oh yes, Stay Alert, because we need more Lerts.

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Hi Lucinda,

You are the first to read my bio.

I had a clotshotted friend whose wife, to her absolute surprise woke up with a corpse. The corpse "woke up" to the clotshot too late because he was dead.

What are PTB injecting the wanimals with. Is it graphene oxide with the hopes of getting it into the food chain, or do they just want the animals to have myocarditis and arthritis etc.?

We almost know that there's no mRNA in the human clotshots, which surprises me because why wouldn't the Frankenstein Mengeles want to experiment with genetics.

However I don't believe much these days. Don't particularly *believe* in DNA.

I do wonder what all these lab coats have been doing all their lives.

What are the virologists and geneticists actually doing, are they conning themselves as well as us?



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Can’t we just outlaw February?


Beware those Ides Of March I guess.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Who is going to do the arresting if there is any? Who will arrest WHO? We can’t expect government to arrest itself, but they will investigate themselves. They’ll form committees too.

therein lies the problem.... the pitchfork solution seems about the only semi-clear path. Tthe long tongued politicians can cross-examine all the damn witnesses they want up on the Hill, but what does that get us common folks other than perhaps a smile or a good laugh???

Clif High seems to think the uprisings starts soon but I certainly have my doubts....nothing he says seems to really come about except in some watered down version. And other than BLM, there has not been a real protest or uprising around here in probably 50 years ( since Vietnam war protests and the race riots in the 70's?)

But something has to give..... it is just downright dangerous driving in my big city (Houston, Tx -- fyi, I lived in the Seattle area in the early 80's then my father drug us down here, in December '82, we were aghast as it was 80 degrees and you could cut the air with a knife).

Yesterday, someone stopped to let me cross the street in front of our office, then once i walked out into the street they gunned it and tried to run me over (thankfully it was a slow-ass minivan and even my crippled self had time to get out of harms way). Then was almost rear-ended twice during lunch, and finally, at the end of the day, while driving on our office street towards the freeway, a young lady actually does rear-end me while we were going but 5mph due to a city bus ahead. Supposedly, traffic related accidents and fatalities are higher than every, everywhere. I have no reason to doubt this, and of course, many have their theories as to the cause.

Back to the day job

Mike, so much appreciate all your efforts!

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No easy fix for what you report on jswlaw.

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Yellowstone nuking is not going to happen. for sure. I have kept track of Yellowstone for years as I "intended" to go out there,, didn't make the time to do it,, to my regret.. as climate aware scientist.. it is a super-volcano. that should be 'nuff said: volcanoes are in large part the cause of any kind of climate warming or cooling. I took advanced physical geography and meteorology as elective courses ( am a biologist) most people in science take environmental sciences with as elective courses or because it is related to their major.. so.. that AIN'T gonna happen,, Russian scientists are smart.. and also they are not going to NUKE anything.. they know better.. yeah, maybe the "aliens" decided to fly around to scare everyone into reality check.. I am down for that.. "idea".. could have happened that way.. as a good friend of used to say (RIP) all my many super smart good friends are RIP.. well enough sad talk,, it is starting to get decent out here weather wise but it will take more than to be of good cheer. well let the bigger powers that be punish those who deserve it.. I am sure it more than what I could mete out anyway. :) isabella

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I was at Yellowstone last year. Fantastic place.

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Pls consider that ya can't nuke something if ya don't have a nuke. Yep, nukes are also fabricated.

WHEN DOES THE INSANITY OF ALL THE FRIGGIN LIES END? Can anyone tell me the answer? No.

> NUCLEAR WEAPONS DON’T EXIST The New Documentary By Edmund Matthews Published by Balkanfight3r 30 Sep 2021 / In Hoaxes / False Flags


Plus see this too. Impossible to dismiss this clear, cogent, common-sense analysis of WW2 nukes.

> Hiroshima revisited (2020) - by Michael Palmer - The evidence that napalm and mustard gas helped fake the nuclear bombings https://mpalmer.heresy.is/webnotes/HR/

Excerpt: "As to the medical evidence, Chapter 7 provides background on mustard gas and napalm, the two key weapons used in the bombings. The evidence presented in Chapters 8 and 9 is sufficient to prove the case for mustard gas and napalm and against nuclear detonations. I believe that they can be understood without much medical background, while Chapters 12 and particularly 10 are more demanding in this regard. Chapter 11 combines physical and medical aspects; its most significant contribution is to illuminate the scientific malfeasance that is used to maintain the deception."

For me, the most powerful argument against the nukes in Japan is that people were not banned from the bomb areas & began to quickly clean them up & re-populate them immediately. Huh??

Thought that radioactivity would have prevented that from happening for many, er... centuries?

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Perfect summary of the month.

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Songs of Covid Conformity and Complacency

NEW SUBSTACK RELEASE. Cardboard Cutouts in The Stands. Major League Baseball awarded lifetime membership in The Hall of Shame. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/cardboard-cutouts-in-the-stands

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The people graduate “with honors” from this institution of “higher learning.” Watch SHEEPLE UNIVERSITY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/sheeple-university

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