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October 8, 2022
Day 952 of insanity
Time 9:11am
“In the hangman’s house you will always find a rope.”—Netherland’s Proverb
Greetings Lawmakers, assistants, council members and health promoters of a known toxin killing millions of people aroung the globe, and how is everyone’s Build Back Better going today?
Gas prices are over $6.00 in blue states. Why would a blue state be higher than a red state, and by a lot too? I put that question on my Facebook—no response.
The VRR is thinking of doing a little advertising in Olympia near the capital or near the Governor mansion. Do any of you know if there is a billboard near the mansion?
The First Lady was in town. The queen of vaccine. What a thrill for some of you. Did anyone get a chance to see her and inform her the vaccines are killing people? CDC reporting over 40,000 murdered Americans.
She’s really after those children isn’t she? I bet Dr. Shah met up with her—a WEF required meeting. Dr. Shah if the CDC is reporting that the vaccine has killed over 40,000 American’s how is that safe? What is your definition of safe?
I wonder how many emails you receive from grieving widows and a grieving parent who have lost a child. Do you save all of those for Monday morning or is it delete, delete, 200 times a day?
Are you double jabbed, double boostered, flu shot, shingle shot, tomato soup flu shot, Son of Omicron shot protected Dr. Shah? If I were a betting man I’d bet you haven’t taken a single goddammn shot. Prove it. You work for Governor Insanelee it’s required. If you haven’t gotten it yet, you’re fired. Fired for refusing to take part in a medical experiment. Sue. Join us. It’s a violation of the Nuremberg Code. Governor Inslee nor anyone else are allowed to coerce someone into taking part in a medical experiment. The last group of Nazi’s who tried it were all hanged.
Speaking of the gallows; I’ve been doing some research on this. There is a high drop and a low drop. If given a choice I’d take the high drop. I was over in Bannack MT a few weeks ago and there is a story where a local Sheriff was hung back in 1864 for being a belligerent asshole. He probably did a fair amount of coercing as well. He pleaded with the hangman, “Please give me a good drop.”
People don’t realize how technical the job is. You must factor in weight, rope length, position of the rope, strength of the rope, standing position on the trap door and a clean lever pull from the hangman. If any one of those is off the drop could result in a fair amount of suffering like it did with all the Nazi’s who were hung. Many hangmen offer in a bit of personal style. One hangman would lick a finger and hold it up in the air just before the pull to check wind direction and wind speed. The onlooking crowd loved it. A little showmanship.
Now, if the WEF’ers lose their war to kill most of humanity via an injection many will find themselves choosing between a high drop and a low drop. Right now, there are a lot of Now Hiring signs up as you know—a lot of Covid going around. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the near future we see signs up, NOW HIRING EXECUTIONER’S. Because of my knowledge on the position and because I am unemployed due to my unwillingness to participate in a medical experiment it seems like I am a top candidate for the position—NO VACCINATION REQUIRED. God works in mysterious ways.
This morning at 3:11am I was awoken by a scream. I immediately recognized it as a barred owl. I jumped up, grabbed my digital recorder and headed for the spare bedroom window. I keep the upper windows open for just this occasion. The owl was about one block over. I laid down in the bed letting the recorder run. I meditated on the owl. I told the owl to come closer with his message. At 3:55am I was awakened by a very loud barred owl scream. It was in my house. I jumped up and ran to the window. I grabbed my recorder and yelled to my wife, “Where is it?” She replied, “It’s here.” I ran into our bedroom thinking I’d see the owl inside. I then ran to the window and there perched in my tree, in my garden was the barred owl. In all of my years of recording owls I’ve never recorded one directly in my yard, but there it was. I stood at the window listening as the owl hoots filled up our bedroom. It only stayed a few minutes and then flew off. It delivered its message. Do you like coincidence elected? Just two days ago I wrote an article on owls. I tell a story about a barred owl delivering a big message. It’s worth the read. OWLS AREN’T WHAT THE SEEM.
I’ve tried repeatedly to get you to give me a government, or public health definition for the word safe. None of you replied with a definition. I provided you the definition—does no harm. None of you replied in agreement. Yesterday I emailed Dr. John at the CDC and asked him what the CDC’s definition of safe is. It became a very confusing word after the release of the so-called vaccine. Maybe the definition is: does no clotting; does no heart attacks; does no sudden death.
I asked you in previous post if you could Google, “suddenly died,” when you had time. Did any of you do that? I did yesterday just to see if Google hadn’t completely wiped out that search request. It seems to still be semi-functioning.
Gian Piero fitness coach dead at age 61. I’m 61.
Elected, suddenly it isn’t healthy to be healthy. What the fuck is going on? Doesn’t that concern any of you? Don’t you think this sudden death is worth looking into? Are you afraid you might find something you don’t want to find? Are you afraid it just might be that medical procedure you’ve been pushing onto the public? You keep smiling but from my office I’m sensing a lot of fear in Olympia and in city council chambers throughout Washington State.
What else? Kaiser admitting the vaccine is shit. Isn’t worth a goddamn penny. In fact if you take the shot you go into the negative range. Can one of you health Xpurts fact check this for the VRR and let me know if this is indeed true? I can then fix the mistake in my next weeks report.
Do any of you know Congressman Gosar? He’s about two and half years late but we’ll take it. Lacking is an admittance that the vaccine shot is shit—toxic and has murdered Americans. Maybe on his next Twitter post.
Let’s pinch it off there dully. The sun is out and I have many chores today. My owl friend kept me up most of the night. As long as you keep pushing this kill shot the Reaper will be back next week with another report. I have an option for you—surrender now.
Quick rumor—Sheriff’s will deputize thousands soon. I will be in line.
Receipt of another on time delivery. The on time delivery keeps getting better and better each week. This one was close.
Thanks for beating this drum, Mike. I like the reference to the ominous future of Vax pushing criminals. The gallows is their just reward here on earth, and when they get to the other side I'm pretty sure they'll fare far worse than gallows. On another note, did you see the new FL guidelines that recommend AGAINST men under 40 getting the Vax based on Florida's own study? This will be very useful. Facts are inconvenient impediments to global agendas.