WEF Governor Jay “asshole” Inslee’s Covid 19 propaganda team went after everyone in Wa. State even children. Jay and his team are low life scum bag pieces of shit. They won’t weasel out of this. Washington State rage is building and I’m their cheerleader.
I have to admit this one really pissed me off. Get the vaccine so you can go back outside and hang out with your friends, develop myocarditis and die before you drink your first beer. You fucking assholes. I’d like to know the name of the person who came up with this brilliant piece of Covid propaganda and we will find out. No Covid stone left unturned. We will find you.
Looking at this I got an idea. Why don’t I advertise myself.
A struggling writer trying to make a name for himself. I only need nine hundred and ninety nine thousand subscribers to compete with the top writers at Substack. How the fucking hell am I going to do that? Why not on a city bus. King County Metro claims a daily ridership of over 500,000. It should only take me two days.
Metro sends out about a 1,000 buses a day running almost 24 hours. That’s really exposure for the VRR don’t you think? I’ll also have them plaster the inside of the bus with the VRR logo as well. Here’s another idea I’d like to run past my hardcore subscribers—what about a billboard? Governor Jay Inslee is completely ignoring my reports. His go to shitter read is People magazine. He dreams about making the cover someday. The VRR is the best shitter read out there. I know because I’ve promoted it as such—good positive feedback so far, but that fucking prick refuses to read it.
What about a billboard in Olympia Washington where he has to drive right past it to get to the state capital building? Maybe there’s one near his mansion. The State Representatives would also be able to see it as they drive into work, and maybe Joe Biden, or Harris should they ever come to the shit hole town of Olympia Washington—once beautiful until Inslee moved in.
I’ve already started the inquiring process.
Let’s see what the rates are. Gov Insanelee has kind of put me on a low budget with a current income of $00.00, but I’m not whining. I don’t have that bullshit poison flowing through my veins. BIG SMILEY FACE HERE. I can make a sign and stand on the street corner along with everyone else, HELP ME SAVE HUMANITY. ANYTHING HELFS. VRR
Wouldn’t that look beautiful right on interstate 5 at the Capital building exit? It brings tears to my eyes. Let’s do it. Governor Insanelee is lifting the emergency order on October 31, 2022. It would sure be nice to get this going on or before that date.
The WA governor is a WEF freak.
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