Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

The one who laughs last, laughs the loudest. I've laughing for much of the week at the WA St. Gov and former presidential candidate Jay Inslee. The article you posted is a good laugh too.

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Right?? We've been screaming from the rooftops since before the itsnotavaccine even rolled out.

They all need to fill out an ID-10T form 🤪

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There are 10 kinds of people, those who understand binary, and those who don't

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01001001 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100011 01110101 01110100 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101010 01101111 01100010 00101100 01000110 01110010 01100001 01101110 01101011 00100001 00100000

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Damnit there's a typo in that. Lol. It should be an i, not an o

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Ha...ha..it's your fault.

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While we were being witch-hunted and unable to enter cafes/restaurants whatsoever? And had to be a refusenik (masks) simply to get some groceries? And I still cannot even apply for my own job since the entire Co. is now mandating? All the while I was sharing and posting and speaking...and my own cousins are ghosting me to this day....give me a break.

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A childhood friend of 40 years sent me a text informing me he's taking the shot. Because of my response he won't talk to me anymore. My response was a lone word, why.

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My best friend forbid me to talk about it. I was to stop talking about it or never talk to her again. I choose to stop talking. My husband forbid me to talk to his relatives about it. His mother, that I love, was very angry with all the antivaxers and I wanted to warn her, but my husband talked to me many times about the importance of me staying silent. I tried to talk at work and was called an antivaxer and my closest co-workers who I love and respect very much said anyone not taking the shots were pure idiots. I had another coworker that tried to force my boss to check everyones vaxcards so he could feel safe, but my boss said she wouldn't do that until the authorities told her to. And they never told her to. But she did ask us to raise our hands at a group meeting to show if we had two shots or not, and I did not raise my hand. She said out loud that she assumed I had them scheduled and never dared to ask again. I stopped talking at work. I just did my thing and went home. I did not take lunch. I avoided all social talk. I knew of no-one else that thought like me. I desperately tried to talk my brother out of taking his shots, because he already had covid, and we had heated debates about it. He said I should trust people smarter than me. He said I was deceived by people with an agenda. In the end I got afraid he would report me to social care authorities and maybe they would take away my children, so I pretended to give in and I told my brother he was right and I thanked him for correcting me. After that I was silent for a long time.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

But I also remember that in the beginning my husband encouraged me to speak out about my views and stand for what I believed. He did not think I was right but he wanted me to have my own opinion and he never thought badly of me. But things got so heated and polarized and that was when he talked to me about not speaking about it with his mother and sister. But even then he did not think badly of me. He was also ok with me not taking any more shots. He said it was good if we did separate things: if I died of covid the children would have him and if he died of the shots the children would have me. I should have sticked to that plan instead of taking one shot. I was stupid.

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Thanks for sharing Emma. Have you had any reaction from the one shot?

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

No, I do not think so. I got tinnitus but that was eight months after the shot, so probably unrelated. I started needing glasses when reading, but that should be normal aging.

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I know a person who took only one shot then stopped. I haven't heard him say he's having any adverse effects.

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Oh, you mean we should have warned them while they were censoring and trolling us on social media for trying to warn them?

While they were blocking us from being in their holy Covidian presence while unvaccinated?

While they were begging for us to be thrown into concentration camps for refusing the vaccine?

While Biden was declaring he was 'getting angry' at us for refusing, and saying we are 'domestic terrorists' or some such for speaking actual truth about the vaccines?

Yeah..... These jackboot-wannabes joined the goose-stepping Covid Cult with absolute conviction and joy, and were ready to send us to the gas chambers (figuratively in some cases, but I'm sure some would have literally). So, I'm having trouble saying this nicely, but F* the Covidian Cultists, F* the Vaccine Cultists, and F* the Covid Vaccine Cultists...

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Good find T. I'll store that on my FB.

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It's clearly to divide people

Soon it will be dividing the dead from the living

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Ohch aye laddie!!!

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Any vaxxer who thought that they were trolling me most likely died of a stroke in the process! 🤣

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Well spoken!

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Screw them. When have you ever known a braindead fascist take responsibility for their own actions.

They’ve been warned!

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Deborah B writes, "Heck I took the darn jab and still try to warn people not to and get ridiculed."

The B must stand for Buffoon! 🤣

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Ah yes!

What is the only album in the history of Rock and Roll to go platinum with no top ten hits?

Gotta love the Blues! I do!

"Why didn't they tell us? "

Answer; we did, you didn't listen!

Evolution never sleeps

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I'm convinced the itsnotavaccine is killing brain cells in the itsnotavaxxed making them completely ST00PIT.

I saw this a few weeks ago and assumed it was satire until I perused the rest of their articles. What a rag.

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Pareto's rule of sparsicity

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In Sweden no-one talks about the vaccine any more. People are not keen on taking boosters, but no-one is afraid of the vaccine or thinks badly of it.

Are people waking up in all countries, except in my country?

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Do they fluoridate the water in Sweden?

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

No. Why, you think no-one talks about it because they are stupid?

Maybe, but not because of fluoride, we don't use that in our drinking water at all. I think most swedes read swedish papers and listens only to Swedish news, and there is no signal of anything wrong with the vaccine in those sources.

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I'd say the Swiss are being heavily censored. Glad you are here Emma.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

I love your substack!

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Same issue here; they watch TV or read the newspapers.

Nobody thinks for themselves.

If something was really as dangerous as they said, wouldn't it merit a little research?

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Yes! You should think so!

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

But we are stupid. I was stupid. All my friends were stupid. I am so tired to think of how stupid we all have been.

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Emma, 90+ percent of my family and friends took the shot. It's something other than stupid. If Switzerland is so heavily censored how did you find out the shots are garbage?

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Sweden. Thank you.

It was because I was sceptic about some other health advise we were given about food and medicine. I was reading a blog written by a retired Swedish doctor, who lost her licens to practice because she said we should eat a lot of natural fat, meat and above earth greens, and avoid all sugar and flour and avoid processed oils and processed foods. She was a bit skeptical about the shots, but then she said she did not want to fight it and she took them. She was tired of always being the one saying the opposite of everybody else. And I also read the blog of a Swedish engineer, a doctor of technology, Lars Bern, who had a lot of interesting thoughts about medicine and health. He thought statins were a scam and my mother ate them, so I was interested. He was also skeptical about the climate narrative. When covid came about he was not thrilled about a rushed vaccine. He wrote about the normal process of how a vaccine usually took 5-10 years to develop, and he wrote about vitamin D and Ivermectin. And I thought that man sounded like someone I could trust.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

(Or to be more accurate, they threatened to take her license because she wrote about treating sepsis and septic shock with vitamin C, and she could not take that battle, so she gave up her license before they took it from her. But it is all a long story that goes several years back and is a tangled web to explain, a story about treating sickness with unprocessed food, and high quality fats)

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

More controlled society over there. Dr Donald Miller Jr writes about those sorts of things and was a professor at a major university.

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All good stuff!

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Dear Emma, try not to be so hard on yourself. This was a problem long before covid. Vaccines cause all sorts of harms, and always have. But they are sacred to the medical industry, government, and media, so it is really difficult to learn about the harms. Usually people don't know anything about vaccine harms until they are personally hurt and start to research it beyond the government/medical/media propaganda.

One example: we have a huge, growing autism problem in America, something like 1 in 30 kids born now will get autism. And there is also an increasing epidemic of elderly people getting Alzheimers disease later in life. The most obvious (and likely) cause is the huge number of aluminum-containing vaccines kids are given in the first few months of life, and that are also pushed on the elderly later in life. But this obvious connection is completely censored and ignored. Because the very people supposedly giving 'healthcare' are the ones causing these horrible epidemics.

I had vaccine damage after a variety of vaccines, horrible skin problems, etc, but since the topic is so censored I did not think to connect the problems to the vaccines until years later. Really, all vaccines are horrible poisons. If you knew what was in them, or the nonsense 'science' they are based on, you would never get one. You could say I was 'lucky' that I knew this before the 'covid' scam, but I knew it because I was already harmed by vaccines in the past.

If there is one 'good' thing about the covid vaccine mass-poisoning, it's that so many more people than usual have been personally harmed and are awake to the harms of vaccines. So maybe something can actually change.

I would say try to eat healthy, avoid Pharma drugs, toxic chemicals, toxic metals (aluminum especially). Try to look into detoxing. You guys in Scandinavia really like saunas, right? Those are supposed to be great for getting toxic stuff out of your body. Try to get that nanoparticle garbage out of your system as best you can.

I don't at all agree with the people who make a distinction between the covid situation / covid vaccines, and all the other scam 'pandemics' and poison vaccines. They are all scams, and all poisons... And the medical system is going to keep doing this over and over and over until we wake up and just reject the 'pandemic' hysteria and poison vaccines.

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Thank you, that was very kind of you! You know, I have got a small sauna in my basement, but it is too expensive to use it this winter, but we used it a lot last winter! And I can always use the sauna at the nearest local swimmingpool. I do intermittent fasting also, and sometimes I fast for longer periods, you heard anything about that helping?

I have at least two children with autism in all my classes and my older coworkers are saying this is new, but the "experts" are saying it has always been like that. I have been waking up to the idea that all vaccines are dangerous during these past years. I am sorry you got injured.

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Yes, I think intermittent fasting is really helpful for detox also... Your body cannot detoxify while it is also trying to digest food, so if you have fasting periods you give your body a chance to only work on detoxifying and repairing. Most people eat constantly, so they are always digesting, and the body does not get a chance to repair. Also, intermittent fasting is good for proper digestion, sleeping better, weight management...

Personally, I just try to finish all eating by 2 or 3 pm and not eat again until the next morning. This helps me sleep better because my stomach is finished digesting before I go to bed. Also sleep is the time your body naturally repairs and detoxifies. So it all works together.

Another thing to consider is the supplement Quercetin. It is supposed to be helpful for taking toxic metals out of your body (I take it because of all the vaccines I got, and I have improved a lot over time). And I read some research claiming that NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) and Bromelain (enzyme from pineapple) are good for breaking down the 'spike proteins' so that might be helpful in the case of the covid vaccine. I'm not convinced that the covid vaccines actually succeed in taking over your cells to produce spike proteins, but this could be a strategy for getting rid of them.

I am lucky... Many people have been completely destroyed by vaccines-- autism, paralysis (what was called Polio in the past, but has been renamed to a bunch of conditions like Transverse Myelitis, Bells Palsy, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Acute Flaccid Paralysis, etc to protect the vaccine industry), autoimmune conditions where the body attacks the nerves, or the joints, or the pancreas, etc. Truly horrible 'hell-on-earth.' Imagine if your digestive system became paralyzed and stopped functioning.... I feel bad for those people... And now, of course, there are new issues with the covid vaccines. I am really lucky by comparison, so I try not to complain. But I keep trying to bring awareness about this issue, because many people just don't know... and that is by design, unfortunately, as you have noticed with all the censorship.

One quick point, you mentioned vegetable oils. As far as processed corn, soybean, etc oils and processed 'foods' made from that stuff, I completely agree those are really bad (especially since they are probably GMO and have pesticides in them, but they would be bad anyway). But some plant oils are really good for you, like coconut oil and olive oil. Of course the quality has to be good, but I only wanted to make a distinction between those and the bad ones.

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I started fasting to clear out damaged cells. I have read a lot about health benefits (but I have also read that the benefits are more clear for men). But it was also convenient to stop eating when things got awkward at work and I tried to avoid talking to anyone. And cheap, you can save a lot if you just stop eating.

I read about NAC and Quercetin in a Swedish blog and took that for six month after the shot! My husband also took Quercetin, but couldn't stomach NAC. I have been avoiding olive oil and it is not processed, so I don't really know why.

I can see that you are lucky in a way, because they could not make you take the covid vaccine and that's one less worry at least.

Thank you Tom!

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Gray sea salt and iodine are good for detoxing too.

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Fasting is a really good.

Do a search for the benefits of catabolism; it's the opposite of anabolisim, which we have heard of due to 'anabolic steroids'.

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Thanks, that was new to me!

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I could write seven different essays on how the jab was a hoax.

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And I want to read them.

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It looks like blaming the victim was on your mind yesterday, too. I also published a relevant post, focusing on sick-care in general:


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I spoke out. No one wanted to hear me. A friend told me I was wearing my tinfoil hat again.


It's a taboo subject around her still.

Oh well. Knowing about Tuskegee kept me away from it, and all vaccines. I had childhood vaxes in the 60s and 70s. Never get flu vaccine either. Or pneumonia or shingles. Had a tetanus shot in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina - nail in foot. And in 2013 because of a dog bite.

I worry about the "immunotherapy" i.v. infusion I have been getting every 4 weeks for my non small cell carcinoma lung cancer. It's called "Imfinzi". I need a year's worth of treatment. March will be my last dose.

Also. Your March 4th anniversary is my husband's birthday. I'm always seeing his birthday pop up around me. Hello Robbie!

Love, hugs and persevere yall!

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