If I had more time.. today I am going out.. and it is sleeting here... I would comment more extensively on the cowbell, the Blue Oyster Cult and the other many other very interesting happenings. and I WILL comment on it. and Yes I did just watch the Matrix again and no we are not living in a HOLOGRAM. or another world and we are clones or whatever people want to think to avoid being human beings and subject to the laws of physics and thermodynamics, gravity etc.. on this planet to get out actually communicating with our loved ones here and now; I saw your other post but I have to go .. and I am still on my "laptop".. no comment on all the electronics breaking down around my house. for sure is not a ghosts it the imported Chinese electronic equipment which I should have never bought. I even bought a pillowcase (last Christmas) which I THOUGHT was from My Pillow and clearly marked on it was MADE IN CHINA.. and I bought a loose weave blanket.. I thought made in the US. when I got it.. clearly marked on it was Made In India.. while I am on the absurd did I mention that Rudolph was in rehab. and Bambi was taking over the Norad route now because of the diversity, equity and inclusion left wing anti Christmas people so there will nothing dropped but Bambi poop.. :) yeah . :) gotta go.. keep up the good work. !! ttyl.

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RemovedDec 21, 2022Liked by Mike Huggins
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