Mike, this is what occurred in 2017 when Nicole Kidman's hand shape-shifting video from the Academy Awards began to go viral online. This was one of the only times one of these vids had done so. It was called "awkward" by the mainstream media when it is quite clear from the video that "awkwardness" was far from the real issue. They admit her hands look abnormal while just glossing over it as "awkwardness" Those are simply not human hands are they?


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Not human and that's why I've said repeatedly on my Substack it is the hands they seem to have the most trouble with. Forget about the eyes unless you're within a foot of them but they seem to be pretty good at maintaining the eyes.

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Whoa! First time to see that, and definitely not normal. What the ever loving fuck? Surprised it wasn’t barking as well. So glad I hang out with trees! At one point in time, would you consider that most of these ‘people’ were human, and have since been compromised by the alien mofos? Seems so…

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Many of these people are possessed by entities they can barely contain. The elite even have what they consider generational, demonic entities that are passed down through families. There are allegedly elaborate ceremonies where children receive these spirits and are then possessed by them. Nicole Kidman is from a very elite family in Australia with her father having been under a cloud of suspicion regarding child sex trafficking at the time of his "suicide" in Singapore. My beliefs about what is going on here differ from Mikes but the reality of the phenomena is undeniable.

Ephesians 6:12 "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places"

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Picture / video proof undeniable.

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There’s gotta be a repellant spray for that! May be why they banned 99% Deet (tongue in cheek). I have a stash, though it’s to be used sparingly as the dang stuff melts plastic. All kidding aside, I have had too many weird otherworldly experiences in my life to discount this or aliens as Mike posits.

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From rincipaliies!?

celestial hierarchy


: a traditional hierarchy of angels ranked from lowest to highest into the following nine orders: angels, archangels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim

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Hmmm…so ‘aliens’ of a sort then being non human…ok…so why not these archons being one and the same? The Gnostics who were wiped out recognized them. You’re both likely correct. Mike refers to them as aliens, which they most definitely are, but, they could also be these evil entities by another name. Two sides of the same coin? https://bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/alien_archons02.htm

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That is my opinion as well. The entire spectrum of cryptozoology, ufology, demonology, folk tails about "fairies" and "little people" etc. are all trying to make sense out of and describe the many different faces of this phenomena. It's like the parable of the elephant and room full of blind men who are trying to describe what they think is there. The one thing I do not and never will believe is that these manifestations originate on another world. What we are likely talking about here is parallel dimensions that these entities have the power to move back and forth through while we are largely stuck in our dimension while in this physical state. I believe they are, however, as stuck in the physical locality of this world as we are.

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Great one she's also a snake and she likes zee bugs.

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Hmmmm, the Microsoft campus...very interesting. I just read a couple of articles this week (news.com.au and Classicfm.com) about Microsoft campus Building 87 in Redmond, WA having the "quietest room on the planet" per the 2015 Guinness World Book of Records.

Coincidence? Apparently, this room is an anechoic chamber that sabatoges our built-in spatial awareness. The room has no vibrations which makes it extremely uncomfortable for any HUMAN to remain in the room for even one hour...

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Weird stuff going on there. Not long ago they abandoned their massive campus expansion. I know an engineer on the project. He said they packed up and left leaving it only 75% of the way finished. Maybe they only wanted the underground portion completed.

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An Obammy appointed ambassador to the UN (prefix meaning not) has a painting of Jesus ("mother and child reunion is only a motion away") standing up against the UN building. It also has a room with some kind of altar.

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Leaves me wanting to know more.... (always, with your stacks!)

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You were put here to reveal the snakes so don't stop. Love Whiter Shade of Pale! I think it reveals the reason (cause) fertilization and the effect the zygote. "She said, 'I'm home on shore leave,'

Though in truth we were at sea." The snakes think were lost @ sea as we never claimed our fetal DNA/biology within seven Anno Domini/Gregorian (that begins @ year one) calendar years. How would we know but they do. Their tomfoolery made my mom a chump by being an informant and signing a live birth (berth) certificate giving rise to hue man creature and we're the suretyship for the rest of our chump slave lives giving them our energy. Trump had it right. The military machine controls the financial world and we see war flags in their kangeroo court rooms! I, for One, will stand against their mockery until final breath/omega moment in the present. "The truth is plain to see!"

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