
Also save your writings off SS. I know you are. They could pull the plug on this site at any time. It happened at Themestream after they knocked down the Twin Towers. I was earning almost $900 a week writing for them. The tears are still falling. Tissue after tissue.

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and will continue to fall.. sad as I have been in many years. take care. :(

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I’d love to read his writings on his tests and experiments with spirits and aliens. I also wonder if he communicated with the same alien race that I am.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Mike Huggins

I'll race ya to the bottom for zero paid subs, buddy 🤣

I've always been of the mind that anything being touted as free, free speech, no censorship etc. as being a place to corral all of us free thinkers, non-compliant knowers of the truth and subverters. To keep a close eye on us and know who we are. What do you think? 🤔

Sent a couple *alien subject* folks your way yesterday via Ray Horvath's stack. 💞

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My stupid smart phone doesn’t allow me to like or is it another SS glitc? I think you nailed it.

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Jun 17Liked by Mike Huggins

Yeah glitching like that for a lot of folks. Happened to me a while back.

And thanks 🙏🏼

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🙏🏼 to you

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Jun 17Liked by Mike Huggins

They already knew who we were, we just confirmed it by coming here. 😵‍💫 I have enjoyed getting to know others though, like you Mike. Thanks for sharing your experiences, helps me to not feel so alone. The Pleiadians are already here, have been here. They are just waiting for the rest of us to wake up to who we really are. ❤️ I am a Pleiadian having a human experience ❤️ Hold the Light Brother.

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Love this. At one time when I was a driver people would board my bus and occasionally the word Pleiadian flashed in my mind for a specific person. Thanks Mary

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:) I like your posts.

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I like you.

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I’m not sure he had any family survivors to challenge him. I just call the car MUSK

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I smiled. well I need to go. take care. keep up the good work

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Good questions, Mike. I too wonder not only about Substack, but about some of these virtually unknown people with hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of followers on Twitter (er, X), or YouTube. How exactly do you get a video or post to go "viral?" I haven't found the secret. I posted an interview with Ron Paul on YouTube years ago. It might have hit 1,000 views. Yet some then 13 year old girl can come up with a nonsensical "Cass me outside" phrase, and THAT goes viral? I think she's made good money from it. Maybe this all is a psyop, my friend. Thanks.

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How did engineer Steve Kirsch who was drinking the GOV Covid bullshit get red pulled by his carpet cleaner turn writer and accumulate a million followers in less than a year? Prove it. Post a picture of your SS pay check. Thanks Don. You are on it. I once made a video of the 2016 Hillary collapse and I think it hit 125,000 in a few days. I pulled it.

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Jun 17Liked by Mike Huggins

so how did LONE SKUM ( elon musk) get to use that name( TESLA)? what's going on ???

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Jun 17Liked by Mike Huggins

if "tesla did it" then it was Trumps namesake ( his uncle) JOHN TRUMP, the MIT guy, that learned all the secrets of TESLA...fascinating story

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Jun 17Liked by Mike Huggins


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Jun 17Liked by Mike Huggins

I often feel like I’m not from here, but who the heck knows! I have travelled extensively in my ‘dreams’ to another planet, though, and would really like to take a break from this one the next go around. The lunacy of humans is mind boggling….

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Jun 17Liked by Mike Huggins

yes correct...thousands of bots will follow sugar candy fluffy bunny stuff but when it comes to the Adult human stories like ...trump is a Reptoid look at his slit eyes humanity is being taken over By Aliens stories they dont want to read the full story and it gets dismissed immediately - did you know that - La Quinta Columna - has researched the findings of Dr Roger Leir and the Alien Implants - And they have come to the same conclusion as many of us have in that the composition of the implants have more or less the exact same composition of the death shots - Here are two examples - Both have broadcasting elements to it as well as crystals etc [Bluetooth for our times] - both are magnetic - and a lot more similarities like Graphene if you care to research further - la Quinta Columna have come to the conclusion that the death shots are not made by humanity as they have nanotech not of this world [ which the world has not seen - until now that is] - karen kingston also relates in her findings that the demons have written that they want humanity to become a new kind of entity a complete takeover and transformation of human DNA and now we see long rubbery structures growing in the vaxxd veins and arteries which branch off into different venal directions kinda like they are growing limbs - and when researched by the embalmer Hirshman he says when put into containers after extraction from the dead body the white rubbery structures keep growing..now isn't that strange...?

take a listen its riveting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUtM2L17KlY

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I must agree wholeheartedly, proof abundant as anyone could see if substack would let them know by sending out the posts as they promised too. Interesting their strategy, as if it were one no one would ever see. It seems to be working like the grandest of lies, for after ten million words published, videos, and pictures few could match, I confide... yet growing silence, loss of subs, few who get my posts, but worse, double billing, Stripe's rude responses to the elders who are my sponsors, my paid subs. I came to Substack with 16,000 subs and they have knocked it down to 9,500 but seldom send out a single post to all of them. One in five are sent to Mii, in my other online identies that signed up for my newsletters. It is a psyop for us, the writers and a trap for I have not published elsewhere much and all the platforms shadow ban references to take your FB, YT, or X, followers to Substack. Stripe and Paypal control the monetization portals they sabatage and they are WOKE!

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Yes you and I discussed this one other time. Thanks for stopping by to comment.

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I am starting to think that everything new and cool is either organic and gets coopted or it's controlled opposition from the get-go.

Keep up the great work, Mike. More people than you imagine are figuring out the aliens.

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Thanks Sharine. Welcome home.

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Thank you, Mike. It is good to be home. I don't know if I'll be able to get through all of your recent posts, you've been so prolific, my friend! But I'll do my best.

We've got Ron's belated birthday party coming up and I have a slew of friend dates plus I've started teaching already and we have like 5 more music gigs this month. I can hardly believe it's *almost* summer!

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I have been MIA for a week or more since June 1.. and who knows maybe it could be a giant sysop. While I do enjoy conspiracy theory and have for years I think Substack sort of rose out of the ashes of the many home bound writers during Covid, those banned from Facebook and Utube bans (I am one of them, Facebook meant a lot to me.. have a lot of good friends out there) but there are a lot of writers who have something to say or share whether it be memoirs, talking to like minded folks and also the massive amount of censorship or cancel culture coming from left wing media and also having smart people who actually can write. I have had a blog since 2008 and I was a technical writer in the sciences as part of my job in 2001 and before. BUT I WILL ONLY SAY THIS ON YOUR PAGE because it is YOUR page. The final dregs of the pain for the last year's passing of four of my best friends and now another good friend had a frontal left lobe stroke in FRONT OF ME and I had to call 911 and he is not clear; by that I mean, I am not sure if he is going to live or die.. right now as I write this. So I have not been on line. I am just praying, reading my favorite passages of the Bible. So enough for now.. I haven't even been on X (twitter) which in the light of eternity or passing of another life long friend seems almost inane to me. I hope you and your family and your garden are doing well. You take care.. I am not sure when I will be back on again that is how I feel right now. In fact I feel strange even writing on my computer right now. Isabell and yes the tears are falling .. and falling and just when I think I haven't cried enough.. I cry again. ran out out tissue and switched to Toilet paper today.

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Jun 17Liked by Mike Huggins

It's Eoin Musk's sister twitter account

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Jun 17Liked by Mike Huggins

SS has been a manipulated algorithm shadow banning POS from the get go.

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I know you’ve experienced the same.

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Jun 17Liked by Mike Huggins

America Free! Until it isn’t. We may be close or have we crossed over into the is not world?

I am listening and 🙏🏼 for clear skies.

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