In the undisclosed place that houses my apocalyptic bunker there will be slow times where I will be forced to tell tales of what it used to be like before the internet went down. Using shadows upon the dim lit wall, I will talk of sub stack and how it provided a place to gather, learn and occasionally laugh. With my slowly dimming light and last few batteries I'll speak of the Reaper and the legend of the ghost keeper. He who spoke to the raven. (knock off crow) He who wore no facade and proudly shared his angry countenance and spirit with the world. I'll play low grainy recordings of his late night discussions on the death of an empire and the satanic weasels always chewing at its infrastructure.

When the smoke has cleared and we burrow out of our hole smelling like freezed dried coffee sardines and weed, I will proudly lead my people to the place formerly called Washington. (not the one with the extra letters.) We will pay homage the the bringer of truth, the leader of many and followers of few. We shall pour some bunker hooch in the dirt of the garden for the unmasked, unstuck, angry homies that could not be there and we will be whole again.

Thanks again Mike.

One of your best drops to date!

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If I ever write a book I want you to write the forward. Thanks.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

funny you should mention..."Then get drunk, fall down, hit your head and discover a concussion." along with teenage house parties. Was just telling the daughters of how life went as a teenager in the early 80's which was a hunt every weekend for who's parents were out of town for a nice party; and had a few of those together back in the day that resulted in fall/hit head, one of which was a dead-straight, backwards fall onto my parents tile floor that to this don't know how it did not crack my skull

Anyhow, I am all in for these new national days in place of all the other stupid ones we have now:

National Fuck Off World Economic Forum Day. National Fuck You Covid 19 Vaccine Day. National Fuck Off Mask Wearer Day. National Fuck You Build Back Better Day. National Generate Rage Day. National I Need A Beer Day.

where do we sign?

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Excellent! And also National Censorship Day, National Revoking Medical Freedom Day, National Two-tiered Justice System Day.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

We had full on house wreckers! Especially where houses had been sold to ‘developers’ and the house was only to be torn down. Bath tub thrown out an upstairs window, anyone? No one was ever squished, thankfully, but there was a lot of running from police 😆

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

I am thinking of making signs for the front of my house, telling anyone with a mask to walk on the other side of the street. I bet many would comply.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

A lot of people are getting dizzy and collapsing (right in front of cameras), some collapses cause concussions. Doctors are baffled.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

This is hilarious. I read it twice. Sent to both my kids. Thanks for the belly laugh today. You nailed it.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Agree whole fucking heartedly!! FUCK them all! They can ALL go take a fat flying fuck through a rolling doughnut, and hopefully suffer serious concussions in the process. Non recoverable drooling concussions.

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When my birthday rolls around I still marvel that after some if the things I did I'm still here. Parachuting for one. On my first attempt somehow I got too close to the pilot seat and started pulling the chute strings out. I had to get back in the plane because the instructor thought it might have worked but wasn't taking any chances.

We are partial to National Bacon and National Donut day. How about National Picket Your Least Favorite Politician day?

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