Oct 19, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Anybody checking expiration dates on scud missiles. In the meantime Turkey’s crankin up the protests in Istanbul with Chinese provided Roman Candles firing live rounds at the Israeli Consulate.

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The hostages were kidnapped by accident, lol.

Now it turns out the so-called "hospital bombing" did not happen, after the fake news media screamed about it for hours.

It's all fake and ghey.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

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Bombing a hospital surely is Bombshell News.

But I can't see Israel doing that in order to blame Hamas, it's just really bad optics.

Unless some of that cutting edge military tech just hit the wrong target.

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An analysis of rocket flights near the time of the hospital strike: https://www.bitchute.com/video/jIpoAX8baSTC/

An analysis of Israeli tactics: https://www.bitchute.com/video/XgfvKKkcpUxN/

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nice to hear "war pigs"

one of my all time favorites and unfortunately still very relevant

not much else to say today.... mailed my tax return on Monday to meet the extension deadline and the f'ing post office just returned the package to our office today. no mistake on our end, best i can tell the only hiccup was the post office lady put the postage in the wrong place. just going to fund the war pigs anyhow, but it is a 25% penalty for filing late

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