No downed power lines, light poles or pirate traffic control lights? You'd thunk the plane wings would have taken down. Good finds on the ritual numbers Mike!

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Then what happened to the plane? Something doesn't add up.

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Sounds like a flight of fancy.

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Do you have a Cairn Terrier?

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GEE looks just like ALL THAT PLANE RECKAGE FROM 911 AND PENTAGON DOESNT IT , I have seen several real plane crashes wreckage everywhere for LARGE DISTANCES

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None of the play makes sense anymore. They have gotten Us so used to things inorganic being taken as organic that Most just glaze Their eyes and nod. Plato's cave is real.

22 is the master builder number... Hmmmm.

Escape the Cave! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/escape-the-cave

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