
I was off one month in the audio on the UFO garden sighting.

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Garden talk---thank you for sharing these thoughts and experiences......VERY interesting.

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Apr 18, 2023·edited Apr 18, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Go gardens, folks!! And if you are an alien, Mike - then sign me up too. However, very clearly, we're the good kind of alien spirit - those warning others & working to stop evil - not demon-controlled ones. :-)

There are so many articles/books to link on this topic but here's a reference. I read & saved >

Can mediums connect with alien spirits? - Quora [Note the AI bot answer: "no evidence to support..."]


> Aliens are sentient beings and as such have souls or spirits (there is a distinction but I'm not going into this now). Some aliens may even have been reincarnated on Earth as human beings (this time around). [Y'ASS, sir!] It may be possible that some spiritually advanced people can detect or connect with the spirits of aliens.

Relevant answer to this above question here > Icon for Intuition - Intuition

Answered by Claudia Romo | Psychic Medium | Healer | Reader | Teacher

Author has 100 answers and 139.9K answer views - Dec 2, 2021

Answer: Yes. Mediums can and have been connecting with Aliens or High Ascension Beings since the beginning of time on Earth. There are many mediums like Anrita Melchizedek (a famous one) who channels their messages and activations. You can visit her YouTube channel to learn more about her if interested. See Anrita Melchizedek > https://pleiadianlight.net/ [My comment: Did a double-take on her photo as she looks just like me when I was much younger & also several of my cousins/relatives.]

Anrita: One of my main Spiritual Guides is a Pleadian Galactic Being who is Benevolent. [They] assists me as a teacher/mentor and guides my continued spiritual and psychic development."

Lots of Anrita videos like this one > Light Body Upgrades and Ascension Seats - New Earth Quantum Healing Intro & Energy Updates - 1.5K views - YouTube - 1month ago


Plus - another researcher - ALIENS Come From The "Spirit Realm" NOT From Outer Space! by

Ernesto Giro - Author, Blogger, Director, "International Expert", Orator, Artist, Music Producer & Songwriter - Published Mar 10, 2022 [Love the "international expert" tag - all-around guy obviously? Is international expert kind of like "World's Best Coffee" - a claim that can't actually be confirmed?}


Ernesto: "In order to UNDERSTAND the nature of this phenomena of “Aliens and UFOS” I will use as reference the info obtained from sources online regarding a recent film made in 2017 about this subject: “Awaken the Shadowman,” formally called, “The Ones Above,” The film centers on two brothers who reunite after their mother’s mysterious disappearance. In their search, they uncover not only a hidden cult but a supernatural force. It was written and produced by Woodrow Wilson Hancock III, Caleb, and Zimbardi under their WildStory Production Company. J.S. Wilson directed. The film also stars Emily Somers, Andres Hunt, and Robert R. Shafer. “The film’s concept is based on actual phenomena, and the story is in part inspired by true life events from my early childhood,” said Hancock. Awaken the Shadowman" (2017) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4966046/

Sounds like an interesting ^ film & I do subscribe to this "alien spirits" theory. Sure makes sense to me now that I know that space is simply a NASA invention & travels into "outer space" can't get beyond the dome - the firmament dome. (And we do have evidence of spirit worlds/interdimensional beings.)

Re: earth's dome > See documented1959 US's secret plan - Project Horizon - to fire a nuclear bomb in order to blow up the moon - NO SHIT SHERLOCK! - which, if it had "worked" might have shattered the earth's dome too. Whew. Thank GOD his creation is impervious to dumb monkey-men goofs, HAH

> NY Post- June 20, 2020 - Inside the US government’s plans to blow up the moon By Reed Tucker


Forget the psyop-hoax nuclear Cuban Missile Crisis - why don't y'all know about this Project Horizon farce in your HS American History textbooks?? Obviously, govt's stupidity/secrecy reigns supreme.

Read down thru this outline for the full-length book treatment of Project Horizon by John Greenewald, Jr. in his new book “Secrets From the Black Vault: The Army’s Plan for a Military Base on the Moon and Other Declassified Documents that Rewrote History”-April 2020, pub Rowman & Littlefield


Talk about insane. SHATTER THE DOME?? hahahaha Good thing "they" failed or we might have been sucked OUT into that great space vacuum (y'all know, the vacuum that rocket thrust engines simply can't work inside of - as vacuums MUST have a pressure container to control/hold/provide resistance) - & all of us KILT for sure. KILT - just as dam dead as door-nails - as we say in Oklahoma vernacular.

There is so much more actual, real history that is kept from us than the "doctored" (interesting use of that word?) bogus history we have all been fed. What do others think of this info I just shared?

And thanks for the thought-provoking observations/work, Mike. Keep on digging & happy spring.

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Great stuff Lucinda. There’s also those born as Starchildren. I’ve met one. They are amazing. A reason why the evil shits want to murder so many babies. They will present major problems for their plans. I’m thinking about building a space ship in my garage and fly back home.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Did the Starchild know he/she was a Starchild?

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Good question. I don't know. She's now being teamed up with another child who is a math genius. The one I met almost seems to answer your thoughts. It will be interesting to see what the two create together.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Lots of info out there re: star children in case peeps here want to research it too. Intriguing.

This one breaks out the main category into 3 sub-categories (& other research goes further)

> May 28, 2021- Are You a Star Child? The Extraordinary Crystal, Indigo & Rainbow Children

by Charlotte Kirsten - https://typicallytopical.com/star-child/

Excerpt: If you’ve ever come across the terms ‘rainbow children’, ‘indigo child’ or ‘crystal child’, it’s likely you immediately wanted to know more about these fascinating groups of star souls. It’s also possible you are one.

"What Are Star Children?

Star children are the disruptors and heart healers amongst us. They are beautiful, loving yet strong-willed souls that come from all corners of the universe to help humanity shift out of the old paradigm of control, fear, greed, and manipulation, and instead shift into a new era of love, peace, integrity, cooperation, and abundance."

They possess extraordinary psychic and spiritual gifts, with no two star children having the exact same abilities.

Each star child carries a unique energetic blueprint within their DNA, containing their collective soul mission as well as their individual personal mission on Earth.

Unlike some starseed types who struggle to remember their innate abilities, gifts, and mission, star children, are born into the physical realm fully remembering their divine qualities. This is why many star children find their true calling from a young age.

Related: What is a Starseed + 32 Major Signs You Are One


etc etc etc

If anyone has a good recommended source on this, would love an article/book citation.

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One other thing about the star children is they put out an aura of love that makes you feel happy and glad you are in their presence, at least that is my experience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ex36aWAnS0&t=2142s

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One other thing about the children they will try almost any food and don't typically cry when they get hurt where most normal kids would.

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Apr 18, 2023·edited Apr 18, 2023

p.s. Realize you're prob joking, but... if you want help building your rocket, read Part 14.

https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie-14/ > (See "tossing midgets!")

Once more, rocket ships just don't work in an outer space that doesn't exist, however. Double negative "don't/doesn't" excludes the possibility. But maybe you can "astrally transport" or "mind melt" or something instead?? Beam me up, Scottie.

Good source again > Dave McGowan's "Wagging the Moondoggie" - Parts 1 to Part 14 - (2009-2011) (Pure Dave hilarity ensues but dang those roman numerals.)


McGowan writes: "... realize that the Moon landing lie is somewhat unique among the big lies told to the American people in that it was, in the grand scheme of things, a relatively benign lie, and one that could be easily spun. Admitting that the landings were faked would not have nearly the same impact as, say, admitting to mass murdering 3,000 Americans and destroying billions of dollars worth of real estate (the 9/11 hoax) and then using that crime as a pretext to wage two illegal wars and strip away civil, legal and privacy rights."

"And yet, despite the fact that it was a relatively benign lie, there is a tremendous reluctance among the American people to let go of the notion that we sent men to the Moon. There are a couple of reasons for that, one of them being that there is a romanticized notion that those were great years – years when one was proud to be an American. And in this day and age, people need that kind of romanticized nostalgia to cling to."

"But that is not the main reason that people cling so tenaciously, often even angrily, to what is essentially the adult version of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. What primarily motivates them is fear. But it is not the lie itself that scares people; it is what that lie says about the world around us and how it really functions.

For if NASA was able to pull off such an outrageous hoax before the entire world, and then keep that lie in place for four decades, what does that say about the control of the information we receive? What does that say about the media, and the scientific community, and the educational community, and all the other institutions we depend on to tell us the truth? What does that say about the very nature of the world we live in?"

"That is what scares the hell out of people and prevents them from even considering the possibility that they could have been so thoroughly duped. It’s not being lied to about the Moon landings that people have a problem with, it is the realization that comes with that revelation: if they could lie about that, they could lie about anything."

No "space-going" rockets. No moon landings. No rockets in outer space. It's a Big Lie, man.

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I was off one month in the audio on the UFO garden sighting.

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