Sep 16Liked by Mike Huggins

Hey Mike, I have no proof that god loves the USA . . . the last part of your post just makes me laugh and laugh in a good way. Best regards. Mr Elk

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Thanks Mr. Elk.

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Yep the song is a blatant insult to the intelligence considering there's is any under their hat rack.

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Sep 16Liked by Mike Huggins

Cathy O'Brian says in her book "TRANCEformation of America" that Lee Greenwood that wrote "God Bless the USA" used her as un unwilling sex slave in the Bush /Reagan WH. She was an MK ULTRA victim and got rescued.

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Very good piece again on the a$$a$$ination attempt. I look forward to more!

Humbly, and having been raised without religion - lots of love and Ethics, but no religion - I have not found evidence that there is a God to love the USA or anything else...

Just a lot of struggle against psychopaths in control.

I take a look at that in My latest article:

The Dividing of Humanity to Maintain Control (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-dividing-of-humanity-to-maintain

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Of course the title was a lead in joke.

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It looks to me like Evan is doing a selfie interview, since his left shoulder appears as if he is holding out his phone. He's such a fake.

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They are all a bunch of big time fakes. At a Trump rally Trump called the United States the United Stage. I believe that is how he looks at the US.

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"United Stage," SO TRUE! And these THINGS are getting sloppier by the minute.

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Title is a lead in joke.

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