So Many, clinging to one wing or the other of the dirty bird that controls both, make phenomenal excuses for why Their side "had to" go along with the murderous plot against Humanity.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Liked by Mike Huggins

Large swaths of humanity are shitty. Some are exploitative, many bereft of discernment. The worst, are jews. And Convid 19, was a jewish program of depopulation. Their jew jabs, targeted the ACE-2 receptors of anyone but Ashkenazim, even damaging their rivals, the Sephardi! Brilliant Malevolence.

Expelled 1035 times, they even make the Jesuits (whom they control via central banking) look like Choir Boys. Sure, some of your faces are Shabbos Goys who merely marry their offspring to jews, but the precipitant is always the same. EVERY SINGLE TIME. This link does not track you; however, it does a quick denial of service check, as the ADL has spent millions attacking it. Never debunking it though. Hail Victory. 1935 Germany was paradise, and Hitler and the NSDAP were spot on. Too nice, but that's a different tale, for a different day, if my Race survives.


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And Trump wants to label those who speak out against the Jews as antisemites and wants them to pay the ultimate price---death penalty. Thanks AC.

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Well said Mike. Drumpfenstein is NOT a friend of the White Race. He sold his soul to the jujucum yids, long ago. He fooled some of us in 2015, no longer. \o

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Jul 28Liked by Mike Huggins

I saved this. I take everything with a grain of salt…https://www.jewworldorder.org/commentary-looks-like-donald-trump-is-jewish/

Miles Mathis also wrote a great, interesting article on the Trump assassination.

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It is a great write up. My research reveals he is not even a human. He's one of those shape-shifter THINGS.

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Jul 28Liked by Mike Huggins

Mike, these days it’s so difficult to get people to “think outside the box”! After losing my job after 23 years (CONvid), I woke up even MORE than I already was! And everyday, new tidbits are revealed.

I think what is happening in the world, is BIG!

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Totally agree. I just got an email from a subscriber who said almost the exact same thing you wrote.

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Jul 27Liked by Mike Huggins

Spot on.

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that's pretty much my face as well...thx...

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That's why I'm a subscriber to your Substack.

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Jul 24Liked by Mike Huggins

It's stunning how so many people can "forget".........or did they understand what was really going on to begin with?

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Jul 27Liked by Mike Huggins

Protocols of the schmutz of Zion

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Jul 25Liked by Mike Huggins

Walk of shame.

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Jul 25Liked by Mike Huggins

There's plenty of blame to go around, but I put special blame on the man who told me I had to take the shot or lose my livelihood. That would be Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.


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Mine was Governor Jay Inslee / Bob Ferguson / Dow Constantine

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Romans 12:17-19. The full verse reads, "Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, 'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,' says the Lord". Deuteronomy 32:35 also mentions vengeance, reading, "Vengeance is Mine, and recompense; Their foot shall slip in due time; For the day of their calamity is at hand, And the things to come hasten upon them".

Quite ironic to me that absent God, FEAR rushed in to fill the hole. I was not certain myself if it would be injections until the last blade of grass had ten shots or if we restricted Vaccine salvation solely to mammals. All life could perish without injection. Darn good thing only some life did.

Each vaccine injury or death is a stigmata acquired from deep piety and concern saving all life. Let us call it the Nagasaki Convergence. In the Atomic Age the spirit of the last Messiah assumes many forms. Buddhist compassion blended with eternal bourgeoise life is shown by Dr. Fauci, atheist.

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All diseases are released from the governments.

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Jul 25Liked by Mike Huggins

Rage Against the Machine was a total sell out to the Vaxsine Industrial Complex

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But a fitting song for 2024.

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