I surely hope, if there are any ET's out there looking for smart People, They get in touch with Me. Of course, I have been saying that for decades and never personally had any evidence that They're there.

Except that flash of - maybe memory, maybe made up in My head thing in My Montauk experience when I was rejected. Maybe I'm just not smart enough...

Montauk Project Reject (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/montauk-project-reject

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Great article. I've written about my ET experiences that seem to keep on going. There are some good, bad, and ugly ones out there.

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The only evidence I have, and it's not evidence is that brief flash. [shrug]

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oh lord not that clif "high"...unbridled lunacy

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Sep 22Liked by Mike Huggins

I’ve been to Devils Tower and I can certainly understand why Spielberg was fascinated with it. I find experience in my backyard too Mike. We are all Life forms, all at once, and can draw from those experiences at any time! ❤️

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