
It is all fake where is the confusion?

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All the political bullshit is diversion to keep us from continuing to discover who we really are as humanity - powerful consciousness wrapped up inside this fragile human shell. The distractions are interesting for a bit, but in the end they are just distractions. ❤️

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Very interesting frequencies that pop in at the 2:17 mark. The main tone I hear is a low Bb and it is harmonized with an Eb. There are also some harmonics/overtones. I hear a male voice in the last few seconds but I cannot make out the words.

I think that the THINGS *are* the aliens (well, the bad ones) and they have been slowly disclosing themselves over the past decade or so. Maybe the demons that control them are getting tired of the cat-and-mouse game and want to assert control ASAP.

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53 mins ago·edited 53 mins agoAuthor

I'm ready any time they want to take it to the next level. It is their fear stopping it not mine. Thanks Sharine.

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I like the owl sounds.

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but I thought you said J13 was all fake? Some ear piercing ritual concocted by TRUMP?

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