ALIEN BOMB #2--Cluster bombing for awhile
She looks cute but don't bring it home to meet mom-don't kiss it either
Hello alien. I see it’s dark there. I see you are mimicking a young attractive female human. Is this your regular? What is that blue ribbon with the tag attached dangling around your neck? Ah, you’re a news reporter. Why do aliens like that profession so much? I do some writing too, but my true profession is as a vagabonding cosmic gunslinger. There are a few of us. Have you heard about us? We hate deception. Hate is a strong word isn’t it alien? Do you think it might lower my vibrational rate a little?
Earlier I noticed you were having a little trouble holding human form. Your arm started changing color. Did you notice?
Do you know when it is happening? And when you look at other aliens mimicking humans do you see a human or do you see alien? I have this theory that you only see alien. I came up with it when one of you would be having a serious bad day mimicking a human but none of your alien friends would say anything. So I assume they don’t notice because they see you in your alien form.
I noticed your alien skin color on your arm lasted more than two frames. I tracked you and counted off how many frames it took before your arm returned to human. See in the photo below it is still there even after you moved. That’s your normal color isn’t it?
And would an alien allow another alien mimicking human form to go out with an ear like this?
And it looks like this as the alien turns away. The ear begins to attempt to change back to look human.
Am I right alien—you don’t see human, but only an alien? Are all aliens MAGA Republicans? Skip that question alien. I know you are self serving beings and aren’t associated with any political party. You own and control both parties and the bickering between the two is all theatre.
How are your nails looking as a human? Do you keep them manicured to a sharp point so they blend in with your original alien nails? Can I take a look at your hands alien?
Wow, you might make a good piano player. Hands aren’t looking too human though, especially your right hand. Is one hand harder to hold human form then the other? Sometimes I notice a whole bunch of aliens can’t hold human form with their right hand. Why is that? I know it’s only one or two frames and the human eye can’t see it, and then you recover but aren’t you a little worried. Some of you look very afraid.
Here's one of you also having trouble with the right hand. It is massive and the digits look a lot like your right hand in the photo above.
A few frames later it changed into this.
I’m going out on a limb and say this alien is a Mantis. Am I right? Why do the Mantis look far more uncomfortable playing human than the Reptilians? They are shaking, bouncing, and twitching all the time.
If I shake hands with you do I feel a human hand or an alien hand? Do you mind fuck the human to believe it feels human? What happens if you come across one that you can’t mind F, what do you do—avoid the handshake?
Alien, I believe there are three groups here that present major problems for you. They are the awakened humans, the awakened, awakened humans and a third group who look human but aren’t human at all. Am I right alien?
As a reporter did you cover the 9/11 Memorial in 2016? Trump was there and he too was having trouble holding human form. He didn’t seem to care though. The alien next to him who mimics Governor Chris Christie had problems with his hand. An entire alien digit shoots out for about two frames. Did you see it? Tell your boss. Here it is alien in case you haven’t seen it.
I noticed the color is the same color on your arm confirming my suspicions that you two are both alien and from the same alien race. Reptilian? Can the Draco’s with wings really fly? I think they can.
If you were at the Satanic sacrafice 9/11 memorial back in 2016 reporting alien lies to humans did you see these THINGS?
Alien that is full on human impersonation melt down wouldn’t you agree. Are you one of these THINGS too? My gut says you’re not. These THINGS are something else. But, they quarantined off this area and wouldn’t allow reporters in so you wouldn’t have seen them. You reporters were all penned in.
I got to tell you that sounds like more media bullshit to me. I studied all of the video and images and I never seen any place where the reporters were all penned in.
Is there an alien school that teaches you aliens how to mimic humans, or do you just put the suit on and wing it? Is the real human that you are mimicking still alive? I’d think it would be an advantage for you to keep the human alive. I heard two spirits talking back in 2017 and they said Trump is dead. If he’s been dead since 2017 what alien race is playing Donald Trump?
If humans start pointing, shouting “ALIEN,” you could shove out the real human Trump and go back underground for a while.
You must know it’s coming to this. Right now, humans are just looking at psycho humans who are responsible for our two genocides, Trump, Netanyahu, Gates, Fauci, Wellensky, Clinton, to name a few frontliners, and RFK Jr is doing everything he possibly can to get included in that group, but if you aliens are mimicking these psycho humans the humans will eventually find out. I speculate.
Can you help me understand why you aliens predominately select the Jewish people to mimic in human form.
How long is your tongue? It seems to continuously get in your way when you deceitfully mimic humans. Very lizardish.
I’m pinching it off here alien. My subscribers are demanding I keep exposing you shape-shifting aliens. I do it with great joy and as a service to humanity. MAKE HUMANS GREAT AGAIN.
Humans, I have tons of evidence on these THINGS. Keep the pressure on me to keep releasing it. Write, MIKE, I NEED ANOTHER ALIEN FIX in the comment section or when you email me.
The VRR Alien Series HERE.
For the artists, hands and feet are the hardest, after faces of course. So many bones and muscles, so articulate.
I lean strongly to believing that it's the demonic realm that is leaking into our earthly realm....but l am not adverse to the possibility that mankind is facing more than one enemy.
Your thoughts & the visuals you are sharing with us is incredibly thought-provoking. So, yes, as you are able....please keep sharing.
You know, back in the early 1800's there was a Pope who had a vision of Satan conversing with God. Satan was asking God for permission to increase his & his minions attacks on humanity to unprecedented levels. God granted Satan's request but put a time limit on it of 100 years. This vision terrified that Pope (l can't remember his name right now) but he wrote & spoke about his vision often. It is well documented. And it sure seems to me that the last 100 years has certainly been filled with horrific evils that mankind has never experienced before in all of recorded history....
There's also some really weird supernatural occult stuff going on with that huge telescope at the CERN Institute located (l believe) in Sweden/Switzerland? Lots of talk about the openings of inter-dimensional portals to who knows where....
Please keep sharing Mike. You have an incredible brain with fantastic investigative journaling skills.