Hey alien, how come when an alien with creepy hands takes a video of an alien impersonating a human their image doesn’t appear on the camera screen?
Bonus audio. While posting this my office fill us up with a pulsating sound. I record it. Listen in as it moves closer and gets louder. Hello alien.
The VRR Alien Series HERE.
Dear Mike in a Muddle .... no person can tell you what to do about this alien invasion or anything really. Whilst some might be able to guess what’s in that crazy wonderful head of yours, they don't know what’s in your heart, what mission you were sent here to do and what all your gifts and talents are? Only you and your Owl, Demon Slaying Dog, Spirit Guides and God Almighty in the Highest know what your soul has been contracted to do. Of course, your family, friends and doubting Thomas' are concerned about your safety. I bet you're even getting emails from allegedly concerned aliens who are terrified about your 7 year stock-pile of ammo, trying to discourage you from proceeding. I reckon their dirty little claws are shaking in their expensive shoes, like Hilary's were at her 9/11 celebration. It made me laugh when I heard the pathetic excuse of being too hot for her bizarre behaviour, because reptilians are cold blooded creatures incapable of over-heating.
During these times of tribulation, the worst thing ANYONE can do, is to not have the faith to do God's work for the greater good - because they are frightened. That's the best weapon the aliens have for culling Earth's population ATM. First they separate us from God (and each other). Then they create a negative and dangerous environment and feed off our fear and other negative emotions. The sick cowardly fuckers actually get off on it which is why they target our beloved children and elderly in the most heinous ways imaginable.
When each of us confront this common flaw of the ego (which is attached to suffering), in our own unique way by transmuting our ego and trying our best to be happy and positive in everything we think, say and do - no matter how grim things look - then we will not only become INVINCIBLE but we will break the spell/curse they have put on all of humanity instantaneously - without even lifting a little finger!
I concur with you Mike. There's no point wasting our time and energy with corrupt global cult politicians/judges and fake Kings and Queens anymore. Trust me I tried that for decades before it became too dangerous and futile. Its POLISHING A BIG STINKY TURD and falling into the trap they have set for us. Plus, that is not only feeding and rewarding them with our money and votes, but our undivided attention too. Thus, empowering them to continuously keep manifesting themselves and their twisted vision in our lives and three dimensional reality. The opposite of Love is not hate or revenge, but indifference and that's a powerful strategy we can all utilise immediately, like ignoring a wayward child when they are being naughty.
Their reign of terror is OVER and they flippin well know it! It actually finished when the age of Aquarius commenced on 21st January 2013 - really Year 1 of the new world calendar but they lied to us about that as well! We are in the midst of the restoration now, and it won't be long before KARMA KICKS IN, THEY GET THEIR FULL REWARDS and the power will be returned fully to the people. ITS OUR TIME TO SHINE NOW – NOT THEIRS!
I believe the best form of defence is ATTACK - hard and fast. Not in the same repulsive blood-thirty and cowardly way that they did to us with their wicked Covid Scam etc and as the Israel government are currently demonstrating to the world by bombing innocent civilians in Gaza, but by using our powerful spiritual gifts and talents in a positive way to create ripples - not just in the 3rd dimension, but, 4th and 5th too.
I am 100% certain that our own favourite Cosmic Gunslinger wise old Owl (disguised as a ordinary vagabonding bus driver with a cool dog and quirky garden) could decimate ANY of those hideous THINGS on his own in his lunch break, without even breaking a sweat. Why? Cause he is wearing the WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD and has the whole universe cheering him on and protecting him.
Needless to say Mike, you have my blessing and prayers for protection to go forth and with your ALIEN nuking campaign,or anything else you decide to do? I rarely give my carte blanch blessings to anyone, so you can take this as strong confirmation that I trust and have faith in your judgment unconditionally. I am certain God's delight must be in you, but also that he doesn't want you to do it on your own!!!
Consequently I am going to do my upmost to support/assist you and would encourage other good people to do the same. We are heaps more intelligent and powerful than those dumb feeble THINGS and need to act SOON before they strike again with Genocide no. 4 and the next massive financial collapse they have planned for mad March 2024.
I'd like to suggest we compile an ALIEN WANTED LIST and name and shame them all publicly in a scattered multi-prong global internet attack followed-up with a PRAYER BOMB. Then we can all sit back and have a good laugh when their lizard pantomimes starts malfunctioning, whilst they are out about in public at their satanic ceremonies.
I know exactly which major portal the waves of aliens are arriving through (Gate 11) and am ready now to drop the MOTHER OF ALL BOMBS, that will not only explain to all and sundry their wicked motive for setting Muslims against Jews and causing havoc in the Middle East etc, but will expose the next stage of their plan and exactly where their so-called safe-houses/caves/covens are located in the other hemisphere. What this revelation will mean, if they have is sense, is that they will have to CEASE FIRE immediately with their wicked destruction of Gaza etc, cause they will have no where safe to escape to when they have alienated they own citizens and neighbours and are forced to go back to their dark drawing boards in bunkers and start again - if they survive the wrath of God that is???
Dear Mike in a Muddle …. I heard you ask the question in your audio session in Ghost Garden and instantly got the confirmation you sought by way of that unusual sound. So what the F are you waiting for? You have already made a great start anyway, so why stop now when your alien guns are still smoking? Get your next bomb ready as planned and I'll get mine ready too and we'll can drop them together in both hemispheres, along with any one else who wants to join in on the fun?
If there are any good people out there who are keen/able to help Mighty Michael and I kick these pesky aliens butts out of here for once and for all, but for family reasons are concerned about privacy or security, or perhaps don’t want to spoil the element of surprise; I am sure Mike will understand and would be pleased to provide you with a secure alien whistleblower's email address you can safety forward your submissions to.
Power to the people!
Love and peace
Last Xmas, I shock the hand of the Alien which had conducted a midnight mass at a local church. At the end of the service, she stood near the door and shook everyone's hand in the queue before me, on their way out the door. When it came to my turn she looked away, trying fruitlessly to strike-up another conversation with people who had already departed (excuse the pun) and the rude THING left me standing there in front of her for 5 mins before she was forced to face me. I thanked her for an interesting service (which I had witnessed but did not participate in) and held out my hand. I could see that she looked scared shit-less and didn't want any contact with me whatsoever. Was she worried her arm would fall off like Hiliary Clinton's nearly did at her 2016 9/11 celebration?
Anyway, I waited patiently with my hand out stretched, holding up the queue for ages, before she was left with no option. When our hands finally touched, her brown human hand turned into a cold long fingered pale green limp claw (just like a reptiles). And then much to my surprise, it lost control of its flicky tongue and its eyes turned into luminous green slits with black vertical pupils. It was quite a sight to behold an Anglican Priest in their formal gowns, with a lizard head and hands and it was all I could do not to explode into laughter. The human body it had possessed was from Nigeria and had brown eyes before it freaked out and morphed back into its true ugly form. I am just an ordinary mum and wouldn't hurt an ant, yet because I am an Empath I could feel that it was terrified because it knew it would be banished from earth permanently soon after I had exposed its guise, by simply shaking its hand.
BANG BANG ... that's one demonic Alien less, but can't relax yet in the green green grass of home, cause there are many more to go and alas, more arriving. I thought to myself this is going to be a big job and I can't do it on my own, so I had better contact the best and fastest Cosmic Gun Slinger in the Universe, so I sent Mike a message via his cosmic substack asking him if he could please help us rid our planet of these heinous things.