I might add a new name— THE ALIEN REAPER REPORT. Correction. I am adding a new name. I’m sending the request to our graphics department right now.
“The 9/11 Memorial Ceremony airs its 15th edition of the event to honor the September 11, 2001 attack on our nation.” Press release from mainstream media
It’s such an honor to be attacked by these THINGS where 2,996 American’s were murdered on September 11, 2001. That was the kickoff to their slaughter fest. They then took it to the Middle East and slaughtered another million or more.
If you are like me you were shocked by some of the pictures. Disturbed even. Researching this back in 2016 was deeply disturbing for me. You have no idea of the emotions that I went through. I had to keep telling myself, “Calm the fuck down.” The positive take away is I have an advantage. I seen them. At least I felt like it gave me an advantage. Maybe it helps once this thing really goes sideways. And it will. Do you think these are the type of creatures who surrender?
I’ve spent around three hours naming pictures and dumping them into a folder. I’m not done. Maybe two more hours. In a Word doc it is 71 pages with 5,052 words. I feel drained but am anxious to move onto Alien Bomb #2. EXPOSE THEM.
I showed you images at the 9/11 memorial with people walking around with multiple cameras, people with phones held up all around the two candidates, then where are the photos? Why are the only ones on the internet coming from Brendan Smialowski? Who is he? How did the Chez Republic firefighter, Zednka oust out Branden and videotape Hillary being loaded into the van with his phone? And then get labeled a hero.
Did Brendan take that photo on a ladder? Did he take this one of Cuomo?
You’d assume it was taken in the same time frame one. If so why are there two sets of people around Hillary? A common occurrence at this event for Hillary and Trump. And where did her chubby handler go? As I tracked the people using the video and photos it kind of turns into a Where’s Waldo adventure. The photos only show her handler at the beginning, walking back to the van and at the van. And then she suddenly appears.
Glasses on top of her head leaning over talking to the Hillary that is about to have a major malfunction that will eventually blow her right arm off. And that is a real medical crisis. Chelsea’s medical apartment must have some amazing doctors working there.
How come all of the people around Hillary have changed once again? Did Brendan notice this?
Chubby handler not shown in this photo.
More 9/11 mystery. These THINGS keep their hands clasped together most of the time. I believe they know they have trouble holding human form with their hands.
Notice the two knots under his eyes. Very common amongst this group around Hillary and Trump.
Did Brendan take any pictures of alien hands? Like this one.
That should win someone an award. I should get one just for noticing. But, I’m not shaking hands with those THINGS.
Is he working for and with them?
Here are some of his award-winning photos that I am happy to showcase on my Substack.
There’s those knots again.
Wonderful photo of Melania. They really don’t hide. They are right in front of us.
As a photographer running around these THINGS Brendan must have photos of them. BBC News was at the 911 memorial and they must use a different type of camera than the one Brendan uses.
Any chance Mr. Smialowski is Jewish?
And as I shown in yesterday’s article most if not all of the reporters reporting on the 9/11 memorial are Jewish. Isn’t that odd.
The event starts around 8:40-ish-am and twenty-seven minutes later articles on it are spitting out with multiple authors participating on each article. Does it really take three people to write a 1,000-word bullshit article? I could type it up blindfolded in five minutes.
Let’s work fact check the media.
Event starts at 8:40am— they report
Hillary leaves at 9:58am— they report
They publish it at 9:07am
I’m going to have to call bullshit. In your face deception.
In an article from timesofisrael.com titled Jewish White House staffers get emotional during briefing on response to Hamas massacre Brendan is there as the chosen photographer. The date is October 10, 2023.
President pledges the full support of the United States. It is quite the ass licking for Israel, a must read. Near the bottom I learn something. Americans are trapped in Israel. They can’t fly out. The article claims Israel had to provide flights for American’s who wanted to leave. Israel rescuing American’s from Israel.
The only way to leave is to fill out an online form. I went there to fill out the online form for someone who might be trapped there and it took me here.
It’s all bullshit coming from these THINGS. A big fucking lie and Brendan was once again there to photograph it.
Link to the entire VRR alien series HERE.
That is a VERY STRANGE .. make that HIGH Strange post.. I also have a good friend who wrote an amazing post about 9/11 and NO KIDDING! Hillary Clinton and the FBI went after him personally. Keep up the strange work. I have been working on more mundane issues like reviewing all the double billing on my account (SCRIBD for one which was cancelled because I had the "Wuhan virus" and in fact that very blog about 9/11 which is what caused my SCRIBD account to be "scrubbed" and out of the blue.. somehow. (tough times) it got self renewed in August of this year and I didn't notice it until I talked my credit card company said I was getting all kinds of debits. In the personal news.. I think I may have mentioned the final dear life long friend I met when I was 5 .. yes FIVE years old died 12 days ago.. the third of the three very good friends long time LIFE time friends died recently;; the kind of friends who only come once in one's lifetime. You take care. I will be back on.. :) Hope you have Merry Christmas and if I don't post again until after the New Year .. 2024 should be a lot better be safe.. the news says Seattle is a not the safest place in the world but I have friends who live there.. (who are very substantially well off.. let's put it that way) so. My son just got back from a Lake Erie and bought a truck; he said the out in Pennsylvania near Lake Erie the world is "normal" like it used to be in the halcyon days of his youth in Virginia. So.. it is the bird's eye view after all. I hope you are doing well.. I am going to play it safe until the end of this year: LITERALLY. I will get on Twitter and read some Substack.. and back to trying to sort out all these gnat bites of money grubbers which adds up.. you know like that app on TV (I don't use the smart phone) which says it gets rid of duplicate "subscriptions" etc. I am not a bean counter so it hasn't been fun but I am least attempting to pay attention now that my "vision" as in visual acuity is mostly restored.
Take care! Isabell
Damm Mike, You've got me real creeped out here. I do remember hearing a physicist talk several times in length about how the WTC bldg destruction cannot be explained with what is known in physics. Aside from this, I have always wondered why "humans" (???) like Upchuck Shumer, Feinstein, etc, want to spend their golden years in politics, working, when they could hang it up, dote on the grand kids, sea cruises, etc.