What if these parasitical aliens are as dumb as a rock. Look at our world leaders, our government. I’d say the evidence is there to support that. I wonder how they liked Alien Bomb #1. I’m certain a few of them read it.
I changed my backdrop on my computer to the above photo while I work on these alien reports. I got my digital clean up done and Alien Bomb #1 is neatly tucked away in a folder, but I found more images that should be shown. I’ll slide them in down the road. I want to move on to Alien Bomb #2. My desktop is once again covered in photo images of aliens mimicking human form. They are good but not that good. Our technology can easily capture them if you know what to look for. I’ve been looking at them since July 15, 2015. They have serious problems with their hands and you should clearly be able to see it in my images I captured. Your hands don’t morph, shrink, grow digits, miss digits, change color, have severe gashes, or do they?
Does your tongue shoot out of your mouth when you’re standing or walking? It will all be on Alien Bomb #2 for your alien perusal.
While getting the selected images off the video I could hear an owl outside.
I’m not surprised my friends stop by. I credit them. The owls let me see with their eyes. They don’t like these fucking THINGS. And they don’t like the dumbfucks in secret societies using their image.
If I were them I’d be very, very, very aftaid to die. And that last sentence might need a few more very’s added to it. Don’t fuck around with the owl in the Supernatural world.
There is a debate on the internet. Is Trump a Freemason? He is 100% Freemason. I have no doubt about it. He does all of their goofy handshakes and signals. I will show it in Alien Bomb #2. So he’d be one of the dumbfucks fucking around with the owl in the Supernatural. It may seem cool to you now but you ain’t living forever. Then Der Reaper comes.
I placed the recorder on the window seal figuring I’d shut it off in five minutes. Something happened. I downloaded the audio this morning and I see the recorder ran for one hour and thirty minutes. I must have gotten so involved in my project I completely lost track of time.
I don’t have time to review the entire session but there is something amazing in this session. I appear to be talking to someone. I don’t ever recall talking during the session. I was silently hunting for aliens in a video. I found them too.
I reviewed it up to 21 minute mark. I’ve isolated a few of the files and did my best with the translation. I think I looped each audio file X3. I always find it overly strange to record my own voice talking as a spirit rather than a conscious human, but very intriguing. Who am I talking to?
The first voice I capture is someone saying “The Vatican.” There’s a strong belief the Vatican is Satanic and houses deceptive alien beings known as Reptilians. I’ll speculate the spirit is pointing me to a location housing these deceptive THINGS.
I believe I looped all files X3.
Time point 08:00.
10:53—This is a computer. (Me)
11:32— In this audio a spirit says, “DEATH,” then I reply. I can’t translate it.
12:16—Unkown sound
12:52—It’s ok Mike. (m)
13:17—One coming down. (m)
18:57--Are you killing? Keep away. (This might be me)
19:06—This is real. (f)
20:10—Mike (m)
At 2:30 I’m awoken by a strange sound outside. I record it for around five minutes and the go outside and play the chase that sound game. It ain’t no natural sound, I know that.
I’ll be working on Alien Bomb #2. It starts out with this Donald Trump audio file. Some of these THINGS are pretty good actors. They are all over Hollywood.
Link to the entire VRR alien series HERE
🎶 Born to be wild..........
Trump that is horrible.