Dec 14, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

very disappointing to hear subscribers lost since genocide #2

and they were hitting the skies down here yesterday morning as well or was it two mornings ago -- was two mornings ago, just check my photos and they are an awful checkerboard in the sky.

why can we not know what the hell they are spraying up there?

I think it is very likely that much of this illness going around is attributable to the spraying

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

Have there been genocides from the beginning of time?

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the Bible, book of Genesis chapters 6-9

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

It's part of life I guess. Lions try to kill hyenas, and hyenas try to kill lions, to extinction I guess if they could. I know that coyotes try to kill off the red foxes in their territory and wolves try to kill off the coyotes. Some primitive instinct gets triggered in the brains of these mis-guided and mislabeled 'elites' to exterminate what they consider competition for territory.

What we are calling 'religion' these days might have organic roots in the same instinct to dominate territory. Of course people like to name the Abrahamic type religions as prime examples of ethnic cleansing and genocide, but history is full of examples going back as far as we can tell. People always try to 'clear' a space, sanctify it and make it a 'safe' space to grow in, not much different than plants that try to choke off other plants.

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Very interesting........

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I know, right?

I should write one of those books that no one reads.

It would have to start out with my youth growing up on a farm with 6 brothers.

Eventually it occurred to me, "these guys really would prefer it if I were dead".

A traditional farm is given to either the oldest son, or to the most Machiavellian son.

The natural instinct in either case is to clear off the other siblings much like mountain lions

do. The farther away the better.

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A lot more going on beneath the surface.

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Oh, yea. There is.

It might explain the reason for allowing the huge influx of illegal immigrants too.

We're told that they are "fighting age men" invading our territory.

That kind of thing triggers the primitive instinct to attack the competitor for territory.

They are trying to awaken a Mordlust (desire to kill).

Instincts and 'righteousness' are often

indistinguishable. It's like the early Christian church. Most people could not for the life of them

distinguish between the Arian Christians and the orthodox Trinitarians, but it was a convenient

excuse to persecute one and other; complete with either banishment or death sentence for heresy.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Mike Huggins

I love it both with and without the face! Very cool work there!!

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Me too. I'm torn.

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That's terrible that people are dying all around us and still most people have a brick-wall of denial about it. I believe that the vaxxinated are the ones getting sick too. My boss is sick as a dog, lasting more than a week, and he's pretty up to date on his death shots. Mayo Clinic employees are well

trained that way.

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