So,, yes.. I looked this guy up.. and there ya go.. :) Shah earned a BA in philosophy from Vanderbilt University and MD from the University of Toledo Health Science Center. He completed Internal Medicine residency, General Medicine/Primary Care fellowship, and an MPH in management and policy sciences at The University of Texas Health Science Center. During his training, he also completed an international health policy internship at World Health Organization headquarters in Switzerland...

WHO.. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION .. yep. bingo.. he was normal and somehow got WOKE.. looking at his "bio".. he has no excuses since he was in Texas... and in Ohio.. which has a huge woke crowd there.. wow.

I thought to myself: wow.. just like my mother warned about (she was born in Germany).. there are two places you NEVER WANT TO BE IN A WAR or PLANNED TRIPLE DEMIC. (we heard too.. the triple fecta outbreak of RSV (a cold), the Flu (the flu) and oh yeah. oh baby its cold outside, whatever,, back to my mother's wise words: CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS (prisons) or HOSPITALS.. and now we know why .. I have known my whole life, like you mentioned before.. psych hospitals.. post: once you are check in the People or those "in charge" can literally regulate everything you do.. down to the time you go the bathroom to every morsel of food you put in your mouth as well as force you to wear clothing which is issues\d by that "institution".. THE POST QUOTING Dr. Shah.. saying mask mandates are in place in such institutions. Yep.. wow..yes all lives matter.. :) have a great Sunday. I liked your EXTRA EXTRA read all about it post.. :) Have a great Sunday. I didn't even feel like turning on my laptop today because it is just such hassle to use it,, but anyway.. back to the post.. and here I am .. reading your post.. thx.. isabell

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