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Do journalists lie?

Let's listen to a couple

Here is an interview with Pullitzer Prize winner Evan Vucci talking about his busy day at the Trump assassination on July 13th, 2024 at 6:11:33. What really struck me in the video is Evan’s eye shifts. They shift more than the crowd behind Trump and I’ll show you that in my next post.

There is a belief that shifting eyes can detect when a person is lying. If the eyes shift to the right the person is going off imagery recall. If they shift to the left there is no imagery to support what the person is saying so they could be lying.

There is another belief that pupil dilation may indicate if a person is lying.

I added Evans eye shifts both to the right and to the left in the translation. His pupil dilation is obvious.


Evan: Today I was  photographing


 former president trump

 at a campaign rally here in Butler Pennlysvannia. Ah  I was right in front of the stage, directly in front the stage. It was a normal rally, Uhm, you know I've done it hundreds of times, and ah, over my left shoulder

I heard several, several

 pops and I knew

 immediately it was gun fire. (all other eyewitnesses thought firecrackers except Evan) so I looked at the stage and I saw the Secret Service agents rushing to ah president trump. Ah, from that moment I I ran to the stage and I started photographing the agents on top of him. And then off to my right I saw ah secret service counter assault team arrive uhm and then I ran to the other side of the stage and they picked president trump up and then as ah he's walking, ah walking  down the ramp he started fist pumping to the crowd waving. uhm,  I did notice see had blood coming down his face and you could see in the photos. Uhm, the agents took him down the ramp and they put him into an SUV and again as he was getting to the SUV he also started pumping his fists again. So, I'm not sure

how long it was from beginning to end but uhm

 you know in my mind it was it all happened

 really fast. At the moment I heard the shots being fired I knew that this was a moment in American history had to be documented and it's our job as journalists to do this work.

Evan says it all happened really fast. I think I calculated it out to be just shy of three minutes from the time of the shot until they load Trump and his out of control fist into the number 13 SUV. That’s fast but Evan and Julie are really super fast journalists.

Julie has time to do this interview in a dark parking lot, go back to her hotel room, edit in Evan’s iconic photographs and get this published at 10:55PM. Keep in mind Evan took a photo of a television in a bar that evening, assume it was after the event and probably at the airport. The photo shows Fox News—Breaking News—Moments Ago—and there’s a picture of Evan’s iconic photo of Trump Freemason fist pumping. How does he explain that?

Interesting Evan says it was just a normal rally. How could it be just a normal rally when supposedly guns or firecrackers are going off. People are supposedly being shot. A satanist priest performs a ritual over a supposed dead body while the dead man’s daughter is simulating oral sex on a man just a few feet away from her dead father. Meanwhile in the other bleachers there is more simulated oral sex where a man was supposedly shot twice, and he walks off the stage in no discomfort and no bleeding. Try and convince me this is a normal political rally.

And Julie was also interviewed at the show and what this award-winning journalist says is revealing or just a big I forgot a minor detail. She doesn’t mention Cory Comperatore. She is the only person that I have found who does not mention Cory while describing the event. She mentions the other two injured but not the most severely injured person at the event. How could she possibly have left this detail out?

Watch her youtube interview here.

Six days after the show AP who employees Evan and Julie do a write up on how they managed to get Evan’s iconic photo out so fast. They don’t explain how Merrideth O’Rourke got the photo before 6:11pm and used it on her gofundme account for the victims that weren’t victims yet.

Article here.

Here’s an example of Evan and Julie’s journalistic speed on July 13th after 6:11:33pm.

I’m going out on a limb here, probably not, God hates the USA especially after July 13th 2024. Thank you God for cursing the USA. We deserve it. If you plan on blowing it up, sending it to hell, please allow me a chance to get off the narrow pathway before you do. Thank You.

If anyone has proof that God loves the USA please email it to me at I’ve been alive for almost 64 years and I’ve never found any proof God loves this country, only proof He hates this country. The man who wrote God Bless America was a satanic Freemason Jewish Zionist. That is easily provable.

It’s 9:11.

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Mike Huggins